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Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
BB-8 (2 more)
Harrison Ford
Return to practical effects instead of an over excess of cgi
There's an element of truth in the "it's an identi-kit plot" charge (0 more)
It's no coincidence that one of the earliest lines in the film is 'this will make everything right'.

The first Post-Disney acquisition film in the Star Wars saga, this one had a lot of expectation on its shoulders: it had to appease those who felt 'sold out' by the prequels (i.e. largely those who grew up with the originals) while also had to appeal to a whole new generation. In other words, it had quite a tightrope to walk.

A tightrope which, by and large, it does so successfully.

It's not perfect: JJ Abrams sets up a lot of questions which Rian Johnson would later deem irrelevant (in The Last Jedi), while elements of the plot are, shall we say, more than a little familiar, but by and large...

Lexi (8 KP) rated Netflix in Apps

Aug 29, 2018  
Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.7 (589 Ratings)
App Rating
Great selection of TV and films (1 more)
Can download programmes
Sometimes forgets where you've watched to (0 more)
I have lost count of the amount of series I have binge watched on Netflix now.
I initially was just just going to use the one month free so I would be able to finish watching The Originals but, low and behold, almost two years in I'm still watching.
The selection of TV shows and films are great. They're often things I've meant to watch but haven't had a chance to yet but there they are.
Downloading programmes for on the go is definitely a plus. I like to have a few in my tablet in case I get stuck anywhere or the Internet where I'm staying isn't the greatest.
Only drawback is sometimes Netflix forgets exactly where you were in a programme of you switch between devices (start watching on the tablet and then resume on the TV later). It's such a trivial complaint however that it hasn't put me off.
Deep Blue Sea 2 (2018)
Deep Blue Sea 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
ok, I wasn't going to watch this one because sequels like these, I find, tend to be worse than the originals. Someone wanted me to check it out so, against my better judgements, I did. What I found was a watered down(pun intended) version of the first film(which I really liked and enjoyed). The cinematography wasn't too bad with some decent effects but the acting was weak and the storyline was too. It was very predictable and had your typical Hollywood leave-it-open-for-a-sequel ending(something the original didn't do). This could've been a stand alone film except for the glaring similarities in characters and plot(only on a much lower budget). I don't think I'll be watching the third one. Honestly, you wouldn't be missing anything if you didn't see this one yourselves. Just go watch the first one again. Much more entertaining. NOT worth a watch.
Ash vs Evil Dead  - Season 1
Ash vs Evil Dead - Season 1
2015 | Action, Comedy, Horror
Brings new life to the franchise (0 more)
I have never enjoyed horror films so when a friend convinced me to watch Ash vs Evil Dead, a continuation of a classic horror film reviving both tha characters and their actors into a new chapter of the Evil Dead story, I was expecting to enjoy it. I went into the show with minimal knowledge other than the fact that it was horror based and the film remake they had done a few years back. Surprisingly one episode turned into two and he next thing I know I had finished the entire first season. I also enjoyed that he show took the time to show flashbacks to the originals films so that viewers who haven’t see them could still know the history of the series before the show while also moving forward and past that history. In fact I plan to watch the original films now and I look forward to the continuation of the television series as well. I seriously recommend everyone to give the film a chance.