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Standing Alone (Matt Standing #2)
Standing Alone (Matt Standing #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am a huge fan of Mr Leather's Dan "Spider" Shepherd series and although I haven't read the first in this series (how the heck did I miss that!!!!), I was pretty sure I was in for a treat and I wasn't wrong.

Matt "Lastman" Standing is being blackmailed to do a job for "The Pool", a shady organisation; his mission is to hunt down and assassinate Ryan French, an ex-Navy Seal who hires himself out to the highest bidder. This is not going to be an easy mission and Matt finds himself in the depths of the wilderness in western America knee deep in cannabis and up to his neck in trouble within a very short period of time.

With excellent and strong characters, an immersive plot and full of action, this is a great story. I also learnt a heck of a lot about cannabis farming - not that it'll do me much good but it was interesting nonetheless.

I very much look forward to reading more in this series and my thanks must go to Hodder & Stoughton and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Commander (Jack Lark #10)
Commander (Jack Lark #10)
Paul Fraser Collard | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book number 10 in Paul Fraser Collard's Jack Lark series - a series which has, over time, moved away from its earlier Richard Sharpe stylings, which (and, at least, in The Scarlet Thief) it seemed to wear proudly on its sleeve.

To be clear: that's neither a con nor a pro: just something to be aware of!

In this one, the latest at the time of reviewing, Jack Lark is in Egypt, between employment (well, of a salubrious sort), when he is offered the opportunity to join an expedition into the Sudan, taking charge of new recruits in doing so.

What follows is the delays and danger (both of the natural variety as well as the man-made) of such an expedition into the wilderness, including the hunting of Elephants for ivory (on an industrial scale), slave trading and other such unsavoury pursuits which the expedition both aims to take part in and to stop.

As for Lark himself? He comes across as more melancholy than I remember from previous entries; more given to introspection than before. However, he also seems to end the novel in a better place than when he started: let's see how long that lasts!

Ross (3282 KP) rated A Time of Dread in Books

Jan 16, 2018  
A Time of Dread
A Time of Dread
John Gwynne | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Much smaller cast than previous books (0 more)
Twists were quite obvious from very early on (1 more)
Less action on much smaller scale than previous
A new series following on from the events of The Faithful and the Fallen
*** Disclosure: I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley in return for an honest review. Typos and formatting issues (of which there were many) have not been reflected in this review ***

The first book in John Gwynne's new series (Of Blood and Bone) comes a little over 100 years after the conclusion of Wrath.
In some senses, and I have seen a number of reviews opining this, this marks the start of a different series, and no prior knowledge of the Banished Lands is needed. I would agree to an extent, though I would imagine a lot of things are taken for granted (the creatures and races of people for one, if not the actual storyline). However, if someone then wants to read the previous series I think a lot of the events of those books has been spoilt, not the overall conclusion but certain little details would be annoying to have spoilt. I would strongly encourage readers to read Malice et all first (though beware of the epic scope and cast of characters from the off).

The story follows three main paths which at times become two. Riv (a trainee warrior) and Bleda (a young ward, stolen from his family at a young age) are living with the "angels" that have broken through to the real world and are training to fight the "demons". Their story serves to chronicle the events of the first series quite neatly, and shows how the angels are not perfect in their role as mankind's guardians. Drem is a trapper living in the wilderness with his father and begins to uncover some unusual signs of dark work afoot. Finally, Sig the giant (a minor character in the first series) also works to eliminate the demons from the world, but does so independently of the angels.

The scope of the story and cast of characters is so much smaller more focused than Gwynne's previous books, which took some getting used to. While I felt the scope of the first series was so epic it was hard work, here it seems like a very different, simpler work. Almost, but not quite, like a step backwards.

As usual, there are twists and turns along the way, not all of which were particularly surprising (sometimes you just know that unless someone's head was cut off, they're going to come back again later!) and I felt they could have been dealt with better.

I felt there was maybe another chunk of the story that could have been added as the final 50 pages rattled along all of a sudden and ended abruptly with more still to tell.

I very much enjoyed the book and am looking forward to the next instalment to see where the story goes from here, though I expect it will be a smaller series than TFAF, looking to tie up loose ends.
Starry Eyes
Starry Eyes
Jenn Bennett | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I read my first Jenn Bennett book several years ago, her paranormal Arcadia Bell series and devoured the 4 books in about a week, it was so good. It was then only last year I found her YA books on Amazon and decided to try them and they are so cute.

This must be my sixth or seventh and I've enjoyed all of them. Her YA/NA books are so cute in their romances with characters that you want to get together so badly and written in a way that even you feel a little warm and gooey after reading them fall for each other.

This one involves a nerdy stargazer and an emo-y outdoors fan who trek for several days through the wilderness that sounded pretty amazing apart from the bears and cougars/mountain lions.

I cannot wait to read more of her work

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2072 KP) rated Buried in a Good Book in Books

May 25, 2022 (Updated May 25, 2022)  
Buried in a Good Book
Buried in a Good Book
Tamara Berry | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Life in the Wilderness Proves to be Deadly
In an attempt to bond with her teenage daughter after a divorce, bestselling thriller authors Tess Harrow decides to spend some time at the rustic cabin she’s recently inherited. But it turns out the lack of running water, electricity, and Wi-Fi aren’t the worst things there. Tess and her daughter haven’t even gotten in the door before there is a horrible boom followed by a rain of fish parts and a human arm. When the sheriff shows up, he is the spitting image of Tess’s main character. What has Tess stumbled into?

If that description sounds a little wacky, that’s because it is. But this book fully embraces it, and is better as a result. I was laughing the entire way through the book at the banter between the characters. The characters are strong and relatable if a bit broad to make the comedy work. I did feel the plot got a little convoluted as we neared the end, but that was my only complaint. Everything made sense in the end, and I was drawn in the entire time I was reading. If you are looking for laughs with your mystery, you’ll be happy you picked up this series debut.