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Going Nowhere Fast
Going Nowhere Fast
Gar Anthony Haywood | 1994 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Corpse in the Airstream Bathroom
When Joe Loudermilk took his retirement from the Los Angeles police department, he and his wife, Dottie, bought an Airstream trailer and hit the road, enjoying the sights and sounds of wherever they decide to visit. They also left their grown kids behind, so returning to their trailer one day, they are surprised to find their youngest son inside. Even more surprising is their son’s announcement that there is a dead body in the bathroom. None of them recognize the corpse. Who is he? Why is their son there?

I grew up camping, so this is one of several series I’ve wanted to try that involve camping. The plot is fun, with plenty of twists and turns that kept me guessing until the end. I did find a couple of the characters – Joe especially – annoying. I’m sure he was supposed to be funny, but the fact that he seemed to always be mad at others didn’t make me laugh. Still, this is a minor complaint, and I loved Dottie, our main character. The book was originally released in the mid-90’s, so it provides a fun reminder of just how much our life has changed since then. At least the physical book I read does; I don’t know if anything was updated before the ebook was released. This book has been sitting on my to be read pile for years, and I’m glad I finally pulled it out and read it.
Set in the early years of the 20th century, this is the eighth entry in [a:Elizabeth Peters|16549|Elizabeth Peters|] Amelia Peabody series, and sees the interprid archaelogist and her extended family returning to Egypt, with Emerson hoping for an uneventful season.

Fat chance!

It's not long before they become embroiled in yet another mystery following the appearance (and subsequent disapperance of) a mysterious stranger, who claims to be able to lead them to an Egyptian Queen's lost tomb.

Told, as before, thorugh Amelia's eyes, this also (eventually) brings Emerson's brother Walter and his wife Evelyn - who are going through a rough patch - back to Egypt where they first met and fell in love, as well as depicting the teenaged interactions/arguments/jealousies between Amelia's precocious son Ramses and their just-as-precocious ward Nefret.
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)
1998 | Horror
A pretty meh reboot.
H20 finds Jamie Lee Curtis returning to the role of Laurie Strode. For 20 years she's been in hiding from Michael Myers, she's been staying at a college campus with her son John (Josh Hartnett), but Michael is hunting them down.

H20's plot is less weird than the last couple of outings in the franchise, but it still feels a bit silly. The movie opens up showing Michael Myers doing some investigation to find out where Laurie disappeared to, which it just so happens that the nurse from the original movie had in her house. It was kind of a dumb start, and it never fully recovers from it.
There were 3 different masks used, resulting in obvious differences from shot to shot. One mask was particularly terrible, it looked like a clown mask.
The movie does benefit from a decent supporting cast including the likes of Michelle Williams, LL Cool J, Adam Arkin, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and even Janet Leigh.
Tonally, H20 is somewhat cheesy, it shouldn't be taken too seriously, though who would at this point in the series?

Halloween H20: 20 Years Later will entertain fans of the series and horror fans alike. But don't expect it to be anything especially good.
The Solitary Protector (Etherya's Earth #8)
The Solitary Protector (Etherya's Earth #8)
Rebecca Hefner | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE SOLITARY PROTECTOR is the eighth book in the Etherya's Earth series and we FINALLY get more of Alrec and Kilani!!! I can't believe I've waited this whole time. And now we get their son, Leo, too. Be still my beating heart.

Addie wants to know more about her purple eyes and sets off on a journey. Along the way, she meets Leo. To say these two are opposites would be an understatement at first glance, but once you learn more about them, you realise that they are both different and the same. Delayed gratification and so much hotness! Add to that a dash of heartbreak, hard choices, and a newly-found prophecy and you've got a recipe for a 5-star read!

Another star in the crown of Etherya's Earth, I honestly love this series. The one thing I'd recommend is to read it from the beginning, just so you get the full benefit. After all, these relationships don't just happen, you know. 😉

HIGHLY recommended by me!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 7, 2023

Jewels (684 KP) rated Red Queen in Books

Jun 21, 2018  
Red Queen
Red Queen
Victoria Aveyard | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (64 Ratings)
Book Rating
My son really enjoyed it and asked me to read it as well., I was not as impressed as he was. Feels like a mix of Hunger Games and Divergent, with a few other dystopian ideas tossed into a blender and mashed up to create a new world. It wasn't horrible, but not what I would consider a great book. I will give it points that the end did leave you wanting to know what happens next, so made me want to move on to the next in the series. I will give it brownie points for capturing my son's attention. He is very picky about books, and mainly chooses non-fiction, so any fiction book that captures him deserves some credit.