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The Darkslayer: Brutal Beginnings
The Darkslayer: Brutal Beginnings
Craig Halloran | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fun short introduction
This 40 page novella is a good, fun introduction to the world of the Darkslayer, similar to a Witcher: a man who wanders the wilds slaying evil creatures for payment. Here we are introduced to Venir (and briefly his companion Melegal), a hard-drinking brute of a man who we find is known as the Darkslayer. He ventures out from the city of Bone into the wilds, partly to earn his keep slaying the wild Underlings (nasty little wild creatures who kill children and keep giant spiders as pets); partly to escape the morning-after realisation of who he slept with.
Not exactly high-brow literature, but a well told, axe-swinging, action-packed tale of one man against the wilds.
As with other series, this introduction was written some time after/during the main series and intended as a nice little introduction. I am expecting to meet some of the characters again as I continue with the main series.
The Witcher - Season 2
The Witcher - Season 2
2021 | Action, Adventure, Drama
Not having played any of the games (although I have read some of the earlier books) one of the key problem's with Netflix first season of 'The Witcher', I found, was the way it jumped around timelines with no real clear 'this is set in <period>' shown.

That aspect, thankfully, is almost entirely done away with in the second season which, as a result, means it is far easier to follow just what is going on!

Set in the aftermath of the Battle of Floden field, with Geralt and Ciri now reunited and with Geralt also believing Yennefer to be dead, this season also introduces more members of the group to which he belongs; that is to say, more Witchers.

I found the season overall to be a bit hit and miss: when the episodes were good, they were very good, but when they were bad ... they were bad.

None the less, still interestied to see where this goes!

RhinocerRoss (16 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of The Witcher III: Wild Hunt in Video Games

Feb 24, 2020  
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt
No prior experience of the Witcher world is necessary but it also gives more to someone with the back ground knowledge. (3 more)
There are lots of ways to play the game and many different ways it can ultimately end.
With an easy setting it is great for someone who wants the story ornis looking to spend more time in this world after watching the Netflix series. For those wanting a challenge it can give that aswel
A lot of bang for your bucks
If you like like RPGs it's not an issue but if you don't you may not get on with the game. (2 more)
For a casual gamer with not much time to spare you may not be free to immerse yourself as fully as others.
Tis game is Thjs game
Deep and cultured fantasy world you feel involved in
The Witcher - Season 1
The Witcher - Season 1
2019 | Action, Drama, Fantasy
I love the Witcher series having read the books and played the games. It was interesting the way they had the time jumps, but I can see how that would be confusing for people new to the series. It was really well done and they got it right with Henry Cavill because he got Geralt's mannerisms and voice down perfectly. I know people have commented about that low monotone voice, but the thing is that is how Geralt talks in the games and the books. Witchers are basically mutants and one of the things that changes is how they show emotions, they can't emote very well in their face and voice. Henry Cavill got that right. I feel what they did with Fringilla's character is a little odd, but I get why they did it that way and Yennefer's story arc was very interesting. I hope to see more of her in season 2. Overall, very well done.
The Witcher - Season 1
The Witcher - Season 1
2019 | Action, Drama, Fantasy
Magic & Monsters (0 more)
Henry Cavill's monotone voice (0 more)
Toss a coin to your Witcher
I can't say I know anything of the games or books. Saw this pop up on Netflix and hoped for something to fill the GoT void. With Magic and a monster hunter I hoped for great things especially as it seems to have a big budget. Although it is good and entertaining it wasn't the grand scale epic I thought it might be. For a monster hunter there are few episodes with any grand beasts. Some of them were a little underwhelming. It can be a bit slow in some episodes and Cavill's dull tones do become a bit annoying after a while. Thankfully it did pick up towards the end. Hopefully if they do a second series we will see a bit more monster action.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Witcher - Season 1 in TV

Jan 9, 2020 (Updated Jan 22, 2020)  
The Witcher - Season 1
The Witcher - Season 1
2019 | Action, Drama, Fantasy
An exceptional start to the show
The Witcher is a show I've been excited about for some time.
I've never read the books, and to be honest, only slightly dabbled in the video games, but the idea of seeing the exploits of Geralt of Rivea on screen was a prospect I was ready for.

Henry Cavill is great as the titular Witcher, I've heard people complain that he's a bit too brooding, doesn't say a whole lot etc, but it's to my understanding that this is his character, and it works well when put alongside the other two leads.
Anya Chalotra as Yennefer is the star of this season for sure. Her story is one of pain, and triumph, and the constant longing for something more. It's frequently emotional, and at times difficult to watch, and the series pulls no punches when it comes to what it wants to show.
Her character transformation both physically and mentally is superb, and well realised.
And then we have Freya Allen playing Ciri, a princess on the run when her home and city is sacked and burned by the main villains Nilfgaard.
Her role is a little more straightforward, as she spends the season hiding and fleeing, all whilst looking for Geralt.
The three separate storylines work very well alongside each other, as they slowly start to come together over the course of the eight episode season.
The stories timeline seems all over the place at first, and for some may be quite jarring, but it does begin to make sense the further in it gets. If you've been put off by this aspect initially, then please stick with it!

The cinematography is frequently gorgeous, and the CGI is mostly passable (there are some dodgy moments here and there, but surely that's to be expected from a first season), and it's nice to see creatures bought to life that even I recognise from my short time spent with the games.

The music score is beautiful - Sonya Belousova and Giona Ostinelli have created a score that sticks with you after watching (a highlight is the music attached to Aretuza and the mages).

Overall, it's an exceptionally strong start to a new ambitious series. I can't wait to see where it goes from here!

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) Jan 10, 2020

Watching this show one thing never left my mind....superman was doing his batman voice 😂.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition
story, choices, scenery, characters (0 more)
janky combat, slow responses (0 more)
As a fan of rpg games ive heard alot about the witcher series so i was excited to get into this game. Storywise i thoroughly enjoyed it, i love the alternative choices you can make and how that affects gameplay later on. Having completed the game once im currently attempting to play through on "dark mode" which i would not recommend as it is exasperatingly difficult. Mainly just because geralt responds so slowly to commands. I enjoyed the scenery in the game and the progression through the different chapters has lots of areas to explore. If you do only the main missions you could complete the game moderately quickly but fortunately there are lots of side quests and interesting things to find. I would probably enjoy the game more if it allowed me to travel back to places previous and had a fast travel system but as it is, was a great piece of work and i look forward to playing through number 3. Not sure if the choices made in this game affect how the story plays in the wild hunt but i hope so.