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What a perfect book for a young child. The age range of 8-12 is great for this book, boy or girl. Frankie Dupont is just like a young modern day Sherlock Holmes trying to solve the mystery at the science fair as to who stole the robot computer chip. The book is a simple but a fun engaging read. Even I was trying to figure out the clues and who-dun-it. I love how Frankie's mind works and how the book takes you through how he solved the mystery. A recommended read!
Surrogates (2009)
Surrogates (2009)
2009 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
6.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Imagine if “IRobot”, “Die Hard”, and Joss Whedon’s television show “Dollhouse” had a child, the result would be akin to “Surrogates”. In the not to distant future technology is developed which gives us the ability to control customizable robots, called surrogates, with our minds. As a result, people rarely leave the house and interact directly with each other as surrogates. This robot filled thriller tells the story of FBI agent, Tom Greer (Bruce Willis), sent to investigate sudden deaths occurring when people are operating their surrogates.

In addition to Willis’s captivating acting, the film shines in part due to well-executed details, from the surrogate’s not quite human enough demeanor, to the underlying bias against people who don’t use the technology. “Surrogates” is a film that will make you reconsider the issue of advancing technology from both sides.

The least impressive aspect of this scifi/thriller based on a popular graphic novel is the fundamentally preposterous premise. One of the film’s main assumptions is that the use of surrogates has eliminated violence and racism. Believing that people, who are in essence operating a real world version of Second Life, would spend no time committing crimes, seems more than a little irrational.

Still, the film is engaging and much more thought provoking than I had expected. “Surrogates” fulfills both sci-fi and Bruce Willis fan requirements and is a visually enticing film. You will see a variety of locations common to a robot filled world, from a surrogate beauty salon complete with drills to the inner sanctum of the robot production line.

Touching on human, technological, and futuristic themes “Surrogates” is a fun film filled with visual effects and a truly engaging plot that is if you can overcome the plot holes that fracture the initial premise.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Cinder in Books

Apr 21, 2020  
Marissa Meyer | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (96 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, this was kinda fun, it really pushed to get the Cinderella tribute feel that didn't quite jibe for me but I have all the love for the robot Iko in this.

We have Cinder the cyborg battling adversity and a mysterious past. I had some strong Atila vibes through this including the rather open ending just building for the next book, it's a good set up and I'm looking forward to reading the next book but this did feel like just an intro and lacked some satisfaction in of itself.
A-X-L (2018)
A-X-L (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Story (0 more)
Not very good
Contains spoilers, click to show
This movie uses the fact that it is intended for a younger audience to ignore major plot holes and problems. The teenage characters make some very questionable decisions in the movie, and are rewarded for it in the end. The "bad" kids in the movie don't face any consequences for leaving another teenager injured and stranded in the desert. While the "good"kid steal money from an ATM, but thats apparently okay because the robot dog hacked it. That's just the start of the problems I found in this movie, but maybe a kid would enjoy it.
Mom's Perfect Boyfriend
Mom's Perfect Boyfriend
Crystal Hemmingway | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, Romance
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b><i>Mom’s Perfect Boyfriend is a funny and beautiful story that focuses on the loving mother-daughter relationship and presents issues in a comedic, but loving way.</i></b>

Crystal planned an amazing holiday with her boyfriend, but her mother decides to join them last minute. Crystal is having great difficulties to say no to her mother and this causes her to become single, homeless and unemployed. And now, living with her mother is the only option she has left.

When bearing her mum seems, well, unbearable, Crystal decides to sign up for a robot research and fills a form asking for the robot to have all the qualities that Crystal’s mum likes in a person. Crystal does this with the intention to find company for her mother, a best friend, in the hope that then she would be left alone, and doesn’t tell her mum about this robot-companion. This all happens, of course, without the mother knowing.

But what no one expected to happen was for the robot to be so human that it’s unrecognizable. He looks exactly like a human, and a very handsome one as well. He also has no flaws and is perfect in everything he does. Crystal’s mum hasn’t been happier in years and she really enjoys all the attention and caring she is getting – but when she starts to develop feelings for the robot, Crystal has to make a decision: does she hide everything and make the robot disappear, or should she tell her mum the truth?

I loved the style this book was written in: emails, diary entries and letters. A unique style with a fast-paced tempo that made me read it in a day and I enjoyed every moment of it.
The mother-daughter relationship was accurate and at times very comparable, however, I did not agree with Crystal in some of her choices. She was mean to her mum sometimes and didn’t know how to express her feelings. Who has ever forbid their mum’s from calling them? Have you ever said to your mum – look mum, from now on, you will only call me for one hour in a week? Sorry, but ridiculous…

Mom’s Perfect Boyfriend is not a book I would usually pick up and it is way out of my comfort zone, but I did enjoy it. It was everything I expected it to be; cute, dynamic, funny and meaningful. I need more books like this one in my life.

Thank you to the team from LoveReading UK, for proving me with a paperback copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I Am Mother (2019)
I Am Mother (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Humans have become extinct. All that's left behind are thousands of human embryos and a robot. This robot defrost an embryo and the only human left to exist is born. The robot raises the child as if its her own, and is known only as daughter which believe me gets annoying to hear mother says it practically every sentence.
Anyway fast forward a few years and daughter is a teenager and becoming very inquisitive about the outside world. This starts when a mouse gets into the facility, upon this mouse being destroyed by mother, daughter explores the facility one evening whilst mother is powered down and she hears a voice from outside shouting for help, it turns out to be another human, what!?! She let's her in and after an argument with mother for doing so, mother agrees to help the stranger but the woman - seing and experiencing the outside world refuses help, she doesn't trust mother at all. You see it turns out there are other droids identical to mother, but they are evil and tear people away from their families. It's little wonder she doesn't trust mother but is she right to be suspicious? You'll have to watch and see.
Now I'm not usually a Sci fi fan but this movie isn't actually all that bad, the fact that mother sounds more human than android you do feel like there's a real connection between mother and daughter, even right at the end.
Throughout the movie I kept feeling torn between trusting mother or the stranger, I did lean more towards the stranger but I did feel for mother too. It was a complete mind bender and messed with you right to the very end.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
I'd go so far as saying this is one of the best Star Wars films. It has a fantastic cast, great script and a thrilling and tense storyline. Gareth Edwards has turned a risky one off prequel into a brilliant and entertaining film. Felicity Jones is a great lead, and I think K-2S0 might be my all time favourite robot, the humour he injects into this film is spot on.
Robot &amp; Frank (2012)
Robot & Frank (2012)
2012 | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi
8.2 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Frank (Frank Langella) is slowing drifting into dementia, although his stiff upper lip and stubbornness refuse him to believe that there is anything wrong. His children fight to offer help despite an ongoing sense of resentment that they have to. When his son Hunter presents Frank with a robot butler designed to look after him he finds another more profitable use for it.

The portrayal of old age in any film can be depressing. We’re all going to end up that way at some point in our lives whether we like it or not. The only control we have is do we go quietly or kicking and screaming. The robot (voiced by Peter Sarsgaard) is not given a name but his calming presence and dry underlying humour make him a perfect compliment for Frank’s brash and rather direct old timer.

Frank’s hidden past was as a jewel thief, spending most of his early life inside made it clear that he was not a good father to either of his children, and he’s been divorced from his wife for some time. It’s a beautifully written script set near enough in the future that it still is in keeping with present day surroundings – uniquely different mobile phones and voice activated Skype chat seem to be the more futuristic of the technologies, robots aside.

As their relationship develops the bond between them becomes closer. It feels very much like a real life Wall-E, Frank relaxes to become dependant on the Robot. It’s a solid film with great central performances with controlled and light hearted direction. The plot is wayward at times but it holds well for the duration.

JT (287 KP) rated Real Steel (2011) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Real Steel (2011)
Real Steel (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Michael Bay, take note, this is how to make a proper film about robots beating the living shit out of each other. Based on the Richard Matheson short story Steel, this follows the journey of former professional boxer Charlie Kenton (Jackman) who now spends his time in debt, as a promoter for the new sport of robot boxing.

When Charlie meets his 11-year old son Max (Goyo) the two must rediscover themselves and build a relationship strong enough to get them through any of life’s toughest challenges. Let’s get one thing clear right away, this is Levy’s best film to date. Which is not hard when past titles include, both Night at the Museum’s, Date Night and The Pink Panther.

Jackman is strong enough in a role which let’s him flex his muscles from time to time, he’s a rough and rugged character anyway which is why he fits the Charlie Kenton mould so well. Partnered opposite young Max, who has enough cheeky charm and wide eyed looks to seduce any adult in to letting things go his way. But its not just about the Charlie and Max relationship, there is of course ‘Atom’, the sparing robot they discover in a junkyard.

Despite being all metal and wires, there is a strong feeling that Atom has a personality of his own even if it is mirrored by the person standing in front of him. But the scenes that Atom and Max share on screen together are genuine heart felt moments.

There is enough robot smashing mayhem going on through the drama, as Atom beings the road to underdog glory moving from one metal crunching bout to the next. The fights are very well choreographed from no holes barred scrap fights to the glitz and glamour of the Robot Boxing League where the stakes and money are high.

It’s hard not to see the underlying homage to the Rocky franchise, even the final fight which pairs Atom against the mighty Zeus is a robotic version of Balboa Vs Drago, right down to the female Russian, Olga, who sits in his corner. The supporting cast are in effect just that, the chemistry between Kenton and Bailey (Lily) is good, but she’s not really given enough in the script to make her stand out, so sparks are few and far between.

Jackman is likeable and the kid less annoying than others before him, its flashy and packs a punch that produces some great action sequences throughout.

Mogwai recommended Robocop (1987) in Movies (curated)

Robocop  (1987)
Robocop (1987)
1987 | Action, Sci-Fi

"I can only thank the irresponsible video store worker who rented this film out to my little cousin and me when we were about thirteen (it was issued an 18 certificate in the UK). The uncut, brutal attack on Murphy and his unfolding semiconscious robot revenge stick with you for life. The ultraviolence is almost funny in parts, because Verhoeven manages these over-the-top scenes so expertly. And if you haven’t tried to down a whole can of Coke and burp “twenty seconds to comply!” then you haven’t been to my high school, pal. "
