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Blue Monday (Frieda Klein, #1)
Blue Monday (Frieda Klein, #1)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I probably would have given this book 5 stars if I would have read it first. I would recommend that anyone who is interested in reading these books would start here with Blue Monday. I read [b:Tuesday's Gone|13613568|Tuesday's Gone (Frieda Klein, #2)|Nicci French||19213552] first, so when I was reading this book, I just wanted to get to the end since I knew what was coming.
Freida Klein is a psychotherapist in London. Her main focus is to help her patients. She is also a very private person and letting people into her life is very difficult for her. She has a boyfriend who hasn't even been to her apartment.
When Freida agrees to take on Alan Dekker as a patient, he tells her about dreams and fantasies he has been having that are keeping him awake at night and affecting his relationship with his wife and work colleagues. The dream involves a small boy with bright red hair, that Alan is imagining as his son. He and his wife have been unable to have children, so this thought has consumed him. It gives him terrible anxiety as if the boy should be with them.
So, it becomes very strange a few days after Freida takes Alan on, that a boy matching the boy that Alan is describing goes missing. Freida feels inclined to take this information to the police. The discoveries that come from that inquiry will uncover a whole lot of things no one saw coming.
This book is really good. It will leave you on the edge of your seat. Can't wait for the next book in the series.
Heroes (Stephen Fry’s Great Mythology Volume 2
Heroes (Stephen Fry’s Great Mythology Volume 2
Stephen Fry | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Greek mythology’s greatest heroes!
I loved this retelling of the heroes of the Greek myths. I knew I would. I enjoyed the first one (Mythos), and I had umpteen hours of Stephen Fry’s voice to look forward to (I listened on Audible). I could happily listen to him reading the back of a cereal packet, to be quite honest (but I do prefer books). He has a voice that you want to listen to: he brings these stories to life, and tells them in such a modern, engaging way. I have proof. My 15 year old son (Seb) would turn his headphones off in the car to listen along when I played this on our journey down to Devon from Cheshire (a six hour journey). And not one comment from him (anything Marvel or DC, he always has endless comments to make and often spoils the film - drives me mad!).

So, Stephen tells us about Heracles, Perseus, Jason and others that I wasn’t as familiar with, like Oedipus and Bellerophon. Honestly, this book is bursting with heroes, and whilst this sounds like a ridiculous thing to say, what I actually mean is that I didn’t feel as though they were short changed in their space. All of the heroes were given their moments of glory again: their stories were told with care, with humour and with feeling. I’m hoping more will come out of this ‘Great Mythology’ series, because I am well up for listening to more. I’ll even pick up my Audible subscription again. I just need to get through the long list of Audible books that I have first...

Anyway, I would highly recommend this book and Mythos as well, and if you can, definitely listen to the audiobook version. You won’t regret it!
Women in medieval England
This is a book packed with history, told from the points of view of a priest, a female castellan, a female Keeper of the Kings Forest and a Knight (he gets about a chapter). It must have been very unusual for there to be female Castellans and Keepers of the Forest in a time where a womans primary function was to get married and give birth to sons who could inherit a title. The women in this story seem to have to prove themselves constantly to outsiders - the people who live under their rule don't need to see the proof, they have experience of how good these two women are at their jobs.
The years after the Magna Carta was signed were very unsettled. King John had problems with Phillip of France, losing lands in France and allowing the French in to England to take over castles and land by force. With the death of John, his 9 year old son succeeds him and William Marshall becomes his Regent. I have read other books about William Marshall, and what I read here seemed to be in keeping (most writers seem to be in agreement at the kind of man he must have been).
Nicolaa of Lincoln and Matilda of Laxton were not weak females. I really liked how they were portrayed, and I enjoyed reading the chapters from their points of view as it showed how strong and independent they were. I really liked Father Barnards chapters too. It gave an objective look at how these two women reacted in their situations.
I am a real sucker for historical fiction, and I feel that this was a really well researched novel. There was nothing overly sensationalised, which made it more believable for me. I will probably read the next book in this series. I'm interested to see if there is more from these two impressive women.
Many thanks to Sapere Books for a copy of this book to read and review.
Fantastic Four (2015)
Fantastic Four (2015)
2015 | Action
If you hold the film rights to an iconic and beloved comic book series, one would think you would do everything possible to see that it flourishes under you watch. For 29th Century Fox, The Fantastic Four is an asset that should be a gem of their studio as the long-running Marvel comic series has had legions of fans for generations.

The previous two films did well enough but still had their detractors amongst the fans. So, Fox opted for a hiatus and then a radical reboot of the series complete with casting choices that were considered very questionable.

The new version features Miles Teller as Reed Richards, a young man obsessed with teleportation to the point that his teachers and other students laugh at him for his odd and obsessive ways.

His only friend is Ben Grimm (Jamie Bell), who despite a lack of scientific knowledge supports Reed in his efforts which eventually allow him to be recruited by Dr. Franklin Storm (Reg E. Cathey), who discloses that he is working on a large scale teleportation device and seeing how Reed pulled it off with a device he made in his garage, is eager to see what he can do at a fully-funded facility.

Reed meets Franklins adopted daughter Sue (Kate Mara), as well as his son Johnny (Michael B. Jordan), while they work with the mercurial Victor Von Doom (Toby Kebbell), to complete the device.

When the team finds success, they are horrified to learn that the government plans to take over control of the project so Ben, Victor, Johnny, and Reed opt to use it themselves to visit the other dimension in order to leave their mark in history.

Things at first go well but when a mysterious force envelops them, odd things start to happen when they return home. Reed is capable of stretching himself, Johnny is a living fire, Ben is covered in rocks, and Sue is phasing in and out.

Flashing forward the group is under the watch of the government and Reed has fled not wanting to be a part of whatever is going on. Ben is used for special operations and blames Reed for abandoning them as Sue and Johnny are prepped for the field.

Now one would think a setup like this has some potential at the very least for some action and great FX. Sadly the film lurches ahead fairly light on action. The threat to the film appears, and within 10 minutes has moved to a fairly underwhelming final conflict that is so obviously done in front of a Green Screen that it loses much of the intended impact.

The best I can say for the film is that it is a forgettable and flawed film that tries to launch a new franchise in a new way. But the casting choices in the film are so wrong, that it undermines it at every step. Setting aside the debate over an African American Johnny Storm, Miles Teller is so bland; he just does not scream leading man or driving force behind the team.

The same can be said for pretty much the entire cast. The backstories hint at various things but their actions conflict several aspects of the film which to be honest are fairly forgettable.

The entire movie is like watching a Jr. College Fan Film where the cast has a Green Screen and studio funding, but not a clue on how to carry out a story, modern action sequences of character development.

Fox needs to take a serious page from Sony and work with Marvel if they are going to continue this franchise, or return the rights to Marvel so fans can finally get a film that does justice to the source material.

I am glad that Director Josh Trank is no longer associated with the pending Star Wars film as this movie is a train wreck that spits all over the history and legacy of the source material.

Merissa (12404 KP) rated Waking Up Lost (Adirondack Spirit Series #4) in Books

Feb 8, 2022 (Updated Jul 3, 2023)  
Waking Up Lost (Adirondack Spirit Series #4)
Waking Up Lost (Adirondack Spirit Series #4)
David Fitz-Gerald | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WAKING UP LOST continues the Adirondack Spirit series with Mehitable's son, Noah. He can't move as fast as his brother, Moses; nor can he see ghosts. What he does do is travel whilst asleep. And I deliberately use that phrase as there is no way he could walk!

He doesn't have it easy in that the girl he likes has been 'claimed' by the town bully, whose sister has set her sights on Noah! So Noah gets warned twice - keep away from his girl and keep away from his sister. He tries to, bless him, but Dorcas isn't so easily persuaded. In fact, Noah does everything he can to have a normal life, but his travels make that increasingly difficult.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Noah's tribulations although there was no explanation given for them. Instead, Noah also becomes adept at speaking with ghosts, just like his mum, and they help get him out of some deadly situations.

This is old-worldly and otherworldly, both things that stir my interest. I enjoyed meeting up with old friends and learning about new ones. I found this book to be gripping and I have no hesitation in recommending it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 8, 2022

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Dry in Books

Dec 24, 2017  
The Dry
The Dry
Jane Harper | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
interesting (2 more)
intricately plotted
Aaron Falk is an investigator for the federal police in Melbourne. There, he follows money trails left by criminals. And while he may live a rather solitary life, at least he's also left behind his childhood home of Kiewarra, where the locals literally ran him and his father out of town. But all that changes when Aaron finds out that his best friend in Kiewarra, Luke Hadler, is dead. So is Luke's wife, Karen, and their young son, Billy. Luke apparently killed Karen and Billy before turning the gun on himself: the only person he spared in his family was his baby daughter, Charlotte. Aaron grew up as a second son to Luke's parents, and they call on him now to look into Luke and Karen's finances. Were things really so bad that Luke would enact such violence? As Aaron and the local police sergeant, Raco, begin investigating, it's quickly apparent that the case isn't as cut and dried as it seems. But the people of Kiewarra have long memories, and they still blame Aaron for something that happened over 20 years ago. Is Aaron safe in his hometown? And can he clear Luke's name--if it even needs clearing?

I have been hearing about THE DRY since before its release and wasn't sure it would live up to the hype, but I was wrong. I really, really enjoyed this novel and read it over the span of about 24 hours. My only regret about the entire experience was that it was over so quickly. This was an incredibly well-written, interesting, and intricately plotted novel that just flowed effortlessly. The story at its core is a dark one, and the town of Kiewarra is a sad and depressing place: the townspeople find it easy to believe Luke killed his family because everyone is down on their luck. The town is plagued by a horrible drought (hence the title), which spells certain doom for a community that makes it living primarily on farming. Luke and Karen had bought their farm from Luke's parents, and many think he killed himself because the farm couldn't remain profitable. Harper does an excellent job at portraying the people of Kiewarra--the small town town becomes almost another character in the novel. She does an excellent job of depicting depressed small town living.

In fact, I loved all the nuanced characters in THE DRY. You know when an author just captures her characters' voices perfectly? That was this book for me. Falk just slides effortlessly off the page, and I was completely taken with Sergeant Raco, as well. But you can also easily visualize all the people in Kiewarra that Aaron encounters. While the story primarily takes place in the present-day, we get key flashbacks to the past, when Luke and Aaron were teens, and they hung out with two other kids, Gretchen and Ellie. The slow buildup to a big event surrounding this foursome also creates incredible suspense, as both stories (what happened with Luke and family and what happened when all four were kids) unravel in parallel. It's remarkably well-done.

I enjoyed how the story kept me guessing the entire time, which isn't easy to do. Even when I had a decent inkling what happened with Luke, there was still so much I hadn't figured out. I was completely captivated by the story and frantically turning the pages to find out what had happened--both in the present and the past. I could see the setting, the people, and the town so clearly. The novel truly hooked me from the very beginning and never let me go.

I'm very excited to see that this might be a series featuring Aaron, as I really loved his character and Harper's writing. I read a lot of thrillers, but this one packaged everything together perfectly, and I highly recommend it.
Feel (Breaking Free #6)
Feel (Breaking Free #6)
A.M. Arthur | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
another 5 star read!
**verified purchase Jan 2019**

This is book 6 in the Breaking Free series, and you really SHOULD read books one through five (and 3.5) before this one. You need to know how Brogan got to this point in his life, and you NEED to know what Mikel did to Jaysan last year. And you know, I SAID so, because they are rather awesome!

Brogan is waiting patiently for his fated Alpha. He really doesn't wanna settle, but will do, as a last resort. His foster parents are brilliant with him and his son, Peyton, but Brogan wants HIS family. Picking up the scent of Mikel in the coffee in the coffee shop while out with Jaysan and Morris, and Brogan knows his found HIS family. However, Mikel is in a bad place after what he did to Jaysan last year, and he is in no state to become a mate. Brogan is, however, prepared to wait for Mikel and when Brogan's past comes back to haunt him, Mikel knows he has to get himself together, because his Omega and his son needs him. But CAN he?

Mikel isn't, well. . .WASN'T . . .my favourite character, and there have been some bad ones in these books, but when WHY Mikel did what he did became clear in Whole (book 5) it made some sort of sense. But here? The full picture becomes shockingly clear, and you see why he did what he did, and you really do feel for the young man. It shows you that not only the omegas and betas can suffer parental abuse, but the alphas can too.

Brogan is the most optimistic of the young men from the fight ring, hoping all along that he would find his mated Alpha and that man would take himself and two year old Peyton on. What Brogan FEELS when he is with Mikel, make shim know that deep down, he is a GOOD man, a good ALPHA, and Brogan just needs to make Mikel see that too.

Poor Mikel is up against some powerful men here, Morris especially, but all the Alphas in the pairings are wary of Mikel and really, who can blame them. But with Brogan's perseverance and determination to make them see that Mikel is a good man, they all come round, one by one. Even Morris, does, sorta! " I can be nice to him, Jaysan, without being his best friend!"

Brogan deals with some stuff here, that is different to the rest of the omegas, and his pain is deep, really deep. Mikel pulls himself together just when Brogan needs him the most. But Brogan helps Mikel too, dealing with HIS trauma after what happened last year, and from before.

I am LOVING these books, and do NOT want them to end!

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Fast & Furious 9 (2021)
Fast & Furious 9 (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Crime
F9 The Fast Saga Does Not Offer Anything New But Serves Up An Abundance Of High-Octane; Over The Top Action
After being delayed from a summer 2020 release by the Pandemic; Universal has released the latest film in the Fast and The Furious franchise to fans eager for some adrenaline-fueled summer action.

“F9 The Fast Saga” has done well in the few countries it has already been released, and has raced to a nearly $300 million total which the industry hopes is a signal that people are ready to return to cinemas in numbers again and that the film will take off when it opens in the U.S. and other markets.

The film opens with a flashback to the 1980s where young Dominic and his brother experience an event that changes their lives and drives a wedge between them. Moving forward to the present day, Dom (Vin Diesel) and Letty (Michelle Rodriguez), are living in seclusion with Dom’s son.

When the crew shows up unexpectedly with a mission from Mr. Nobody (Kurt Russell); who has gone missing, the crew venture out to retrieve a missing device which in turn puts them directly in the path with nefarious individuals and a ghost from Dom’s past.

As anyone who has watched any films in the series knows; the plots are often thin and a bit absurd as they serve simply as a device for the cast to assemble and chase a McGuffin to save the day. In doing so; the audience knows there will be an abundance of fists, bullets, cars, crashes, and outrageous stunts along the way.

While reality and credibility are not words associated with the franchise, the cast eagerly plays along with the absurdity, action, and mayhem and gives fans what they want. While the middle portion dragged while the audience was given more of the setup and introduced to cast members old and new; the action sequences are the over-the-top show stoppers which have become a staple of the franchise.

Director Justin Lin knows this and his return to the franchise does not attempt to invoke any new wrinkles and gives fans what they expect. The large ensemble works well with one another and John Cena is a very interesting addition to the cast.

Audiences will want to make sure to stay seated for a bonus scene that sets up the next film or spin-off very well and opens up some very interesting possibilities.

In the end “F9 The Fast Saga” gives audiences a dose of high-octane adrenaline and a return to no-brainer over the top action when it is needed the most. Check your brain at the door, strap in, and enjoy the ride.

3.5 stars out of 5