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Wages of Sin ( Cin Craven book 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
46 of 230
Wages of Sin (Cin Craven Book 1)
Jenna MacLaine

Dulcinea Macgregor Craven is the only child of a wealthy English viscount. She is also a natural witch, one of a long line of Macgregor witches on her mother's side. When her parents are killed in a carriage accident, Dulcie doesn't think her life can get much worse. Then an old childhood friend returns to the country a little bit differently than he left and vows that nothing will stop him from possessing her and her magic.

In a desperate attempt to save her life, Dulcie summons a trio of vampires called The Righteous to her aid. With the help of The Righteous and four human friends, Dulcie attempts to thwart her enemy's plans to capture her and use her magic for his own evil purposes.

Even as she falls in love for the first time, Dulcie realizes that she may have to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to save the world.

I absolutely loved this book historical fiction meets urban fantasy just couldn’t put it down. Dulci is brilliant and I love the Righteous especially Justine. Not what I was expecting at all. As Dulcie becomes CIN she develops more and into a much stronger character and female lead! I’m hoping to learn more on the werewolf “woof” in the next book.

Sharpie0499 (114 KP) rated Avengers: Infinity War (2018) in Movies

Jul 9, 2018 (Updated Jul 9, 2018)  
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Best Marvel film yet (2 more)
Thanos and Black Order were the most terrifying villains yet
Ended on cliffhanger so am excited for Part 2
Felt a bit slow in some parts (0 more)
Best Marvel Film Yet!!!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Overall, Infinity War was the most powerful Marvel film to date; not just because of the powerful superheroes, but because it was able to fill you with adrenaline during fight scenes, fill you with hope when seeing lovers reunited, and wrench at your heartstrings during those difficult to watch, depressing scenes all in one movie. The casting was brilliantly done: Ebony Maw had me internally reeling just at the sight of him, and don't even get me started on Thanos. When seeing Thanos in previous Marvel films, it was obvious he was a threat to humanity but I never really felt afraid of him. But in the first scene when Hulk is beating up Thanos, you think, 'Yes, Hulk! Smash!' But then Thanos decides to turn it around, causing Hulk to be so afraid of Thanos throughout the entire film that he won't let Bruce turn into him. This is because Hulk knows Thanos can beat him, possibly even kill him. When I was sitting in the cinema, watching Scarlet Witch see Thanos for the first time at the end of the film and seeing her genuine terror just at the sight of him (though she could probably sense his powers with her magic) it got me thinking of what I would do in their situation. And I know humanity would have no chance against him, even without the infinity stones, and that he would just destroy us. Anyway, on a happier note, I was thrilled to see Scarlet Witch and Vision together when they were in Scotland. But then Marvel had to go and crush our hearts by having Thanos kill Vision. What really broke my heart was how Vision told Scarlet Witch, 'I love you,' just before he died and then Scarlet Witch's face when she turned into dust or sand or whatever the hell that was. It looked like she was almost relieved to become nothing after Vision's death (I'm probably just reading into that). What also nearly killed me was Rocket's reaction to Groot turning into dust/sand; and the scene on Titan when Spiderman turns into dust/sand. Anyway, this Marvel film beats all others out of the park with the more intense fight choreography, the terrifying villains, and the superheroes banding together and joining forces to beat a common enemy. I'm excited to see a certain new superhero join the team (Captain Marvel) and am counting down the days till May 2019 so I can see the conclusion to Infinity War!
Brokenhearted: The Power of Darkness
Brokenhearted: The Power of Darkness
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In this 396 page love story, its clear to see why the Touched Saga has become so popular. Unlike the previous books before it, this one takes place around Gemma. The first half has you feeling sorry for Gemma and even teary eyes. Whereas the last half leaves you breathless and anxious. I found that the whole book kept me on edge. With new information and new ways to think about things, I can't help but be left in a state of amazement and stupor. Don't get me wrong, each book thus far has left me with a lot of new ways of thinking of things, but this book has left my mind boggled and my heart gripped in a vice.

I had first though this was taking on another Twilight Sage feel, with Gemma being all dressed and even making it seem the love interests will change in a way. This might have been slightly annoying at first. Even though I love Evan and all his character stands for and often wanted to cry a bit myself, I couldn't help but have that feeling it might have been inspired by the Twilight Saga. I was glad I held my breath though. I understand that the depression and what not had to be endured as it was crucial to learning more about Gemma and her role in everything. And though it seemed slow moving at first, it wasn't long before things began to piece together.

Learning that Gemma wasn't as mortal as she appeared to be, even with her ability to see things she shouldn't, was quite unrealistic and not exactly what I expected. I had thought maybe she was an angel as well, but to find out she was a witch left me breathless. I was intrigued to learn more about witches and how Hell works was quite a breath taking experience. I hadn't ever thought to Hell being a beautiful but twisted place to reside. I found that I quite enjoyed learning about the Souls residing in Hell as well as how it worked. The details on the different souls, the wildlife, and different things that can be found in Hell were truly awe inspiring. I was floored by how the images Amore had given me through her details of Hell and the Souls that resided there. I especially loved how the level of humanity also determined how the Souls lived and how some of them can be grouped up and live in villages together. To see how the way one mortal lives to be the determinating factor in how their soul is affected in Hell. I was just truly amazed to how it all worked and how the Witches would take claim to the Angels they managed to capture and how that Witch blood could lead to ecstasy to the Souls in their realm was a concept that was new to me, and I loved it.

We all know that we have that one person we would do anything to keep by our side and to watch Gemma be willing to become a full fledged witch in order to save Evan was truly liberating. I couldn't help but be moved by this sacrifice she was willing to make. To see how her love could allow her to see the deceptions and give her courage to stand against Sohpia, or Lucifer, was truly encouraging and proving her character has grown stronger and even more brave than she had when the series started. I was just excited by her actions and her willingness to do whatever it took to keep her Evan close to her, no matter what.

Overall, Brokenhearted was a truly amazing book. I would rate it five stars out of five stars. I firmly believe that out of the series thus far, this has to be my favorite book. It not only allowed the reader to see how much Gemma would do for her love, but brought up Hell and all the interesting concepts Amore had thought of where Witches and Souls acted in Hell.
Princess of souls
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book: Princess of Souls
Author: Alexandra Christo
Genre: Fantasy
Number of Pages: 352
Published: October 11th 2022
Main Characters: Selestra and Nox

I loved the fantasy novel Princess of Souls by Alexandra Christo. It was a great read. I decided to read it because it sounded intresting. I also chose to read this novel because I love retellings. I really love the cover too it's what caught my attention and pulled me in. The book starts off slow but slowly starts to get intresting a couple chapters in. Three important characters in this book are the heir Selestra Somniatis, Seryth king of the Six Isles, sand Officer Nox Laederic of Thánatos regiment. Officer Nox Laederic is the king's favorite. Also King Serth had been trying to conquer Southerisle Polemistes is the only one left not bowing down to king after he killed their king. When Officer Nox goes to make the bargain with the king his prediction shows his and Selestra Somniatis death. I hope you enjoy reading this book I sure did.

Now here's some important quotes from the start of the book so I don't spoil the rest of the book for y'all:

1. "I can tell someone when they're going to die. All I need is a lock of hair and their soul."..."That's the job of a Somiatis Witch."

Thoughts on the quote: This job seems interesting but must be hard

2. "At sixteen, I'm still just an heir to my true power, waiting for the day I inherit my family's magic."

Thoughts on this quote: It must be really hard to wait for your true self to kick in.

3. "Somniatis witches are like siphons. We draw in energy and let it pass through us. Energy like death that we call into our veins and let wet our lips. It's what gives us our visions and allows us to take the soulsof the doomed and pour them into the king.
It's cursed magic but it's the only magic left in the six Isles.
My family saw to that."

This quote is important.

4. "Heirs to magic are useless until they reach their eighteenth birthday and are bound to the king by the blood oath, ready to be taught the true essence of magic and trained to take over once the old witch dies. Until then I am Irrelevant."

Thoughts: It must be hard.

5. "Each year only two hundred are allowed to enter into the bargain and risk their souls."

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Jun 5, 2022  
Do you love you some time travel romantic suspense? If so, check out the STEALING TIME series by KJ Waters. There's also an awesome playlist to accompany the series on my blog. Be sure to enter the giveaway for a chance to win an eBook of the novella "Blow" by KJ Waters or signed copies of all three books in the "Stealing Time" series in a swag bag as well as a $25 Amazon gift card.

A devastating hurricane. A time travel betrayal. Will Ronnie survive the witch hunt or forever be lost in time?

Stealing Time is the first book in the “breathtakingly original” Stealing Time Series of time travel wrapped in a hurricane. If you like strong-willed modern women and gripping stories that transport you back in time, then you’ll love KJ Water's Books.

As Hurricane Charley churns a path of destruction towards Orlando, Florida, Ronnie Andrews scrambles to prepare for the storm and seeks shelter at her boyfriend’s weather lab. What she finds there is more terrifying than Mother Nature's destruction.

During the peak of the hurricane, Ronnie is hurtled back in time to eighteenth-century London where she is caught in a web of superstition, deception, and lies in a life and death struggle to return to her own time.

Her best friend Steph is thrust into the middle of the hurricane, where it quickly turns into a living nightmare as she is faced with losing everything.