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Eleanor Luhar (47 KP) rated The Outs in Books

Jun 24, 2019  
The Outs
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well this was... an interesting read...

Just gonna quickly put a little trigger warning in here, as there is graphic and emotional descriptions of depression and suicide. But the story isn't about these things, and they aren't properly talked about until far later in the novel.

You're thrown right into the deep end from page one, having to put the pieces together as the plot progresses. We meet one of our protagonists, Caleb, in an unfamiliar room with mysterious men and a random little girl. He ends up taking her with him as he runs, trying to figure out what he did during the Outs.

The Outs are kinda confusing. They're moments in time where electrical appliances all fail, and anything that happens is forgotten as soon as the Outs end. Oh, and anyone killed during the Outs is resurrected from the dead.

I'm really not sure how to describe this book. The plot is super confusing - Caleb and his aphasic friend, Kitzi, take this weird little girl (Amanda) who somehow has powers over everyone and everything, in an attempt to stop Deeds and his army of Deadheaders. Caleb has a psychopathic voice in his head called Crimes, Amanda's dreams come true, Kitzi's suicide happens to have taken place at the same time the Outs started, she can smell the truth - and somehow they're all connected to the Outs? These three individuals - and many others along the way - each have a big part in what is happening. But how?

Honestly, I cannot explain it. There are so many little ties and strings throughout this book that all add up, and I couldn't possibly include them all.

It definitely is a unique book. The idea is pretty good, too - the whole "nightmares becoming real" and all. But I just didn't connect; I don't know if it was the pacing or what, but I just didn't feel involved in it.

I feel like I should've been able to sympathise with the characters more - they had good backstories, emotional and family issues that different people should be able to relate to. And the narration following Kitzi often makes references to comic books which I personally really appreciated. But I just didn't quite feel them. Maybe it's just me - there's nothing wrong with the writing in particular, so maybe it's just personal preference. I don't know.

I had a few typos in my copy but I received an ARC, not a final copy, so that shouldn't affect anyone buying the book. I loved the cover, and the art at each chapter start was great. Also, the inclusion of "Notes From Last Night" (a site where people recorded notes during the outs for after they forget) was awesome, too. It added a whole other dimension to the world, an extra little bit of interest.

I wanted to like this, I really did. And I didn't dislike it - but it didn't feel like anything special to me. 3 stars for The Outs.
Slated (Slated #1)
Slated (Slated #1)
Teri Terry | 2012 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog at <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

Slated by Teri Terry has been on my to read list for ages, so when I found out I was going to be moving from the UK to the US, I bought it ASAP because it isn't out over here in the US yet. I'm so glad I bought this book. It is so so so good!!

Kyla is a 16 year old girl whose memories have been erased in order to be a more compliant citizen. In other words, Kyla has been slated because she supposedly broke the law. Kyla can't remember anything about her previous life although she is having terrible nightmares that seem too real to just be a dream. Plus, she keeps drawing things that she can't remember ever seeing. Soon, people start disappearing around Kyla for no reason at all. Are they being Slated or is there something else going on?

The title of this book is very straight forward. Slating is the main point of this book. I wouldn't have picked a different title as I feel this one is perfect.

The cover is a bit too plain and boring. It's just kind of meh. Anyone who has read my reviews in the past knows how I don't like covers that just have a face on them. To me, it is an easy way out. It doesn't take much thought when it comes to putting a face on a cover. I wish the cover would show a bit more of the story.

The world building was great! The world in which Kyla lived felt very believable. In fact, the whole storyline felt believable. I especially thought the scenes in which Kyla is in the hospital felt like I was living them as well.

I felt that the author really nailed the pacing. I was hooked from the very first page. Everything just flowed so easily, and I felt myself become totally lost in the pages as the story progressed. It only took me longer to read Slated because I moved from the UK to the US so I didn't have much time to read, otherwise, I'd have had that book read in about 3 days or less.

The dialogue in Slated feels natural. This is a YA book, and the dialogue fits the genre perfectly. Not once does the dialogue feel forced or sound like it was adults speaking. I really enjoyed the internal conflict when it came to Kyla. As for swearing, I don't think there is any in this book.

All the characters in Slated were believable. Kyla really seemed to come across as a character who had lost their memory. At first, I was a bit concerned because Kyla seemed to know what things were even though she had lost all of her memory including motor skills. However, this was explained in the book. Kyla seems very much like a teenage girl. We don't really get to know too much about Amy or Jazz, but even they felt like real characters. For some reason, I couldn't connect to Ben. This wasn't because he was a poorly written character, but it was more of a personal thing. I just found him a tad bit annoying for some reason that I can't explain. My favourite character was Kyla's mum. I just loved the way she interacted with Kyla. Both Kyla's mum and dad are both hiding something that hasn't been revealed in this first book.

Everything about this book was fantastic. I can't think of one single thing wrong with it. It was so much fun to read. I'm only disappointed that I have to wait so long for the second book in the series to be out.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 14+ due to violence.
The Girl on the Train (2016)
The Girl on the Train (2016)
2016 | Drama, Mystery
You won’t uncork a bottle of Malbec again without thinking of this film…
“The Girl on a Train” is the film adaptation of the best-seller by Paula Hawkins, transported from the London suburbs to New York’s Hastings-on-Hudson.
It’s actually rather a sordid story encompassing as it does alcoholism, murder, marital strife, deceit, sexual frustration, an historical tragedy and lashings and lashings of violence. Emily Blunt (“Sicario”, “Edge of Tomorrow”) plays Rachel, a divorcee with an alcohol problem who escapes into an obsessive fantasy each day as she passes her former neighbourhood on her commute into the city. Ex-husband Tom (Justin Theroux, “Zoolander 2”) lives in her old house with his second wife Anna (Rebecca “MI:5” Ferguson) and new baby Evie. But her real fantasy rests with cheerleader-style young neighbour Megan (Haley Bennett) who is actually locked in a frustratingly child-free marriage (frustrating for him at least) with the controlling and unpredictable Scott (Luke Evans, “The Hobbit”). A sixth party in this complex network is Megan’s psychiatrist Dr Kamal Abdic (Édgar Ramírez, “Joy”).

In pure Hitchcockian style Megan witnesses mere glimpses of events from her twice-daily train and from these pieces together stories that suitably feed her psychosis. When ‘shit gets real’ and a key character goes missing, Megan surfaces her suspicions and obsessions to the police investigation (led by Detective Riley, the ever-excellent Allison Janney from “The West Wing”) and promptly makes herself suspect number one.

Readers of the book will already be aware of the twists and turns of the story, so will watch the film from a different perspective than I did. (Despite my best intentions I never managed to read the book first).

First up, you would have to say that Emily Blunt’s performance is outstanding in an extremely challenging acting role. Every nuance of shame, confusion, grief, fear, doubt and anger is beautifully enacted: it would not be a surprise to see her gain her first Oscar nomination for this. All the other lead roles are also delivered with great professionalism, with Haley Bennett (a busy month for her, with “The Magnificent Seven” also out) being impressive and Rebecca Ferguson, one of my favourite current actresses, delivering another measured and delicate performance.
Girl on a Train, The
Rebecca Ferguson as Anna – “there were three of us in this marriage so it was a bit crowded”

The supporting roles are also effective, with Darren Goldstein as the somewhat creepy “man in the suit” and “Friends” star Lisa Kudrow popping up in an effective and pivotal role. The Screen Guild Awards have an excellent category for an Ensemble Cast in a Motion Picture, and it feels appropriate to nominate this cast for that award.
So it’s a blockbuster book with a rollercoaster story and a stellar cast, so what could go wrong? Well, something for sure. This is a case in point where I suspect it is easier to slowly peel back Rachel’s lost memory with pages and imagination than it is with dodgy fuzzy images on a big screen. Although the film comes in at only 112 minutes, the pacing in places is too slow (the screenplay by Erin Cressida Wilson takes its time) and director Tate Taylor (“The Help”) is no Hitchcock, or indeed a David Fincher (since the film has strong similarities to last year’s “Gone Girl”: when the action does happen it lacks style, with the violence being on the brutal side and leaving little to the imagination.

It’s by no means a bad film, and worth seeing for the acting performances alone. But it’s not a film I think that will trouble my top 10 for the year.
Innocence &amp; Despair by The Langley Schools Music Project
Innocence & Despair by The Langley Schools Music Project
2001 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I really like to do covers, but the idea of a children's choir doing such classic songs and interpreting them… In 'Space Oddity' there's 'ding!', one vibraphone hit that's totally out of time and a tambourine will go at the same moment and then there's "ground control to Major Tom", these little kids - you can imagine them being really stoic and really getting behind what they were singing and being so serious about it. And then there's little jangly guitars that are so 70s as well, you can almost hear the school wall. People would do anything now to record an album that sounded like it was in a 70s school, but that wasn't them trying to be cool, that was them being who they were and what they were doing. And then 'Desperado', there's a nine-year-old girl who sings, like the quietest voice I've ever heard, but they've mic'ed it up so well. I purposefully try sometimes to mic up my voice really quietly so it sounds like you're being told a secret. This little girl, her voice is shaking, but it's the most gentle sound - it's like when a little child reaches up and touches your face, that feeling of… it's called Innocence & Despair - they're absolute innocents, but they're also singing songs like 'Desperado' and "oh Mandy, you came and you gave without taking and I pushed away", but it's seven-, ten-, 12-year-olds singing. 'Space Oddity', the fact that that's about a spaceman just stuck out in space just drifting away, and they do make it sound quite psychedelic and eccentric and funny. And the shambolicness of it is so cool. What I like is that so many people try to do that, that faux-childishness, and this guy who was running it was obviously a passionate, avid music lover of that time, and persuaded the school and the parents to let these kids sing pop music, which then was pushing boundaries. It's beautiful. He [Hans Fenger, organiser/arranger of project] really managed to pull something together. I think it all comes down to the beauty of being not self-aware. They're aware, they're trying their best, but it's like the older you get I suppose the more you feel nostalgic about those times and that feeling. Picasso and Matisse and great artists have always been trying to get back to childhood. You get to a certain stage and you want to revisit, but trying to keep that childhood alive is almost the hardest thing, because you build up all these layers of self-awareness and what you want to project and how you want to do it. Even now when I watch Glee and all that shit, all these kids have got the dance routines down - I'm sad that there's no one being this shit anymore. You should be a bit shit when you're little, because that's the freedom. Having perfectly scaled voices, and projecting, and knowing how to communicate with your audience. It's just like, "really? Is that what it's about or is this what it's about?": a bunch of kids getting together, loving it and making mistakes and not caring and sounding a bit out of tune. "I'm going to play my vibraphone part, it's in the wrong place, but I loved it, I'm going to do it again!" Just one note, in the wrong place, amazing. You're playing David Bowie and you're seven, what more is there?"

Lauren Oliver | 2011 | Children, Dystopia, Romance
7.9 (20 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review from my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>.

I really, really, really wanted to like this book. In fact, I wanted to love it, but it just didn't happen. I just couldn't get into it at all no matter how hard I tried. It's gotten some rave reviews so maybe there's just something wrong with me.

Lena is a seventeen year old girl who doesn't challenge anything about her government. She's too scared of the consequences. In a few months, on her 18th birthday, she'll be cured of the disease, the disease of love. She's looking forward to the day she can be cured of love. In fact, she's counting down the days. However, everything changes when she meets the gorgeous Alex, an invalid (another name for someone who is uncured after their 18th birthday). Now she doesn't want to be cured as Alex has opened her eyes to this disease called love. Lena is wondering if love was ever really a disease at all. Lena is putting herself at risk to be with Alex. Will she have her happy ever after or will she be cured?

The world building isn't bad. The story takes place in Portland. The author does a great job of trying to make the reader believe in a world where love is banned. It is quite believable.

I don't think the cover suits the book at all. Lauren Oliver has a habit of just putting faces on the covers of her books. However, I think this is the easy way out. Putting a photo of a face on a book doesn't really tell us anything about the book. I wish Ms. Oliver would consider changing her covers to make them relevant to the actual story.

The title, however, definitely suits the book. Love is seen as a type of delirium. It's banned, and the government wants everyone to believe how love will make you delirious. It's a great title for the book.

I found the pacing to be too slow for my liking. Don't get me wrong, it's written quite nicely, but it's just too slow. I had to force myself to read the book most of the time. I just couldn't get into it, and I found myself not really caring about the characters. There is one good bit, and it's only about two or three chapters towards the middle of the book.

The dialogue is easy to understand and is written beautifully. There are a few swear words however. (Lena drops the f-bomb a couple of times and the s word is used a couple of times as well). The good thing is this book isn't littered with swear words which is nice.

I just couldn't relate to any of the characters. Lena drove me crazy!! She was too much of a goody goody and too scared throughout the book. It especially annoyed me when she couldn't tell the difference if she was crying or sweating. I've never had a problem telling the difference!! And Alex, nothing really annoyed me about him, but I just couldn't feel him if you know what I mean. I basically found that I couldn't give a toss about what happened to Lena and Alex. I did like Hana as she was more of a free spirit and willing to take risks. I liked how full of life she was. She was the only character I kind of cared about, but she wasn't a main character, nor was she mentioned as much as I would've liked her to be.

Throughout most of the book I just felt really bored with the book which made me kind of sad because I really wanted to enjoy this book after reading some reviews about how great this book was. It was a challenge for me to get through the book, save for two or three chapters. This book just didn't really do anything for me, and I won't be reading the rest of the series as I don't really care what happens.

I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone. It's just too boring and is lacking something.

Overall, I'd rate Delirium by Lauren Oliver a 2.5 out of a 5.


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Léon: The Professional (1994)
Léon: The Professional (1994)
1994 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Heart-racing Drama
Against his better judgement, a hitman takes in a little girl after her entire family is slaughtered.

Acting: 10
Loved Jean Reno as Leon the hitman as it is inarguably his greatest performance. You can tell very early on this is a guy you don’t want to mess with. Despite his excellence, Natalie Portman outshined everyone, even Reno, in her role as Mathilda, a revenge-seeking girl that has to grow up before she’s ready. She leaves such an impact from the way she harbors rage and sadness, sometimes within the same scene. While young, this is also one of her strongest performances as an actress. When you’re getting the best of your two stars, you know you have a great movie on your hands.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 8

Conflict: 7
I think my issue with the actual conflict throughout the duration of the movie stems more from how amazing the beginning is. The first ten minutes of the movie almost spoil you into expecting the rest of the film to be that way. Alas it is not. It moves at a bit of a slower clip and you start to feel it playing out as more of a drama than an action movie. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty of tension to be had, just not quite enough to blow me away.

Entertainment Value: 8

Memorability: 7
There is one particularly tense moment that had my heart racing: I don’t want to give too much away by setting the scene, but Mathilda is waiting outside of Leon’s door, pleading for him to let her in. Every single time I watch that scene, my heart leaps into my throat even though I know what’s going to happen. It’s that intense vulnerability that really sticks out. While the movie isn’t oozing with scenes to remember, say like my last review of Dirty Dancing, there was definitely enough to keep my attention.

Pace: 10
Once you understand that the movie is a drama and not an action film, you can respect the pace a lot more. The movie pushes character development and the relationship between Leon and Mathilda. By the time the film reaches its conclusion, there is legitimate concern for their well-being because you’ve grown to like both of them.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 1
Did not like the ending in the slightest. I was hoping for more. Endings like this are fine when there is more closure. As bad as it was, I still enjoyed the movie as a whole.

Overall: 81
Leon: The Professional is a great movie to watch with someone who prefers drama over action and you’re trying to meet them in the middle. It is endearing to watch Leon and Mathilda’s relationship blossom with the mad world that has been thrust upon them. The action is subtle, but the movie is awesome.
The Liar&#039;s Girl
The Liar's Girl
Catherine Ryan Howard | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
What if the person you loved wasn't who you thought they were?
Alison Smith is living the dream. Not only are she and her best friend Liz excited about their freshman year at the prestigious St. John’s College in Dublin, Ireland; Alison has also met someone…he could even be the one. From the instant she meets Will in a night club, sparks fly between them and they become that couple – the one that’s constantly attached at the hip, madly in love, and whose future shines so bright.

In a terrible turn of events, however, everything comes crashing down. First some fellow female classmates start disappearing. Then, they’re found washed up along Dublin’s Grand Canal. It is clear that a serial killer is on the prowl. Alison is dealt a jagged double whammy after Liz is identified as the Canal Killer’s latest victim and Will is identified as the Canal Killer himself. Absolutely shell-shocked, Alison leaves her home behind and moves to the Netherlands, enrolls in a new college, and starts life anew so to speak.

As the ten-year anniversary of the Canal Killer’s vicious spree approaches, a new string of victims is found in the Grand Canal in the exact same fashion as before. Could it be a copycat killer? Could Will, now in prison, be working with a partner on the outside? Or is it possible that the Garda (aka the Irish police force) could have captured the wrong guy all those years ago?

I loved reading this book! Author Catherine Ryan Howard did a superb job of making Alison’s story both heartbreaking and redemptive, thrilling and enlightening. What she goes through with Will both as a freshman and ten years later is shocking yet entirely believable. She is a heroine you want to get behind and cheer for as she seeks to find the truth about the Canal Killer’s identity, her feelings for Will, and the connection between the past and present crimes. Fans of Patricia Cornwell’s whodunit mysteries will enjoy the suspense, strong female lead, and detective skills offered up by Howard’s The Liar’s Girl.