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Out Of The Ocean
Out Of The Ocean
Lynn Michaels | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a good solid 3 stars
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, was gifted my copy of this book.

Cal and Scott come together, when their boats are destroyed in the storm. They are fighting for their lives, out at sea, and the inevitable happens, they get close just as they get rescued and split up. With Scott in Germany and Cal in the States, will they fight for what they want, for WHO they want??

I liked this book, I really did, I just didn't love it. It's very well written from both Cal and Scott's point of view, and I saw no editing or spelling errors. I just, I dunno, couldn't love it!

I did find Scott a little ....insipid....a bit of a spolit brat.... when standing up to his dad! He DOES stand up to him, but only at the risk of losing Cal, when it should have been way before then for a mid 30's guy!

I just....oh! Don't you just HATE not being able to word what you want!!

It's not overly explicit, but it does get a little yukkie while they are floating in the life raft, but eating raw fish, eyes and guts and all weren't never gonna be a picnic in the park, now was it?? Bit gross!

A nice book, just one that didn't blow me away. Only short, some 100 pages, an hour reading time for.

3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
    Sphere - 360º Photography

    Sphere - 360º Photography

    Photo & Video and Travel

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    Step into the future of photography. Record key moments - and immerse yourself in new ones - like...


Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Housemates in Books

Jan 12, 2018  
The Housemates
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can’t put it into words how much I enjoyed this book. There are only a select few books that I can’t help talking about with my family and work colleagues, whether they want to hear about it or not, but this is one of them … I just couldn’t help myself!

Be warned, there is gratuitous violence throughout!

I’m not going to give anything away about the story-line but basically, it’s a twisted Big Brother with a bit of Saw thrown in for good measure where the contestants have to take part in tasks and eliminations with the last person standing having the chance of walking away with £2 million.

The contestants inside the house are a mix of characters some of which more likeable than others and some thoroughly despicable … we learn more about each person as time goes on and it can be a bit of an eye-opener in some cases.

Now, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that this is going to put your brain cells to work extra hard nor am I going to say that the twist is a massive surprise but what I will say is that if you, like me, are a little bit sick of the raft of reality TV programmes being rammed down our throats and just wish they would up the anti just a little, then this is the book for you!

Thank you to the author for sending me a copy in return for an honest and unbiased review. I will, most definitely, read more from Mr Wright as I do like a bit of gore every now and then 😃.
The Red Turtle (2016)
The Red Turtle (2016)
2016 | Animation, Fantasy
Verdict: Beautiful

Story: The Red Turtle starts when a man gets washed up on a desert island, alone he looks for the essentials, water and food, before trying to figure out how he can get off the island. First, he builds a raft, which only fails his escape plans.
Once the man learns that he is being followed by a mysterious red turtle his whole life on the island changes in a way her would never have imagined.

Thoughts on The Red Turtle

Characters – This is a film where the characters have no names, only roles, the man is the one that gets trapped on the island, looking for a way to find rescue, shelter and survival, something he can manages, before setting off on his own voyage of self-discovery on the island. The Red Turtle seems to be holding the man on the island before giving him a gift which will change his life.
Story – The story here follows a man that becomes stranded on a desert island where he searches for a way off, looks to survive, only to clash with a mysterious creature that seems to be holding him to the island. This is a story that is all about the visuals we see, it could easily be reflected into the garden of Eden that the man has been given with different aspects of survival involved, be it from needing food, drink or shelter or one’s own mental ability of being alone. This is a story that could also be look at in different ways by different people, which only enhances this to new levels.
Adventure/Fantasy – The adventure side of this film shows just how one man makes a life out of his time on the island, this does get mixed with the fantasy elements of the film too.
Settings – The film is set on one desert island which does have a lot to survive with, only it has no escape from. It looks beautiful while feeling empty.
Animation – The animation is amazing too, with the different lighting to show different times of day, weather conditions and environment changes.

Scene of the Movie – The Full Life.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Nothing.
Final Thoughts – This is a beautiful animation that shows the importance of life, happiness and survival.

Overall: One of the most beautiful animations ever.