Kim Pook (101 KP) rated My teacher, my obsession (2018) in Movies
May 31, 2022
Once the movie starts properly, we see both girls. One is the daughter of the hot new English teacher and the other being the yearbook photographer. Both girls get chatting after school in the computer room and agree to meet up to study. We soon discover that kyla (the yearbook photographer) has an ulterior motive, she is obsessed with rileys dad. It is more than a crush though. She doesn't want anyone else to get in her way of how she feels about him (Chris). At first it starts with her trying to keep Riley away from Trisha (another girl with a crush on Chris), and makes up lies to keep her mum and Chris from spending the night together, and even breaks them up before seducing Chris herself.
Personally I don't get the negativity surrounding this movie, I actually quite enjoyed it. OK a couple of scenes were a little cringy, such as when kyla was hitting herself, I couldn't help but laugh because it was so ridiculous.
It is very much like swimfan except its a student obsessed with a teacher, rather than another student.
I was disappointed with Chris as I didn't expect him to give in to kylas advances which he did, so the rest is on him really for leading her on.
In some scenes I found the music didn't really go with the scene, or there was music which wasn't needed, such as the end scene.
The movie was left open for a sequel which I personally don't see happening.

Joe Julians (221 KP) rated The Disaster Artist (2017) in Movies
Jan 30, 2018
To start with, James Franco is perfect as the mysterious and downright bonkers Tommy Wiseau. His voice, his mannerisms, his almost childlike tantrum throwing approach to life, he manages to make an almost unbelievable man fully believable. He's backed up by a cast that commit to the roles, but other than Dave Franco, don't get a huge amount of time in the spotlight. That's not a criticism as such, by design the two central figures in this are Tommy and Greg Sistero- his friend and fellow budding actor.
I suspect if you are a "fan" of The Room, you'll likely get a lot more out of this than if you had little to know knowledge of the film it depicts the making of. It's a blast getting to see certain iconic scenes recreated for this and to hear the origin stories behind key lines- "you're tearing me apart, Lisa" being one such moment that took me by surprise. The original film is a messy nonsensical experience and it's fun to see that almost everyone working on it viewed it as such even when it was being made. Everyone except Tommy that is.
Where things get a little murky for me is with how you are supposed to feel by the time the brilliant end credits roll (there's exact recreations of certain moments played side by side that are great fun.) It seems as though we are meant to be inspired by Tommy and what he has achieved, like in the end this is supposed to be a feel-good movie about never giving up on your dreams. That's all well and good, but Tommy Wiseau doesn't come across particularly well in this. He's a temper tantrum throwing and at times scary man to be around. One scene in particular during the shooting of the 'belly button sex scene' portrays him as a pretty horrible man, one that gets his way by being somewhat of a bully. This isn't addressed again fully and it's hard to feel like cheering him on by the time the big premiere screening rolls round. There's also his about face when it comes to claiming the movie was meant to be a comedy- something nobody believes. On the one hand, it's a smart move to take what he has and run with it, but there's also something sad about him not having something he cared so passionately about be received in the way it was intended. This is something else that is glossed over, but then Wiseau would never speak so candidly to give the writers anything to work with.
Overall this is a great movie and a fascinating watch. Would highly recommend.

Cat Goddess Freyja (16 KP) rated Dark Wake (2018) in Movies
Dec 5, 2018

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TacoDave (3739 KP) rated The Fall (2006) in Movies
Aug 8, 2019 (Updated Aug 8, 2019)
Lee Pace plays a Hollywood stuntman in 1920s Los Angeles who was recently injured. He is stuck in bed in a hospital, filled with depression about the current state of his life.
As he lays in bed one day, a young girl with a broken arm enters the room and begins talking to him. They become fast friends, and he begins telling her a fantastical story about five heroes on a quest. The story is told in many sessions over several days, and each time the visual style and costumes and characters change slightly to match what the girl is imagining as she listens.
I won't spoil any more of the story, except to say this: the man has an ulterior motive for telling this particular story, and sometimes the lines between fantasy and reality, between a happy ending and a tragic one, are blurred.
The real star of this movie is the cinematography. The first time I saw it, I literally gasped at one particular scene transition. It was just perfect. The colors are bold, the settings are almost unreal - like nothing I've seen before (even though they exist in the real world) - and the costumes are amazing. I have literally never seen another movie, before or since, that looks like this one. It is stunning.
They say the director, Tarsem Singh, spent years scouting locations to meet his perfect vision. And it was totally worth it.
If you've never seen "The Fall," I wholeheartedly recommend it. I even own it on DVD, so if you want to borrow it, let me know.
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LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated The Last of Us Remastered in Video Games
Jul 22, 2020
Fast forward to the Remastered release on PS4, and I had exactly the same issue. I got a little further this time (reached the abandoned hotel) but just got distracted by another game and never bothered to go back.
About a month before TLOU2 released, I decided to give it one last try, and it finally clicked into place.
Before I knew it, I was obsessed with finding as many supplies and resources as I could, checking every dark corner and locked room, as I slowly grew to care deeply for Joel and Ellie along the way.
This bleak and unforgiving world of TLOU is possibly what put me off before, but this time around I found it easy to get lost in (definitely nothing to do with the current state of the real world...probably).
The combat is a little jumpy at times, but it has that unmistakable Naughty Dog design that has since been perfected and it's easy enough to get used to. Whilst I wound up frustrated at enemy encounters early on, by the games halfway point it all felt a lot smoother and satisfyingly brutal.
The "zombies" are straightforward enough, but the design of the Clickers is something original and particularly nasty.
The narrative is the main draw for TLOU though. The characters of Joel and Ellie are so well crafted, and the back and forth between the two is extremely well written. The sense of protection that I felt for Ellie was strong, so hats off to Naughty Dog for smashing that element.
I'm glad I finally got round to seeing the appeal of TLOU. It's a well crafted adventure that deserves the praise it gets.