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Grantchester - Season 4
Grantchester - Season 4
2019 |
A transitional season really as the main character Sidney Chambers is only in part of it. Missing some of the other main characters from other series as well as a result. It's still an ok watch although it doesn't quite have the feeling of the other earlier series.
Broadchurch  - Season 3
Broadchurch - Season 3
2017 | Drama
New type of storyline to previous seasons (5 more)
Fantastic acting. Especially from Tennant and Coleman
Twist upon twist left you guessing
Kept the Culprit secret until the final epeisode
Ended on a positive note, leaving it open to a renewal in the future
A true return to form
Lacked some of the conviction of season one (1 more)
Had a hard job of matching it's previous seasons success. Just slightly missing the mark
A fitting final season
Supernatural Season 13
Supernatural Season 13
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Scoobynatural (4 more)
Jensen ackles
Jared padalecki
Mischa Collins
Wayward sisters
No Crowley (1 more)
No wayward sisters show
For me the highlight of the season is the scooby doo episode and it works bring Sam and Dean into the scooby doo world. plus the introduction of the wayward sisters as a possible spinoff shame never happened. Overall not bad season only thing missing is Crowley king of hell but it doesn't matter cause going to supernatural convention in Birmingham UK and mark Shepard is one of the guests
Sense8  - Season 2
Sense8 - Season 2
2017 | Sci-Fi
A deeper exploration of the world (2 more)
Character development for those neglected in the first series
Hugely addictive
It's slower and a bit clumsier than season 1 (0 more)
A decent follow up but doesn't match the first series
This is a decent follow up to the first season but it just doesn't quite match up. The story is still great and so are the characters but there was something missing from this season. It's great to get resolution to some stories carried over from season 1 and there's more questions thrown up by the introduction of other Sense8s, which creates a much deeper world that's begging to be explored.

While it might not be up to the standards of the first season there was no reason for Netflix not to renew the contract, I'm pretty sure a third season would've been able to wrap up everything nicely and satisfyingly. Thankfully, the fans came out in force and Netflix and the Wachowski's have managed to negotiate a feature length episode to finish the story. Hopefully it'll be the story Sense8 deserves
Rick and Morty  - Season 3
Rick and Morty - Season 3
2016 | Animation
If yo (0 more)
Geeky warped fun
If you've never seen Rick and Morty your missing out. Season 3 continues the theme of bad hunter and cool sci-fi twist all wrapped up in a great cartoon.
Rick and Morty is about a Space+time scientist and his grandson who go on various adventures battleling aliens and alter egos.
The Walking Dead  - Season 2
The Walking Dead - Season 2
2011 | Drama
An engaging second season
Contains spoilers, click to show
The second season of The Walking Dead gets a bad wrap at times. Upon many a half drunken discussion in the pub about various nerdy franchises, TWD always crops up, and people always seem to mention season 2 as a weak season. (Usually people who are yet to watch seasons 7-8...)

I am extremely fond of this season. It's fairly slow but that's really not a bad thing. It devotes a lot of time to fleshing out the ensemble cast, and concentrates a lot on internal conflicts within the group.

The series starts with one of the children, Sophia, going missing after a zombie horde shuffles towards our heroes as they hide in a freeway under cars (a classic tense TWD scene).
Sophia, understandably scared, decides to run instead of hide, and the group sets off to find her. During their search, Rick's young son Carl is accidentally shot, and the group find medical help at a nearby farm.
And said farm is where the rest of the season takes place.

We're introduced in this season to fan favourites such as Hershel (literally my favourite TWD character of all time), Maggie, and Beth, adding some great characters to an already strong cast.
The conflict between Rick and Shane comes to a head as the season progresses, resulting in some really tense scenes.

The mid point of season 2 contains one of the best scenes to ever grace TWD. As the suspect barn at the bottom on Hershels farm is opened against his will, and well, the end of the episode contains a revelation that gave me goosebumps. For a show about zombies, it's really powerful television at times.

The finale is predictable zombie chaos, but it's a lot of gory fun, and leaves you hankering for season 3, even if we lose a couple of great characters along the way.