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Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer
Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer
2021 | Crime, Documentary, Mystery
And finally, the most recent addition, from January this year, another 4 parter that is over and done in 3 hours, which plays like a long movie when watched as intended in one sitting. The case of the Night Stalker is another well documented case most people will have at least heard of. If, like me, you knew nothing of the crimes, motives and man behind it up front, then this is a jaw dropping addition to the genre that serves as a slice of history that has a strong sense of place and time, and how a community could be terrorised over a period knowing a killer was at large in their neighbourhood.

The point of difference here is mostly hearing the case explained from the direct point of view of the detectives at the centre of the manhunt. It seems that a killer so indiscriminate in choosing his victims, and so random in how he killed them, is very difficult to catch. With no distinct modus operandi – it seemed like a real demon was on the loose, satisfying his dark needs on a whim. An excruciating thought! And the truth of the man behind it is even more disturbing in reality. As with Bundy, this one is compelling because of the cult of personality and media involvement. Almost a little short if anything, but probably the main model for dozens more shows like it in coming years. 4 x 45 mins, the perfect binge package.
Changed (The Made Ones Saga #2)
Changed (The Made Ones Saga #2)
Vicki Stiefel | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
loving this series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in The Made Ones Saga, and you really should read book one, Altered, before this one. It does overlap/intertwine some with this one, and you need to hear from Kit at points along the way where it does.

Bree is Kit's sister. She has awakened on Eleutia, and finds herself at Catamount. Gato is Alpha Cat. These two butt heads a lot here, especially in the beginning but Gato soon becomes wise to Bree and her antics.

We catch up with Kit and Rafe, and what their scientists have discovered, and some more information about why Eleutia is dying, and more importantly, HOW comes to light. Still can't quite see where THAT's all going though!

Gato and Bree are perfect for each other, they really are, especially as Bree bonds with the cubs, which is unheard of for a non-cat. I loved that it took time for them to come together, to fully form their friendship, before they jump into bed with each other.

Gato does something here, which wasn't ideal, but all parties were in agreement and I'm intrigued as to how Kes manages to get free, hoping we find in the next book!

We discover what has happened to the third sister, Sybi, and how she comes to be in the land of the CastOuts. And her story begins right at the end of this one.

It's been a while since I read the first book (Aug 2019) so it took me a little bit of time to catch up with who all the major players were, and what was going on, but not long, and I thoroughly enjoyed Bree and Gato's story.

Wonderful series so far, I can't wait for Sybi's book!

4 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Plot and the Pendulum
The Plot and the Pendulum
Jenn McKinlay | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Cold Case Become Very Hot Again
It’s October in Briar Creek, and local gossip is stirring thanks to the return to town of William Dorchester whose ex-girlfriend vanished a few weeks after marrying someone else. But Lindsey Norris, director of the local library, is more interested in the books that he is donating to the library. The catch is, she needs to pack them up from the Dorchester mansion on the edge of town, a mansion that seems to be trying to creep Lindsey and her friends out even before they make a shocking discovery. Can Lindsey figure out what is going on?

This book is perfect for its October release day. It’s got a spooky edge to it, but fans of the series don’t need to worry, we still have plenty of laughs and fun with the characters we know. I appreciate how the large cast is balanced with some of them given more page time, but everyone making an appearance. The pacing of the plot was a bit uneven, with a bit too much set up leading to an abrupt climax. Still, along the way, we get some fun surprises and suspects. As always, we get some good extras for a book club meeting like Lindsey hosts at the library. If you are looking for a slightly spooky book filled with fun, be sure to pick this one up.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you're looking for a light, fluffy, nerdy contemporary romance then this is the book for you. It's the perfect book if you have a book hangover or just to get your mind off of things.

After being embarrassed in the 6th grade, our main character decides to hide the fact that she likes comic books. Instead, she puts her effort into becoming popular and a cheerleader. Although she still reads comics, she buys them digitally and only reads them in the secrecy of her room so that no one will catch her. That all changes one day when the final issue of one of her favourite comics is printed... only in paper and her issue is back-ordered for weeks. Maddie must go to the local comic store to buy the issue in person and risk being seen by someone she knows.

This book follows Maddie on her journey of acceptance, being true to who she is, and learning how to treat others. I personally related to Logan, the boy who works in the comic book shop, a lot more than I did to Maddie. As a proud nerd, I don't have a problem telling people that I like video games, comic books, roleplays, cons, sci-fi, etc. If your friends don't accept you for who you truly are, then they aren't your true friends. At times, the way that Maddie treated the people in her life was pretty bad and she tended to be incredibly selfish so I couldn't connect to her as much, but I could completely see how others might if they've faced the same fear of being open about a certain aspect of themselves.

Overall, this cute, fluffy book was the perfect read between my two series binges. I consider contemporaries to be great palate cleansers that help you easily transition between a world-building heavy high-fantasy and your next read, get over a book hangover, or just refresh your reading if you're in a book slump.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Intelligence Check (Dungeons and Dating #3) in Books

May 17, 2022 (Updated Jun 19, 2023)  
Intelligence Check (Dungeons and Dating #3)
Intelligence Check (Dungeons and Dating #3)
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
INTELLIGENCE CHECK is the third book in the Dungeons and Dating series, and it's time for Mase and Hunter. I was 'slightly' excited at the thought of this book and, let me tell you, I was not disappointed.

Mase is a perfect little ray of sunshine... on the outside. Inside, he is dealing with the loss of his twin sister, all the feelings that encompasses, plus normal things like trying to finish school and pay all his bills. Hunter, on the other hand, keeps himself to himself. He doesn't ask much of anyone, knowing all too well the feeling of being let down.

These two! Oh, my days. I love them so much. Two perfect-for-each-other puzzle pieces that slot together with ease. Well, not too much ease, because there's the whole 'issues from the past' to contend with, but you get my meaning. They do have their issues to deal with but they do the mature thing, in that they give each other space when needed, no matter how painful it may be, and communicate with each other.

It's a slow-burn romance in that Hunter isn't prepared to take advantage of Mason when he's drunk. Mason thinks he's been rejected by Hunter, and then Hunter thinks the same when Mason doesn't mention it again. Remember I said they communicated? Yeah, well, maybe not so much to begin with! 😆

This was a fantastic addition to the series that also let me catch up with Roxie and Mel, plus Cal and Julian. Now, I just need to know what's going on with Kelly! A brilliant book that I have no hesitation in highly recommending!!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 12, 2022
The Baby Question: Paranormal Mpreg Short Stories
The Baby Question: Paranormal Mpreg Short Stories
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE BABY QUESTION is a follow-up that combines the Tangled Tentacles series and the Assassins To Order series with five short stories that all happen in a relatively short amount of time.

I enjoyed all of them - and the catch-up - but some more than others. And I found myself either agreeing or disagreeing more strongly than I had anticipated! For example, I really disliked how Markov's kraken basically played them until it became clear, but I liked him when he sided with Magnus. Then it was Kelvin who was out of favour. Marvin's miracle birth was absolutely perfect for him and I can understand how it would raise questions for those who either don't want children at all or those that don't want them yet.

All in all, this was a great short read that has just made me want to return to their world again and again, but with longer stories. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 13, 2023
White Water (Ryder Bay #5)
White Water (Ryder Bay #5)
Jordan Ford | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
White Water (Ryder Bay #5) by Jordan Ford
White Water is the epilogue finale novella in the Ryder Bay series, and my word, do we go out with a bang!

In this book, you catch up with all the main couples from the previous books. It is Spring Break, and things aren't going according to plan. Life is changing for our young couples, and they are left feeling very uncertain about what their future holds. Some have to decide about college, some have more personal decisions to make. Whichever, it makes for a gripping book.

Don't just enjoy what is written in the main part of the book though. Once you reach the end, carry on reading, and you will find further snippets, just to give you that final fulfilment, on how Ms Ford sees their futures going. It was perfect. I loved all of them, plus hearing about the plans for the new series.

If I had one 'bad' thing to say (and it's not really bad, just my personal opinion), I would have loved to have known if Hayes and Jace continued their friendship as they matured. In fact, I'd just love more of Hayes, please!

If you've read the main four books in this series, then why deny yourself the cherry on the icing on the cake, which is this epilogue novella? Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Captain Cat
Captain Cat
Cats rule! Seriously. Just ask the crazy cat lady that lives with me, err… I mean my wife (cue Doug Benson). Cats are natural fisher… cats? Right? And who doesn’t like a great puzzle game. So why not have all three. Mobile users have been living with this kind of excitement for a while now, and they have finally let us console games have some fun as well.

Joking aside, Captain Cat (“CC”), which originally launched on iOS and Android, has made its way to the Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. With a price tag of $6.99 on both platforms, the big question is, is a mobile to console port even worth that price tag?

CC is super easy to pick up and play with its simplified control scheme. Playing as the titular character, your end goal is to catch fish using your… anchor? The game starts pretty simple, but introduces new obstacles and adversaries to add to the challenge as you progress. With 4 game modes available, there seems to be plenty to do.

Waspfish, the main came mode, has you making your way through 25 levels of casting your anchor, dodging obstructions and catching fish. Watch for those enemies though, as getting hit could cause you to restart your level. Housekeeper is another mode, also having 25 levels, and it’s essentially the same as Waspfish. It has subtle differences including enemies, and your end goal being to catch a snail that can hide in its shell. Try to catch him while he’s hiding and you’ll have to restart the level. As with many games on mobile, you are scored on your performance on each level in both modes. Your aim is to try and nab a three-star rating by completing the level as fast as possible, in as little moves as possible, while collecting all the coins you can.

Our third mode, Infinite, is exactly what it sounds like. The Captain casts out into the sea where your goal is to get as deep as you possibly can while dodging obstacles and enemies. The final mode is called Perfect. This is by far the most difficult of the game modes. Getting only one cast of your anchor, you restart the level if you miss. It requires some trial and error, but the challenge was welcome and a great mode to get you to think strategy in where to cast.

These combination of modes should keep you occupied for a few ours, and are great for a quick pick up and play game when you only have a few minutes to sneak in some gaming. However, I question why you wouldn’t just pick up your phone and play it on there if it’s a game you really want to play. Although a quick look showed me that the game is no longer on the Play Store and can only be side-loaded via APK from other sources. I cannot speak to the availability on iOS.

Overall, Captain Cat is a fun puzzle game (which is surprisingly missing any sort of leaderboard) that provided some challenging moments and kept me engaged while I was playing. So now we get back to our question at hand. Is it worth the $6.99 price tag? If it’s on the Switch, I would say go for it. It’s the version I reviewed, but it also seems to make much more sense to be able to carry the game with you and play anywhere, versus the stationary nature of the Xbox One.
Shat the movies
Shat the movies
Comedy, TV & Film
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Funny (2 more)
Detailed reviews
Presenters are engaging
A look back with a venagance
I have been listening to this podcast for several months to catch up with all the episodes the official blurb is:

"Shat the Movies ask, what are the best 80s & 90s movies? Do you find yourself asking if the movies we loved while growing up were really that good? Have you caught yourself thinking, “why don’t make movies like they use to?” Can you still remember spending your Friday Nights searching for the perfect movie rental at Blockbuster Video? Do you know what Blockbuster Video is? If you answered yes, then this is the podcast for you!

Your hosts, Dick Ebert, Kerri Gross, Gene Lyons, & Roger Roeper will take a look back in time & decide if our favorite films still hold up. Each week, the audience selects from four (6) movie choices that we will break out their race-car VHS tape re-winder and watch the movie that tallied the highest number of votes.

Occasionally, a special guest will join to help break down the craziness that was film-making in the 80’s & 90’s.

At the end of each podcast, The hosts will provide the audience with the number of wipes each movie would take to get off your respective bums. Find a comfortable spot on the sofa, and accompany us for a journey through our vast VHS movie collections."

I enjoy the debate between the hosts and they are different as people so this adds to the content. There are personal stories and some adult content that compliment their reviews. This is my go to podcast for reviewing retro film classics and I look forward to each episode.

Highly recommended!!!
Moana (2016)
Moana (2016)
2016 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
A delightful journey
In what is probably not a surprise to those of you that know me well, I keep a list of films that I have seen and a list of "top films I need to catch up with." (I know, that makes me a "film nerd" and I wear that badge proudly). In perusing the list, I saw that I had yet to see the 2016 Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Disney animated flick Moana, so thought I'd check it out.

And...I'm glad I did...for I was thoroughly entertained by the story, the characters, the visuals and the music. How is this film not mentioned in the same breath with FROZEN? It is terrific.

Set in the South Pacific, MOANA, the 56th Disney Animated film, tells the tale of...well...Moana...who works with the Demigod Maui to reverse a curse that he started.

Hawaii native Auli'l Cravalho was perfectly cast as the voice of Moana, she is the perfect blend of perky, smart and grounded with a singing voice that is strong and bold. But this film belongs to Dwayne Johnson as Maui. His demigod is brash, egotistical, and cocky...but there is a tenderness and vulnerability to his character that makes Maui lovable and not arrogant and annoying. This is a delicate balance to make and Johnson balances it perfectly. He has a natural charm and charisma that shines through his characterization. I couldn't think of anyone else that could have pulled this role off - oh...did I mention - he sings!

And that is another part of this film that I was surprised by. The music is first rate. As written by Lin-Manuel Miranda (Broadway's HAMILTON) and Opetaia Foa'i and Mark Mancina, the songs are joyous, fun and drive the plot and the characterizations forward. AS does the direction by Ron Clements and John Musker. It is a fast paced film that doesn't really slow down for audiences to think too much about the plot or plot machinations...and that is a good thing.

Is it a perfect film? I found the character of the Sea Creature Tamatoa (Jermaine Clement) and the accompanying song to be..."meh" was a bump in a fun road. And...the way the plot was resolved was not entirely satisfying for me.

But...these are nits...for MOANA is more focused on the journey - and the relationship between Maui and Moana - than the destination. And this journey is a delightful one to go on.

Letter Grade: A

9 stars (out of 10) and you can take this to the Bank(ofMarquis)