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The Truth (Discworld, #25; Industrial Revolution, #2)
The Truth (Discworld, #25; Industrial Revolution, #2)
Terry Pratchett | 2002 | Fiction & Poetry
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Truth shall set you Fret!
<2022 update>
Still as good as ever!

<original review below>

So, over the weekend I watched a BBC documentary about the late, great, Sir Terry Pratchett (Terry Pratchett: Back in Black) as part of which they brought up the fact that his earliest job had been as a reporter for his local paper (and saw his first corpse a few hours later, work experience meaning something in those days ...) .

Experience that shows in this novel.

The second of the so-called Industrial Revolutions (after Moving Pictures) sub-series of the Discworld novels, this is - IMO - the first to really get into the meat of said revolution, and concerns itself with Ankh-Morporks first newspaper, alongside a plot to depose the Patrician - a character, I feel, who (whilst mostly in the background in the earlier novels) comes more to the fore in this, as do the likes of Foul Ol' Ron, Coffin Henry, The Duck Man and Gaspode

Of course, it wouldn't be a Pratchett novel without a generous portion of puns running alongside the satire, parody and memorable characters (such as, say, Otto von Chriek: the vampire with a thing for flash photography ...)
On the day Winnie Johnson has to close her bakery due to a huge rent increase, she inherits an antique ambulance. She decides to use it to reopen her bakery as a mobile business, rushing her desserts to those in need. But when her neighbor is murdered, it puts a definite damper on her plans. Who would kill an elderly man?

The mystery aspect takes a back seat at times to getting the new business up and running, but I find the concept of this business absolutely brilliant. I’m wondering why no one hasn’t tried this in real life. The mystery does reach a logical conclusion that wraps things up. The characters are strong, and I’m looking forward to seeing where relationships go in future books. Rush out and get this debut.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Pucked Off (Pucked #5)
Pucked Off (Pucked #5)
Helena Hunting | 2017 | Erotica, Humor & Comedy, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pucked Off is the story of the sweet and haunted Lance and sports physio Poppy. Lance met Poppy when he was at his lowest, recovering not only from a sports injury playing ice hockey, but also when he was struggling to recover from the emotional abuse that seemed to follow him through his life.

Whilst this is predominantly part of a comical and erotic driven romance series, there is something sweet about this edition to the series. It allows this kind genuine man, surrounded by his "family" of ice hockey players and their partners,getting the girl of his dreams, a girl who will nurture and support him even on his darkest days. But will it be smooth running? Will it be a happy ending?

Helena Hunting again demonstrates her sense of humour and wickedness with Pucked Off, leaving the reader in stitches whilst their heart melts. Really enjoyed this story and couldn't think of a cuter pair!
The Black Candle
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
99 of 220
The Black Candle
By Catherine Cookson

Bridget Dean Mordaunt was a woman of consequence in her own part of the world. Inheriting her father's businesses at the age of nineteen, by the time she was twenty-three in 1880, she was running them as confidently as any man. Yet the path destiny required her to follow was not an easy one. Her feckless cousin Victoria became infatuated with Lionel Filmore, the fortune-hunting elder son of an old but impoverished family living in the decayed grandeur of Grove House. Bridget had no illusions about Lionel, but Victoria's happiness was paramount to her. So a pattern began to form that would shape the lives of generations to come, a pattern of some good and some great evil, but all of it inexorably linking Bridget ever more closely with the Filmores and their house.

Catherine Cooksons books always bring out the emotions a whole range and this one does it best from sympathy to anger with some tears thrown in. This is one of my favourites.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated the PlayStation version of Twisted Metal in Video Games

May 7, 2020 (Updated May 7, 2020)  
Twisted Metal
Twisted Metal
1995 | Action, Racing
Classic: Let The Cars Hit The Floor
Twisted Metal- i remember playing this game when i was like 7 on the playstation with my brother. I would play as Mr. Grimm, Axel and Sweet Tooth. My three favorite charcters.

Twisted Metal is a vehicular combat video game developed by SingleTrac, produced by Sony Interactive Studios America (now 989 Studios) and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation.

Twisted Metal is a vehicular combat game in which the player takes control of one of twelve unique vehicles. While in control of a vehicle, the player can accelerate, steer, brake, reverse, activate the turbo, turn tightly, toggle between and activate weapons using the game controller's d-pad and buttons.

The game takes place in the streets of Los Angeles on Christmas Eve, 2005. The contest featured in the game is the tenth annual running of the competition thus far.

The game's plot is centered on the titular competition in which various drivers in modified vehicles must destroy the other vehicles in an attempt to be the last one alive. The winner meets the organizer of the competition, a mysterious man named Calypso, who will grant the winner a single wish, regardless of price, size or even reality.

The Story: Once a year the legendary Calypso, a man who dwells beneath the streets of Los Angeles, holds the "Twisted Metal" competition. The contest takes place all around the Los Angeles area and calls upon drivers in various different vehicles to battle to the death. The contestants are selected and contacted by Calypso via an e-mail message that simply reads "WILL YOU DRIVE?" in red letters. The one driver still alive at the end of the night is granted a single wish, with no limits on price, size or, according to some, even reality.

Its a excellent game and a classic.
Castlevania - Season 1
Castlevania - Season 1
2017 | Animation, Fantasy, Horror
The first season of Castlevania could be more accurately described as a 'teaser-season'. It's four episodes acts as a set up for what is to come, introducing us to the key players in the war between man and vampire.

The episodes run for around 25 minutes, meaning that the season has a limited time to establish what it needs to, and it does this pretty effectively. A decent script ensures that the three main protagonists Trevor Belmont (Richard Armitage), Sypha (Alejandra Reynoso) and Alucard (James Callis) are all immediately likable, and even gives an incredibly sympathetic villain in Dracula. There's also a nice sense of humour running underneath all of the dramatics.

The animation style shows signs of budget restriction on occasion, but for the most part is easy to take in. A lot of close ups on characters show off some nice detail, long shots of locations look great, as do the combat scenes. To darker colour choices work well with the gothic setting, and the frequent strong violence.

Above all, this short but sweet season leaves the viewer wanting more, which was surely the aim in the first place!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Memento (2000) in Movies

Sep 12, 2020  
Memento (2000)
Memento (2000)
2000 | Mystery, Thriller
30-year old Christopher Nolan sets out a statement of intent for his future career with an intricately-crafted spin on a genre movie that will leave your brain in a knot. Guy Pearce plays Leonard, a man hunting his wife's murderer - inconvenienced only by his inability to form memories, which forces him to rely on notes he leaves for himself to know where he is and what he's doing in.

One is inevitably left agog at the deftness with which the two main strands of the film (one running forwards, the other in reverse chronology) are woven together, and also by the way the film still manages to be coherent the first time you watch it, even without recourse to aide memoires and flowcharts of your own. But the intellectual depth of the film is also hugely impressive, dealing with issues of memory, self-deception, existentialism and solipsism. Proves that Nolan doesn't need a huge budget and rafts of big-name stars to produce a brilliant movie.
Masking for Trouble (Costume Shop Mystery, #2)
Masking for Trouble (Costume Shop Mystery, #2)
Diane Vallere | 2016 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think it would be great to live in a town that loves costume parties and Halloween this much! Margo is such a quirky character – whether she is working in her family’s costume shop or just running errands, she’s always in costume. When a business man interested in developing the small town into something more modern and profitable threatens to run Margo’s shop out of business, she is understandably angry. When she finds his dead body at a Halloween party she wasn’t invited to, she becomes the prime suspect. Rather than trust the police to find the real killer, Margo decides to investigate on her own. This was a unique story, and a perfect read for this time of year.

<i>NOTE: I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review – all opinions expressed are my own.</i>
Big Trouble in Little China (1986)
Big Trouble in Little China (1986)
1986 | Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Escape from china town
Big Trouble in Little China is a 1986 martial arts comedy movie.
the story follows Jack Burton, a man who agrees to help his friend Wang Chi rescue his green-eyed fiancée from bandits in San Francisco's Chinatown. Their mission leads them to a mysterious underworld beneath Chinatown, where they face an ancient sorcerer named Lo Pan, who requires a woman with green eyes to marry him in order to release him from a centuries-old curse.

Directed by John Carpenter and starring Kurt Russell, Kim Cattrall, Dennis Dun and James Hong

Great storyline, cheesy old school graphics and action, brilliant characters and cast.
Absolute classic.

release date: July 2, 1986
Running time: 99 minutes

Fun fact:

The project fulfilled Carpenter's long-standing desire to make a martial arts movie.
Running in Plain Sight is a collection of short stories by author Charles Butts. The book is named after the first story in the collection. The first story tells the life story of Leander Sills JR. When he was ten years old tragedy struck, and he was forced to go on the run. The story gives glimpses into the rest of his life as he deals with hardship, kindness, and forgiveness. These are themes that are carried over into the other three stories: If All Minds Are Clear, Home Follows, and A Balanced Imbalance. Each is centered on the life of a man who is struggling with his own mistakes or the mistakes of others but grows and finds peace in life. Beginning with Running in Pain Sight was an excellent choice for the first story in the collection because not only does it do a wonderful job of setting the themes in the collection, but that story, in particular, has an incredibly strong and powerful hook from the very beginning.
What I found most captivating about each of these stories were the characters. Both the main characters and the characters around them are flawed people, otherwise known as real people. No one is perfect in these stories, but that makes them easier to be sympatric to. What makes them strong characters is that they take responsibility for their actions. Even though the short stories really only give us glimpses into the lives of the characters that live within them, their flaws and character growth make them deeply developed characters.
Charles R. Butts Jr. published this collection in 2017 and published his first book, For Only A Season in 2016. These stories are quick reads but beautiful and powerful stories. Butts’s writing style is easy and often conversational as you are in the heads of the main characters. However, the simplicity makes the voices stronger, and the meaning of the stories shine through. I greatly enjoyed reading these stories and would highly recommend them.