The Grace of Kings (The Dandelion Dynasty #1)
Emperor Mapidere was the first to unite the island kingdoms of Dara under a single banner. But now...

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Amy Curtis (49 KP) rated Four: A Divergent Collection in Books
Jan 12, 2019
Free Four: Tobias Tells the Divergent Knife-Throwing Scene is the first story of the book and it recaps events that have already been told to those that have already read the trilogy. The second story, The Transfer, begins to give you a bit of a backstory into Four’s past who has always been somewhat of an enigma to readers. It shows you how he became a part of Dauntless and explains more about his character.
The third short story is one of my personal favourites as you are introduced to Eric and you begin to see the vendetta that he held against Four and why. Just like Tris, Four is a Divergent and contains traits of more than one faction. When Four begins his Dauntless training he is able to recognise reality from fictions during the tests and has to be careful that it is not discovered as a Divergent.
The last two stories are titled The Son and The Traitor describing more recent events of how Tobias knew that his mother was alive and recaps how he becomes closer to Tris. It is a heart-warming collection that makes you feel like the Divergent series lives on. I was absolutely heart-broken when I finished the trilogy so once Roth brought out a follow-on for it, I couldn’t read it quick enough.
Roth does well to switch from character’s perspectives particularly when she has already told some of the story in a different person’s point of view. This was the series that I wasn’t ready to put down and I can’t wait to read it again.

Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) rated A Castle of Sand (A Shade of Vampire #3) in Books
Aug 12, 2021
Castle of Sand ( A Shade of Vampire book 3)
By Bella Forrest
Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments
What Sofia has with Derek feels like a sandcastle; temporary and something that the waves of life and time will soon ruin...
Since the return of Gregor Novak, the island has turned several shades darker. His hatred toward Sofia and thirst for fresh blood lead to a brutal war igniting between father and son.
Meanwhile, the hunters are gaining formidable strength and resources by the day; they know that the safety of The Shade hangs entirely on its ability to remain hidden from them.
And a sinister secret lies in wait for Sofia within the bowels of an Egyptian desert ... a secret that threatens to crush her sandcastle much sooner than she could have expected.
A good read! Nothing has really jumped out of this series so far to go hey that’s a brilliant series but saying that it’s definitely a decent read! Shame we have to have a death but at least she’s not scared of letting loved characters go!

Thursdays at Coconuts (Coconuts Series Book 1)
As the go-to wedding planner, Suzy can’t find her own wedded bliss and has one shocker of a...
contemporary fiction romance contemporary romance adult friendship

A Magical's Gift (The Magicals #5)
The feud between fairies and wizards is an ancient threat in the magical world. Yet peace is...
Paranormal Romance Series

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2277 KP) rated Forbidden City in Books
Mar 2, 2022 (Updated Mar 2, 2022)
Having enjoyed the first two in this series, I was looking forward to this book, and I wasn’t disappointed. This book is Paris’s time to shine, but all the other characters get their own smaller moments, and I continue to love their relationships. We get some surprising advancement on one series plot thread, although others are only mentioned in passing. I do feel like the other books in the series had a bit more action, but with all the angles the teams uses to approach their mission, I was never bored. We get a few laughs along the way, and even when we aren’t laughing, it’s just fun to be around the characters. Fans will enjoy this latest book. I’m already looking forward to their next mission.

The Darkslayer II: Torment & Terror
Scorched ... The bizarre eternal being, Scorch, rears his mischievous head, placing Venir and...

The Queen's Poisoner (Kingfountain, #1)
The first book in the million-copy, Wall Street Journal bestselling Kingfountain series from Jeff...

The Seven Good Years
Over the last seven years Etgar Keret has had plenty of reasons to worry. His son, Lev, was born in...