Scofit Activity Tracker
ALL-DAY ACTIVITY TRACKER: Track your all-day activity like steps, heart rate, calories burned,...
Heart Rate Tracker Health Tracker

Ballet Body
Health & Fitness
About Ballet Body Ballet Body™ workouts creatively integrate traditional body-weight resistance...

Concise Review of Veterinary Microbiology
P.J. Quinn, B.K. Markey, F.C. Leonard and E.S. Fitzpatrick
Updated to reflect the latest developments in the field, Concise Review of Veterinary Microbiology,...

The Nightingale
The New York Times number one bestselling title Bravery, courage, fear and love in a time of war....

ClareR (5789 KP) rated The Disappeared in Books
May 25, 2019
The Authorisation Bureau we’re responsible for the disappearance of Clara’s father, a university English lecturer, and she is determined to pick up where he left off. Along with her History professor boyfriend, they decide to teach a select group of students about the past and the books that they are now forbidden to read. But things do not go as planned. Clara has some protection, as her stepfather is a ‘high up’ interrogator with the Authorisation Bureau, but this can only go so far to protect her.
I thoroughly enjoyed this dark tale of an alternate UK. It was rather violent in places, but it’s message was ultimately that of hope. My only complaint (which isn’t really a complaint) is that we could have done with more from the resistance organisation, Lumiere. I would have loved to have read more about them.
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book, and to the author, Amy Lord, for reading along and answering questions.

Motor Racing Heroes: The Stories of 100 Greats
Covering almost 100 years of motor racing history, humanity, not simple statistics, is revealed here...
Spaces of Action and the Rights of Students in Chinese Universities: 2017
This book takes students' responses to grievances as a platform for exploring the construction of...

Football and Colonialism: Body and Popular Culture in Urban Mozambique
Nuno Domingos and Harry G. West
In articles for the newspaper O Brado Africano in the mid-1950s, poet and journalist Jose...

Free Will: Art and Power on Shakespeare's Stage
Free Will: Art and power on Shakespeare's stage is a study of theatre and sovereignty that situates...

Consumer Sexualities: Women and Sex Shopping
Consumer Sexualities explores women's experiences of shopping in 'sex shops' and using sexual...