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Every Little Secret [Audiobook]
Every Little Secret [Audiobook]
Sarah Clarke | 2022 | Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Three things cannot long stay hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth." Buddha

From the outside, Grace, Marcus and their daughter Kaia appear to be a happy family who have it all but, below the surface, secrets lie which threaten to tear their lives apart.

This was a good book to listen to; it started strong, had a few chapters that dragged on a bit but then finished strong. The story is told from 3 timelines and from multiple points of view but whilst I did get lost a few times, this was probably because I was dipping in and out of the audiobook rather than listening to it in big chunks but I soon got back on track.

The characters are strong and well developed and whilst they might not be the most likeable people in the world, I didn't think it mattered too much to me in this particular instance.

The story and plot were interesting and it was a real puzzle trying to work out who was telling the truth and how it was all going to end which I really enjoyed. There are a number of twists and the ending was great.

Overall, a good domestic, family thriller which the narrator did a good job of distinguishing between the characters and keeping you engaged.

Thank you to HarperCollins UK Audio via NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to listen to this book and share my thoughts.
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Dawning Ascent ( The Pearson Prophecy book 1)
By Jen L. Grey

Power comes with a price.

Treated like an outcast in her own kingdom, Ariah learned to live in the shadows. But as she comes into her powers, she catches the eye of her life long crush and an unlikely ally. Trusting either of them could help her along a dangerous journey... or could bring her journey to a dangerous end.

When enemies come to light and distrust spreads, Ariah's safety is put in jeopardy. If she places her trust in the wrong people, her hidden powers will be unveiled to those who wish to use them against her.

To survive, Ariah must learn who has her best interests at heart. If she chooses wrong, it could mean not only her own death, but the crumbling of the entire country.

I did enjoy this book it had a good premise and the characters were easy to get along with. My one issue was this, the world building suggested it was very fairytale kingdom without modern technology etc which was great! But the author then throws in a coffee machine and a shower yet things like hospitals and modern equipment is not there. Just didn’t really make sense to me and took away from that fairytale feeling. It should be all or nothing I think.
The Rogue King (Inferno Rising #1)
The Rogue King (Inferno Rising #1)
Abigail Owen | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED book two, yesterday!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jumping straight in here, cos ooooooeeeee I did LOVE this book!!

Brand is a rogue dragon, without a clan. Kasia, a Phoenix without a family. A Phoenix is the only one who can mate with the High King of ALL the dragons, and the makes her valuable. Brand is tasked with delivering Kasia to the Blood King, to his only friend from childhood. But Kasia ignites something in Brand, and he knows he cannot give up his mate.

This was, quite possibly, my favourite read this month! I mean, I had a lie in, read a few pages before you have to dig yourself out your pit, and before you know it, 3 hours has past and you've about flung your kindle (but not quite!) at the wall, cos now you NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED book two, yesterday!

Everyone, and I mean everyone IMPORTANT has a say: Kasia, Brand, and all those trying to get Kasia (but not saying who!)

Not everything is immediately clear, and you put things together all kinds of wrong before things are cleared up. And I LOVE being kept on my toes!

It's different, and I LOVE different, with the Phoenix being the key to High King status. With female born dragons being unable to bare children. With Kasia and her sisters having hidden for so long, and Kasia not doing so well hiding herself anymore.

There is an ongoing story arc, that makes you NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED book two, yesterday, to see what happens to Kasia's sisters. You can't see what's going to happen, not in the long term, but a massive clue screams at you for one sister, and there is another, much less subtle clue, for another. Whether that pans out how I see it, remains to be seen, but I WILL be reading these books!

Thank you, Ms Owen, for proper making my day!

5 bright and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
On the Steel Breeze
On the Steel Breeze
Alastair Reynolds | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
On The Steel Breeze is the second in Reynold's Poseidon's Children trilogy and deals with the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence.

Taking up the story several years after Blue Remembered Earth the main (human) protagonist is Chiku Akinya, daughter of Sunday Akinya from the first book. She has cloned herself and the three Chikus pursue different fates but their stories inevitably interact with each other.even across light years of space.

One is lost in space, presumed dead. Another is on a colony ship heading to a planet that images have shown has a clearly alien structure on the surface. The third remains on Earth, presumably in safety.

As the colony ships near the destination planet they are riven by internal strife and politics just as Chiku finds that things are not as they seem. There are secrets both within the colony ship and with the planet itself, secrets that are bound to cause conflict when they are brought to light. On earth it is clear that some important information has been hidden and Chiku must risk her safe existence to uncover the truth, but at a high cost.

The book starts slowly, maybe a little too keen to establish who Chiku is and reinforce how the world she inhabits is different from ours. However once the story moves to the colony ships it moves along at a good pace with enough twists and surprises to keep the reader's interest. There is plenty of intrigue and it really is hard to tell where the story is going next.

We have the usual 'hard physics' at work as should be expected in a Reynolds book. Except for the hand wavium 'Chibesa physics' that powers the ships, the laws of physics are rigidly adhered to. Again we see how a battle across millions of miles of space could be achieved.

I found the ending to be satisfying (I have read reviews criticising it). It ties up the story of the earth based Chiku. The story for the colonists is clearly only beginning and the third book in the series is set up neatly in the epilogue, while at the same time providing closure on the fate of the colonists.

My only real criticism of the book (and it in no way detracted from it) was the cloning-and-memory-merging gimmick used for the Chiku clones. Although this neatly allowed the story to move between the colony ships and the solar system, I felt that this had been explored better (and with more justification) in Reynold's novel House Of Suns. Here it just seems to be a 'sci-fieqsue' way of allowing the main protagonists to communicate and empathise across the vast tracts of space and otherwise seemed superfluous given the complex set up.

Overall another excellent book from Reynolds, definitely up there with the best 'space opera' novels. I am looking forward to the third book immensely.
Have I ever told you how much I dislike novellas? No? Well, I do, most of them anyway. I always want more, always feel like something is missing, and yes, I know I'm greedy. So what happens when one of my favourite authors releases a novella within a box set? Well, I read the damn thing, of course.

BEAUTIFUL MONSTER is the offering from Maya Daniels for the Romancing the Shifter Boxset and she has knocked it out of the park once more. Not only am I invested in Noah, Anika, Deb, Daideo, and the others, but she has managed to give me a complete(ish) story to fall in love with. Okay, so it is complete, but as I've already said, I want more!

This story is rounded out nicely, full of sass, snark, and plenty of steam hinting of things to come. The pacing is perfect, and the storyline gives you all the information you need, although not all you want! There is so much more hidden within the words, and I am really, REALLY, hoping that Ms Daniels makes this into a full-length novel or series. Either would work for me. I really not that fussy! 😉

A great addition to the box set and one I can highly recommend. Just please, for the love of all that's holy, let me have more!!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
How to Save a Life
Sara Zarr | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I won this book off of Facebook or Twitter; I forget which. I had totally forgot about this book, I'm ashamed to admit, until I was tidying up my bookshelf and came across it again. I'm glad I came across it again as it's definitely become one of my favourite reads of 2012.

Jill's dad has only recently died, and already it seems like her mother wants to replace him with a new baby. Enter Mandy. Mandy is a pregnant teen. She wants to give her baby up for adoption, and Robin, Jill's mother, seems like the perfect person to adopt her baby. Will Mandy and her baby help fill the whole in Robin and Jill's heart? Will Mandy feel loved? What if Mandy decides to keep her baby? Told from both Jill's and Mandy's point of view, this book will tug at your heart strings.

I don't really get the title to this book. Maybe there's some kind of hidden message behind the title, and I'm missing it, but I really don't understand why this book is called How to Save a Life. Perhaps it's to let the reader know that this book will be very emotional.

The cover suits the book especially when it comes to the character of Mandy. Once you read the book, you'll definitely think this cover suits the book. I won't say too much due to spoilers, but just take my word that it does indeed suit the book.

There's really not much to the setting of the book. It mostly takes place at Jill's house in Denver and a few other little places like Jill's school or restaurants. However, the setting of this book is done rather well, and it sounds like Denver!! I mean, I've never been, but it's what I'd imagine it to be.

The pacing was brilliant! It was so hard to put this book down. I was hooked beyond belief. At no point does the pacing slow down enough to become boring. Each chapter is interesting!!

The dialogue was perfect. The two main characters are teens, and I felt their language was appropriate for teen girls. There were a couple of words I didn't understand, but I think this was just down to me not knowing the what the word meant as others probably know what it means. However, this didn't take away from the story in the slightest. There are a few swear words, but not too many.

I loved the characters in this book!! Mandy was my favourite character. It felt as if Mandy's mother had brainwashed her into thinking all sorts of things, so Mandy comes off as being a bit socially inept. She's definitely a bit weird because of it, but that's what I loved about her. She has this sort of innocence and naivety that is both sweet and charming. I also loved Jill. She starts off with a "screw the world" attitude, but it's obvious she's only acting that way because of what she's been through. Jill is actually quite a sweet girl. As for Dylan and Ravi, I also loved them both. Dylan is very caring and comes across as the type that's nice to everyone no matter what. Ravi came across as the geeky but sexy sweet guy.

This book had me laughing and crying (quite literally). It also had me worried and made me feel secure. It plays up to most of the human emotions. It's just a bit hard to explain unless you read it, which I suggest you do ASAP! This book is an emotional rollercoaster. It's one of those books you just have to read!! It will also have you thinking about it long after you've finished reading it.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+. It's such an amazing book! I can't sing it's praises loud enough!! Please read it and let me know what you think. You won't regret reading it.
City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)
City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)
Cassandra Clare | 2007 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare [BOOK REVIEW]
I have already read this book back in 2014. This time, I decided to go with the whole series, as I stopped reading them for some reason.

City of Bones is the first book from The Mortal Instrument Series by Cassandra Clare. This is a book that is really distinctive for the fact that it takes you to a whole new world instantly, and you immediately feel comfortable with it.

The story starts when Clary and her friend Simon are in a night club, and a boy is being attacked. When Clary calls out for help, it seems that only she can see the attackers. And immediately, within a few pages, we are introduced to a paranormal world that is not visible to mundanes, and we discover all sorts of creatures: angels, demons, fae, vampires, werewolves…

And when Clary discovers that her mother, who used to be a part of a society, and kept it all hidden from her goes missing - she is determined to find her, save her, and find out about her past.

I liked the fact that we have a world so wonderfully constructed, and so thoughtfully created, that drags you in immediately. I usually am the person that struggles with new worlds and incredible amounts of creatures, but this was a great exception.

The characters were well-developed, and I was impressed by how the author managed to present some of today’s taboo topics in this novel. I find it really courageous. I straight-out don’t like Simon. Like, at all… He is a wonderful friend, and Clary means a lot to him, but he was just so dull the whole book.

I liked Clary, and I loved how she slowly discovered everything, but I wasn’t really that involved with her.

On the other side, I loved Jace. He is such a hottie. Sarcastic little cutsie thing! I also adored his honesty. It is something that not everyone has these days…

‘’He’s not a liar at all. Not about important things. He’ll tell you horrible truths, but he won’t lie.’’ She paused before she added quietly, ‘’That’s why it’s certainly better not to ask him anything unless you know you can stand to hear the answer.’’

I liked Luke’s story, and he had an amazing cliff-hanger around the end of the book. But Magnus is one of the people I wanted to see more of, and I wish there two places were swapped.

Isabelle and Alec - I really loved them. We didn’t get to see too much of them, but they were both really important in some of the crucial moments in this book.

All in all, I really loved the story. And I am a bit sad that the couple I was shipping for can’t be together, but it is what it is. I am going to put a Lannister reference here, and if you have read the book, you will understand: ‘’Oh, the things we do for love…’’

‘’To love is to destroy, and to be loved is to be the one destroyed.’’
Wolf by Wolf (Wolf by Wolf, #1)
Wolf by Wolf (Wolf by Wolf, #1)
Ryan Graudin | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Yael is 5 years old and finds herself a prisoner in a Nazi Concentration camp, she has been specifically selected by a doctor for an experiment. The experiment entails a series of injections every few days - their aim.... to make her blonde haired and blue-eyed (an Aryan). These injections are severe and the weak show signs of fever and for most of them death but not for Yael.

1956 Yael is a member of the resistance, her aim in life is to kill Hitler to make the world a better place. With so many assassination attempts Hitler hardly attends social functions, so it's quite difficult to get near him. The resistance have a plan which involves Yael - she must enter the Axis Motorbike race disguised as another young girl who has once had the pleasure of meeting the Führer - if Yael can win, her life's mission will be complete, However she didn't plan for all the backstabbing and love involved in the race or the hidden secrets which are not on file. For this no training would help her, she has to win.

This is one of those books that explores the topic of Hitler winning the war and how the rest of the world would be effected and what other bizarre theories he comes up with. This also covers another serious topic that I myself did not know about was that people were experimented on in the concentration camps which caused death and disfigurements. Which is absolutely brutal and very hard to read about.

I was umming and ahhing over this book for a while,I heard many great things about it but I still wasn't totally convinced. Was it the fact that this book is based on Hitler winning and carrying on with his reign of terror or was it the motorcycle race? I have never read anything about racing before and it doesn't really appeal to me.However my lesson has been learnt...... I think! Always try to read something out of your comfort zone because you never know you might just end up loving it, which is exactly what happened to me with this book.

I loved this book with a passion, I loved the back stories to the wolves and how they become. The authors writing style was beautiful to read, utterly compelling but also hard due to the content and how realistic it was. This is a book that explores identity and reasons that drive Yael on through her mission. The book does go back and forth from the past and present, which I really enjoyed, I think if the book wasn't written this way it could have dragged a bit. The premise of this book is definitely unique and like nothing I have read before. Ryan Graudin has a novella which is called Iron to Iron which I desperately need to read as I just want more.

I recommend this book to anyone with an interest in historical fiction and young adult.

Overall I rated this book 5 out of 5 stars
Die For Me (Killing Eve #3)
Die For Me (Killing Eve #3)
Luke Jennings | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As with the previous book, we pick up exactly where we left off with Eve and Villanelle. On the run and trying to stay undetected, Villanelle takes Eve to her country of birth in a shipping container, and when they land in Russia it is far from smooth.
We follow Eve and Villanelle as they try to remain hidden from the Twelve’s all seeing eyes while trying to figure out what their next move should be. I really started to hope and wonder if they could manage to start a new and happy life together as things seemed to slot into place. But, obviously, things were never going to be that simple when it came to these characters. Throughout this book, Eve starts to become more and more like Villanelle, probably because she is in survival mode, the only difference being that she does feel some guilt over what is happening. I sort of saw the twist at the end of the book coming, but also didn’t want to believe that it would happen as I wanted everything to work out nicely for them.
This book, unlike the others, is all written from Eve’s point of view. This means that we get a lot more insight into Eve’s feelings and her struggle to understand Villanelle and her behaviours towards her. You can see that Eve loves Villanelle despite everything while Villanelle seems to behave in ways that will intentionally hurt Eve and then uses her diagnosis as a psychopath to excuse her behaviour. The good thing is that Eve repeatedly tells her that she can’t use it as an excuse, but at the same time she still lets Villanelle get away with the behaviour.
Overall, I would give this final instalment 4.5 stars as I really enjoyed it and didn’t put it down until I had read the very last word. I wish that there were more books coming as I have found this series really good reads (despite them being about a psychopath assassin!) and although I love them, I think the TV series is a great adaptation of them, even if they have gone in slightly different directions. I will miss Eve and Villanelle immensely now that I have finished the series.