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Super Fight
Super Fight
2014 | Entertainment, Humor, Party Game
Silliness meets creative thinking (2 more)
Many expansions
Can be played with anyone who knows how to argue
A riot for all ages!
Super fight is pretty hilarious, actually. The basic premise is that you draw cards to create your fighter, and then you argue about whose fighter would win in a battle! The winner is picked by group consensus.

This is a game that can be played with basically anyone who can argue. I have played against some ridiculously hilarious children, amd some highly creative adults as well. There's no wrong answer... I mean, when you're trying to decide between a giant fire breathing out haha and a robot with lazers for eyes, the only way to win is to get creative!

It should also be said that there are multiple expansion packs for this game, each one a different color. For example, I believe th Pink expansion is anime-related, while the yellow is books/ book characters/ abilities.

I will have this available at most parties, and hope to see others playing it too!
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
This second outing for the full Avengers ensemble is a bit messier than the confident and tight first film, but still manages to be fun and exciting in spite of its flaws.

Once again, the huge positive is the great cast, and the chemistry they all share. The core six Avengers return, and provide the films humour (rightfully scaled back from the all out comedy tone of Guardians) and generally remind everyone why they're the solid backbone of this mammoth franchise.
There are plenty of new faces joining them, most notably Scarlet Witch (Elisabeth Olsen), Vision (Paul Bettany) and Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), and all integrate smoothly.
The villain is the titular Ultron (voiced by James Spader), a classic Marvel Comics villain that unfortunately ends up being another one-and-done MCU antagonist. This films main focus is the relationships between the Avengers, and sewing seeds for Civil War, and sadly, Ultron sort of gets pushed aside for this. It's a shame because Spader does a great job of making Ultron a sinister presence, but he ends up being little more than a CGI commander, of a CGI robot army.
Some of the set pieces are great though, particularly the Hulk vs Hulkbuster scene, and the climactic finale, and the child me who grew up reading these comics was nothing short of thrilled to see Vision in action.

Age of Ultron is somewhat underwhelming for a full blown Avengers entry, but still manages to be entertaining. Hopefully, we will see Ultron return in a future installment that has some more depth to it.
What could have been interesting, wasn't. What could have been unique, failed. What showed promise, wasn't there. Too bad.

Seeing as this is classified as paranormal romance (instead of what I originally thought was urban fantasy), it might be nice if the main two characters were at least a little likable. Nope, sorry to say, this ain't the case. Ayla is boring, unsympathetic, uninteresting, vapid, gullible, weak-willed, slow on the uptake, need I go on? Malachi is also boring, uninteresting, and slow, but he has the addition of sounding like a robot. Sounds like a winning match, eh? Clearly, these two wooden creatures are made for each other. The secondary characters served their purpose: Mabb, your typical baddie; Garret, Mabb's brother and hopeful usurper, he was almost interesting, but he suffered from the same thing his sister did, cliche; and Keller, who was the only character (or anything really) in the whole book that showed a spark of life.

The pace of the book was plodding. I lost interest every other page if I was lucky. The descriptions are seriously lacking and almost everything is boring, boring, boring. I never quite saw what the purpose of vampires and werewolves served in the book. Maybe they play a bigger role in the next two books, otherwise they're pointless and don't make sense in this world. Speaking of the universe, what the author created, while not altogether original, could have been awesome instead of vague and confusing. A real missed opportunity.

My advice: skip it. Read at your own risk of falling asleep.

Kevin Wilson (179 KP) rated Birdemic: Shock And Terror (2008) in Movies

Jul 9, 2018 (Updated Jan 23, 2019)  
Birdemic: Shock And Terror (2008)
Birdemic: Shock And Terror (2008)
2008 | Horror, Mystery, Romance
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The horrible acting is fun to laugh at (2 more)
It actually has a song that got stuck in my head
You can have fun with the bad editing and camera work
Would constantly ask myself "where are the birds?" (0 more)
One of the best "so bad it's good"
Contains spoilers, click to show
I'm not quite sure what rating I'm meant to give. It's a bad movie so should be low but It's to the point I love it so I had to give it a 8
It takes roughly about a hour for actual birds to appear and before that it's all about a guy with a blue car going about his daily life to work.

It may sound boring but it's too funny for you to be bored. The camera work is horrible, you can hear into he audio every single editing cut which is awkward. Characters have no chemistry (im pretty sure the main guy is a robot).

Even the opening scene spends about 10 minutes in a car, the music on a loop and yet all of this adds together to become 1 of the funniest movies.

There is 1 moment in the film where they dance and you can't help but sing along to the song. It's so catchy "we're hanging out, hanging out....hanging out with my family, having ourselves a party!)

This is by far my favourite of bad movies. Who attacks a bird with a coat hanger? Haha

I would recommend watching it at least once.

Tracy (238 KP) Jan 19, 2019

Hanging out..Hanging out with my family!


Kevin Wilson (179 KP) Jan 23, 2019

Having ourselves a paaaaaaarty! XD

Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Good (enough) conclusion to the Franchise
After a few attempts at resurrecting this franchise, James Cameron has (wisely) decided to bury the franchise with one last TERMINATOR film starring the original Terminator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger. TERMINATOR: DARK FATE is a direct sequel to T2: JUDGEMENT DAY (or so says Producer/Writer Cameron) as it ignores the 3rd and 4th movies in this series (as well as the television show THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES).

And that is a wise move as it simplifies things and just lets us get on to what a Terminator movie does best - fantastic action sequences, state of the art CGI, a killer robot that will stop at nothing to accomplish it's mission, and a plucky hero or 2 to battle said killer robot.

Oh...did I mention that they recruit a Terminator to help them stop the Terminator?

And it all works well...enough. Set in this year (2019), TERMINATOR: DARK FATE tells the tale of what happens next after Sarah and John Connor stopped Judgement Day in the 2nd Terminator film. A deadly - even more dangerous - Terminator (version 9!) returns to 2019 to kill a single woman (Natalie Reyes). This time she is helped by an augmented human from the future (Mackenzie Davis) and...Sarah Connor! Returning to this film, all buffed up and aging, is a craggy voiced Linda Hamilton as Sarah, who brings an adequate amount of world-weary, "been there, done that" attitude to the proceedings that pretty much carry the first half of the film.

And...just as the film was beginning to sag in the middle, along comes Arnold.

Playing an aging Terminator (which is explained, well enough, in the plot), Arnold plays the Terminator (who has been living with humans for over 20 years) with a wink in his eye and a sense of humor about him. Yep...this is a Terminator with a funny bone. And - I'll be darned - it works! Thanks to the performance of Mr. Schwarzenegger. He knows exactly what kind of film he is in and brings the right amount of energy, muscle and humor to the proceedings. He pretty much carries this film on his broad shoulders for the 2nd half - and he carries it with ease.

Credit Director Tim Miller (DEADPOOL) for keeping things light, simple and moving along crisply. He, too, understands the type of film he is making (and the audience that will go see this type of film) so he keeps the dialogue light and snappy, the plot at it's simplest and the action as high as he can go - blowing things up at a moment's notice. It's not sublte art by any stretch of the imagination, but it is art - in a way - and art that he does well.

If this is the last Terminator film (and I hope it is), then it is going out on a high (enough) note. I was surprisingly entertained (and not preached to) and, I think that is all I could have hoped for in a Terminator flick.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
This one belongs to James Spader
I doubt that Joss Whedon and the team down at Marvel knew just how successful 2012’s Avengers Assemble would go on to be. After just a few months of release it became the third highest-grossing film of all time, by no means an easy feat to achieve.

Therefore, Whedon and co had their work cut out trying to build on the solid foundations they had laid when it came to producing a sequel. However, three years and $250m later Avengers: Age of Ultron hits our screens. But is it the follow-up everyone was asking for?

Age of Ultron follows the dynamic team of superheroes as they continue to save the world following the near cataclysmic events of the 2009 predecessor and of course every Marvel film released since. Here however, they are tasked with taking down a robot hell bent on destroying the world – a tough day at the office to say the least.

All the fan favourites return as well as some new faces in a film that is technically spectacular but a little overambitious at times. There are 11, count them 11, major characters vying for screen time in Age of Ultron and while Whedon manages to give each of them their own story arc, at times it feels a little rushed.

Joining the cast is James Spader as the voice of Ultron, a robot accidentally created by Tony Stark, and he is by far the most intriguing character in an already impressive line-up. Robert Downey Jr. continues to be on fine form as the wise-cracking Iron Man/Stark with Chris Hemsworth providing the eye-candy as Thor.

It’s also nice to see Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner’s Black Widow and Hawkeye get some much-needed fleshing out after their fairly limited roles in previous Marvel films, and Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk is a joy to watch.

Kick-Ass’ Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Godzilla’s Elizabeth Olsen also join the cast as Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, two characters fans of the X-Men universe will recognise. However, due to legal requirements their origins are changed and the fact that they are mutants is never revealed, unfortunately limiting their appeal.

When it comes to special effects, Whedon has made sure every sequence is brimming with the highest quality CGI, and despite a couple of lapses early on in the film, the majority of the picture is flawless with some stunning global locations beautifully juxtaposed with the characters doing their thing.

What stands out in Age of Ultron however is the plot. Avengers Assemble was a fine film right up until the generic city-levelling, headache inducing climax that looked like it could have come straight out of a Michael Bay movie.

Thankfully, whilst the action is dialled up a few notches here, the plot is much more detailed and the final scenes are utterly breath-taking.

Overall, Avengers: Age of Ultron had a massive amount to live up to and in some respects it falls a little short, its overambitious nature is its downfall with too many characters needing screen time. However, as a good-time blockbuster it’s hard to find one better and James Spader is genuinely mesmerising as Ultron.

Is it the best film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Well, it’s definitely an improvement on its predecessor – but for me, Guardians of the Galaxy just takes that title by a whisker.
No Free Lunch (Hal Spacejock #4)
No Free Lunch (Hal Spacejock #4)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Harriet Walsh (0 more)
What happened to the rest of the Peace Force characters?? (0 more)
No Free Lunch.

The fourth in Simon Haynes Hal Spacejock series (following A Robot Named Clunk, Second Course and Just Desserts), and the first where Harriet Walsh (from the author's other 'Peace Force' series) cross-overs with Hal.

As I knew that 'going in', I read the first three Hal Spacejock novels before the four Harriet Walsh novels (Peace Force, Alpha Minor, Sierra Bravo and Foxtrot Hotel) before reading this.

Which, unfortunately, proved to be a mistake as I spent a good portion of this novel - well over the first half! - wondering where Harriet's 'sister' Alice or even some of the other characters (with the notable exception of Bernie) had gone, or even why they weren't mentioned at all!

I only found out later that, whilst set beforehand, the Peace Force novels were actually prequels, written later than this one but set before (think like the Star Wars prequels, compared to the original trilogy).

Once I got past that, uhhh, 'disassociation' - once the action primarily moved off the planet of Dismolle to the neighbouring planet Forzen, things did pick up a tad, with Hal and Harriet (and a hint of romance between them) both getting caught up in a murder mystery whilst investigating the disappearance of a wealthy citizen of that planet.

I don't want to give anything away, but I could definitely see elements of the later seasons of Stargate SG-1 here. If you know, you know!

So, yeah, all-in-all, a pleasant enough read but not one that, for me, matched the earlier novels in the series or even the Peace Force novels.

I'll still probably read more of these.
Angus (1995)
Angus (1995)
1995 | Comedy, Drama, Family
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bowl cutted fun for all
Any film that starts a marching band version of Am I Wrong by Love Spit Love is enjoyable in my world. We are introduced to Angus Bethune, pronounced Buffon for comedic effect, his best friend a young sophisticated sex robot sent back through time The Sherminator Troy and their high school dramas. As with all of this type of movie we have a bane of their life and bully boy played here by James Van Der Beek but you may know me as Dawson from the Creek. There is sa running joke of Angus breaking his bully's nose through the years as Angus who despite being bowl cutted and awkward is awell built unit who actually plays football.

The plot follows that tradition of a dance/prom on the horizon and the cool good looking kids are planning some hijinx only for good to win and everyone learns life lessons. Angus has a falling out with his best friend Troy and is all alone before he overcomes his own unsecurities and can move on from high school politics. If you like mid/late 90s alternative music this soundtrack will knock you socks off and transport you back in time.
The Machine (2014)
The Machine (2014)
2014 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Cool Science Fiction Flick
Old Movie Revisited: The Machine. This was a pretty sweet movie! A way to describe it is part: Terminator prequel; Caprica; RoboCop; Species; Blade Runner; Universal Soldier... I think I could name a few more but, I'll stop there. So as you can tell its not an overly original story but was presented well. It's the story of Vincent, played by Toby Stephens(his celebrity mash up would be Michael Fassbender and Damian Lewis) who's a scientist dude, and he creates the world's first self aware cyborg in the form of super hot Ava, played by super hot Caity Lotz(with those eyes she had better play vampire at some point!). Of course the gov't wants The Machine for war, and Vincent wants to save his little dying girl... Who will win, where does that leave Ava and her sexy ass-kicking ways?? You'll have to watch to find out! If you dug any of those movies above I'd say check it out!! It is not an explosive all out destruction of man kind action movie, just a cool robot awakens movie, with a hot blonde kicking soldiers asses, and walking around nude, thank you Caity! Check it out... filmbufftim on FB
Prada & Prejudice
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed this book for how much fun it was to simply get inside the head of such a unique and quirky teenager as she is thrown into circumstances that many fans of Jane Austen could only dream of. Her lack of knowledge of the time period seems a bit over the top at times, but I quickly adjusted to Callie's strong emotions and opinions. I found it strange that all of the people around Callie, once she travels to 1815, seem to take everything she does and says in stride, barely taking notice of how much she clashes with the customs and traditions of the time period. Plus, it's just sheer dumb luck that she got to be a "guest" of a Duke, rather than a servant. But I often found myself laughing out loud at her awkwardness, as well as the effect she has on the people around her, such as teaching the "robot" dance to two young men. Her spontaneity and passionate responses are both her charm and her weakness, but her sincerity in wanting to do the right thing make everything come together in the end. Callie is a girl that I would love to meet and hang out with, just to see what she would do or say next. I was able to predict the ending way ahead of time, even though I was not crazy about it ending the way it did. I would have much prefered Callie to remain in 1815, since I can't do it myself!