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Hope's Decree (The Fated #1)
Hope's Decree (The Fated #1)
Angela McPherson | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Where to start with this book? It has characters that are well-rounded and developed, a storyline that is both well-paced and intriguing, enough similarities to 'normal' life that you can empathise as well as enough 'out of the ordinary' to keep you thoroughly engrossed with every word, whilst any grammatical errors are not to be found.

Trinity is the quiet, studious one, the one who is beautiful and doesn't realise it. The thing is, she's actually relatable too so you can't hate her, even if you want to! Crystal is the bad girl, I couldn't quite figure out why she is friends with Trinity and Keri but then just accepted it. After all, I think everyone has a friend at some point in their lives Just Because! Keri was the quietest one in the group. She is very observant of Trinity but she is also in a new relationship. She does successfully balance this with her friendships though which was good to read.

The relationship with Blain is complicated and you stay with Trinity as she tries to figure out just what is going on. Morpheus is a dude and I loved him. For some reason, in my head, he became a cross of Morpheus from The Matrix (obviously) but also Spike from Buffy, complete with English accent. Needless to say, I loved any scene with him in it! Trevor is okay, I was liking him up until a comment he made about how he thought Trinity was better than that. It slightly annoyed me as she'd basically put up with everything that the 'clique' had thrown at her and the first time she reacts, he shoots her down!

More than this, I'm not going to say as I really don't want to give away any spoilers. Trust me when I say that I absolutely loved this book and really can't wait for book 2. The ending is satisfying whilst also perfectly leading onto the next book. Absolutely, definitely, completely and highly recommended!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 22, 2015

Tonya (52 KP) rated The Shack (2017) in Movies

Jan 13, 2018  
The Shack (2017)
The Shack (2017)
2017 | Drama
Christian theme (0 more)
Book's concept not fully developed (0 more)
Good ... but the book is better
I read the book first so the movie had a lot to live up to in my opinion and just couldn't quite do it. It is nice to have a Christian based movie in the theaters. But a movie just about God's grace and the trinity is a huge undertaking. That being said, it was well done and I'd watch it again.
Terminal (Virals 5)
Terminal (Virals 5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Terminal is the fifth book in the Virals series by Kathy Reichs. I know I've reviewed a ton of books in this series now, so I'll try to keep this one relatively short!

The Virals gang are always getting into trouble. But this time, they have multiple severe problems to worry about: a rival pack and, worse, some mysterious black-suited men asking questions about them. Which was worse? Losing against the Trinity, or becoming a bunch of lab rats for some secret government agency?

First, Tory and her friends need to find out the identities of their opponents. While the first two seem to be somewhat easy to find, the third member of the Trinity - the mystery girl - brings quite a shock to every member of the Viral pack.

As usual, the Reichs' bring tons of action, problem-solving and surprises in this Virals sequel. Nothing is certain: who are the Trinity? Who are these mystery detectives? Will this be their last adventure?

I said I'd keep this short, so I'll try to wrap this up now. I love this series. I've been looking forward to this book for ages, and I definitely was not disappointed. As well as the two main problems the pack is facing, Tory has another issue; multiple boys are after her, and she doesn't know who she wants. I love how this book has teenage humour to it, a little bit of romance - the perfect amount, in my opinion - and tons of unexpected plot twists. 4 stars for Terminal!

Frank Turner recommended First Four Years by Black Flag in Music (curated)

First Four Years by Black Flag
First Four Years by Black Flag
1983 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"To me, there is a holy trinity of hardcore bands, and the first among these is, obviously, Black Flag. They pretty much invented the genre, and as much as it's become boringly de rigeur to be "into" Flag and have a tattoo and a t-shirt (guilty on both counts), and as much as Greg Ginn seems intent on fucking their legacy to death, this record is still pretty untouchable, not just as a groundbreaking musical statement, but also because of the raw fucking attitude in every cut."

The Matrix Resurrections (2021)
The Matrix Resurrections (2021)
2021 | Action, Sci-Fi
Love, action and nostalgia (0 more)
Slower than I had hoped (0 more)
Matrix is back
Every one loved the first film. Resurrections reminds us why. While not the revolution we would have loved, Resurrections does offer us fans of the franchise that what we were clamoring for more action after the disasterous duology of Reloaded and Revolutions a second chance. The action is a bit slower but the pacing is really smooth. There's plenty of call backs to the past films and some fun laughs about things people hated in the sequels.
Seeing Neo and Trinity back together is fun and exciting.
The third act is stellar action. While nothing tops the lobby shootout or anything, there's some fun "Whoa!" moments that make you go "Wow, the Matrix has risen up and no longer suck anymore!
Woman Without Fear
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
***I won a copy of this book in a First to Read giveaway on Goodreads***

The story is about a shy woman named Trinity Silverman who, for reasons that are never fully explained, suffers from constant fear and anxiety. Despite this, her job is to go to trade conferences, and give presentations trying to sell her firm's financial software. Her companion when she travels is a snail named Speedy that she keeps in a small Plexiglas box. On one such business trip to Las Vegas, she meets a man in the hotel bar who works for a pharmaceutical company. He offers her some pills that he has developed, promising that they will take away all of her fears.

I had a few issues with this book. Conversations were sometimes strange, but it was originally written in French and translated into English, so that could be the reason for the odd dialog. I also had a problem with the way Trinity befriended a hotel maid who allowed her to dig through the garbage to retrieve the her lost pills. I didn't find their interaction and fast friendship at all believable. Most of all though, I was surprised at the amount of time spent on the snail who is not even mentioned in the book blurb. This was the first time I had ever read a novel told (at least in part) from a snail's point of view.

It ended abruptly, and somewhat confusingly, but it was only part 1 of the story. There are 4 more books, but the author's style and the unusual subject matter just didn't grab my interest enough to make me want to keep reading to find out what happens.
The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
2003 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
So as we left our heroes, the last human city, Zion, is coming under imminent threat from the army of robot "squiddies" hurling toward them at lightning speed and Neo has discovered he has superhuman powers and can do lots of cool stuff.

After Agent Smith visits the Oracle at the beginning of the film, he really disappears along with Neo while the large dogfight between the humans who are using these Avatar/Aliens type robot machine things to defend Zion.

Most of the battle scenes are mediocre at best. The whole time I was thinking I had seen all of this done better in other movies.

The scenes between Neo and Trinity at the end tie the story of the three films together somewhat, but the ultimate climax is not very interesting and somewhat of a letdown.

Ultimately, Warner Brothers wanted to make The Matrix a film trilogy, and although the original will always maintain its status as truly revolutionary, the sequels will always be remembered as disappointments.

Show all 4 comments.

Ellis (87 KP) Jun 2, 2019

Really good review here, you made some really true and valid points especially about the battle scenes


Andy K (10821 KP) Jun 2, 2019

Wow thanks a lot!


Becs (244 KP) rated Ember Burning in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
Ember Burning
Ember Burning
Jennifer Alsever | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
I received Ember Burning for an honest review and am just now getting around to do it. My bad…

Okay, so I was honestly really looking forward to reading this novel when I first received it in the mail that I’m kicking myself in the rear end for not picking it up sooner. I was shocked that it was exactly everything I was looking for in a young adult fantasy novel.

It’s got some witchiness to it. It’s got an adventure in it. And it’s got the best thing known to man, love. Fast-paced with well-rounded characters that make you either hate them or love them with a hint of history underlain throughout the novel. What more can I say about this wonderful book?

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Young Adult

Reading Level: High School and up

Interests: Witch’s, Egyptian hieroglyphics, darkness

Style: Not so light but also not a heavy read. Very fast-paced – which I loved.

Difficulty Reading: NO, I could not put this book down. Oh my goodness, Jennifer Alsever has such a unique way of writing. At first, I was a little annoyed that there were so many sentences that could be switched to, ya know, longer sentences which leads to a way easier read. But they grew on me and as I started to get further into the book, I understood why it was written in such a way. Because that is the personality of the main character Ember. It definitely helped understand her more as an individual, rather than just another character in a book.

Promise: A mystery meets fantasy – it delivers.

Insights: Honestly, none. I wouldn’t change anything in Ember Burning even if it meant saving the planet. (Okay, maybe I might change stuff to save the planet. But that’s our home for crying out loud.) Ember Burning is such a well-written novel that leaves you wanting to continue on her journey with her in Oshun Rising and Venus Shining. (Which by the way, is the rest of the series.)

Ah-Ha Moment: WHEN EMBER AND TRE KISS. (Yes, that needed all caps.) Awh man, I love me a good romance. Especially one so sweet and simple like Ember and Tre’s. **SPOILERS AHEAD** I mean it’s such goals to be laying out talking about life and then turning to each other, kissing, and then both admitting that you wanted to do that for a while now. Like OH MY GOD, I’m seriously dying over here. **SPOILERS END** I ship Ember and Tre so hard and Lilly, Zoe or this redhead b**ch better not get in the way of their love. I’ll come after them. (‘I kill you!‘)

Favorite Quote: “Of course I know this is ridiculous. What I’m doing. Going to Trinity Forest. Alone. Like the freak show I am. The girl who goes off the tracks. Who obsesses about missing people, about what happens in Trinity. But the mystery of Trinity calls to me. If I disappear, so be it.” – Girl, you ain’t no freak show. You are so perfectly normal. And if you’re a freak show well, I guess I’m a freak show too.

What will you gain: A love for Ember and her determination to get out of the black vortex known as Trinity Forest. A hate for Zoe’s sweet yet bossy attitude of not giving a shit about anything. A love-hate for Lilly and her psychotic yet charming sides. A love for Tre, my favorite character in the entire novel.

Aesthetics: The cover. The way Tre smiles. The entire book. The way Tre looks. The way Jennifer Alsever describes Synesthesia within Ember’s mind. Have I mentioned Tre and how much I really dig him?

“Would you sacrifice your future to forget your past.”

David McK (3248 KP) rated The Matrix Resurrections (2021) in Movies

Feb 9, 2022 (Updated Oct 1, 2023)  
The Matrix Resurrections (2021)
The Matrix Resurrections (2021)
2021 | Action, Sci-Fi
Unnecessary sequel
Summer of 1999.

Pre Millennium.

Just at the start of our current high-tech always-on society.

And The Matrix was released, becoming hugely influential in the process and popularising the concept of 'bullet time'.

Both the sequels (Reloaded and Revolutions) were released during 'the year of the Matrix' in 2003, doubling down on the philosophical ponderings of the first movie (in particular, during Reloaded, with the whole still-to-this-day confusing Architect scenes), with Revolutions also seemingly leaving the trilogy with nowhere to go.

Until nearly 20 years later, when one of the two Wachowski siblings decided to resurrect both Neo and Trinity in this.

I's very much a film of two halves, with the first half in particular hugely self-referential (lots of nods and winks to the audience, and even clips from the earlier films shown on TV screens within the movie), while the second half settles down more into your standard action fare.

Whilst enjoyable enough, it lacks anything to match the sheer pizzaz of the first movie, or even the Freeway chase/burly brawl/chateau fight from the second or the Neo Vs Smith showdown in the third.
The Grace Year
The Grace Year
Kim Liggett | 2019 | Dystopia, Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
For Tierney and the other girls in Garner County, their sixteenth year is when they are banished from the county. Their grace year. In the county, women have magic, and the girls are sent away to rid themselves of it. While away, they could supposedly be nabbed by poachers any chance they get, who sell their parts on the black market. Many don't return home, or if they do, they are missing body parts (ugh, I know). Tierney has always wanted a different life. Not an arranged marriage, nor a world where women are inferior to men. But she realizes as the grace year nears, her fellow girls may pose the greatest threat of all.

"No one speaks of the grace year. It's forbidden."

I really liked the premise of this book. I'm sure you've heard all the comparisons by now. This is "The Handmaid's Tale" plus "Lord of the Flies." Throw a little "Hunger Games" in. Sold, right? The idea that society sends girls away at sixteen to rid themselves of their "magic"--it sounds really cool. A society that fears women and takes away their status, yet relies on their parts (literally) as medicine. Yes. So much of this book is really amazing. I highlighted so many powerful lines.

But, I don't know, guys... I am still wrapping my brain around this one. I just couldn't get into it. I never wanted to pick it up--I should have cared deeply for Trinity, and I did. Sometimes. Part of the reason I had problems going back to the book was because it stressed me out. These girls were mean. Sometimes I was confused. We were thrown into the story without any backstory--what time period, why they think women have magic, why medicine consists of body parts, who are the poachers, what are the outskirts, why is the original language flowers, etc. I guess that adds to the mystique, but I don't like reading when I can't figure anything out.

"But not all of us will make it home... not in one piece."

It seemed like this was going to be a power anthem. The girls rise against society. Or maybe just Trinity escapes and the outskirts rise against society. Someone should be revolting, right? And yes, Trinity definitely had her awesome moments. But it also seemed like there were lots of moments that involved rescue--by men. There's also a really convenient insta-romance in here. Everything just seemed a little jumbled and crazy for my taste. There's some amazing, underlining worthy lines and then some that just make you cringe a bit.

So, overall, I'm not totally sold, though there's potential here. I rate based on my enjoyment, so this is a 3-star read for me. But it's getting lots of rave reviews from others, so don't let my review necessarily hold you back.