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Carma (21 KP) rated Maid to Crave (Man Maid #2) in Books
Jun 17, 2019
Maid to Crave by Rebecca Avery
Man Maid book 2
Maid to Crave is book 2 in the Main Maid series. It is the first book Ive read by Rebecca Avery, it was part of a 4 book collection I rented through my library and Overdrive. Sadly this was painful to get through. I literally had to force myself to finish this book. The story line had so much potential I just felt like this was a horribly novice writing style and it just didnt work for me.
Tori Stewart is a single mom to a 6 year old boy. Her friend recommends using the Man Maid service that she had luck using (and finding love). She agrees just hoping to not get the one Maid that makes her heart flutter, Seth Lewis.
Seth Lewis is a former military man who comes to work for his friend at Man Maid services. He is working not only as a Maid but as a stripper to pay for his brothers medical bills. He remembers Tori from a wedding a little bit back but doesnt see her other than his potential boss.
Tori and Seth realize they can become friends and maybe then morph it into something more. Like I said, this story had such great promise but the writing really killed it for me. I would like think I would give this author another chance at her writing style but I cant say that for sure just yet.
Man Maid book 2
Maid to Crave is book 2 in the Main Maid series. It is the first book Ive read by Rebecca Avery, it was part of a 4 book collection I rented through my library and Overdrive. Sadly this was painful to get through. I literally had to force myself to finish this book. The story line had so much potential I just felt like this was a horribly novice writing style and it just didnt work for me.
Tori Stewart is a single mom to a 6 year old boy. Her friend recommends using the Man Maid service that she had luck using (and finding love). She agrees just hoping to not get the one Maid that makes her heart flutter, Seth Lewis.
Seth Lewis is a former military man who comes to work for his friend at Man Maid services. He is working not only as a Maid but as a stripper to pay for his brothers medical bills. He remembers Tori from a wedding a little bit back but doesnt see her other than his potential boss.
Tori and Seth realize they can become friends and maybe then morph it into something more. Like I said, this story had such great promise but the writing really killed it for me. I would like think I would give this author another chance at her writing style but I cant say that for sure just yet.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2275 KP) rated Waste of Space in Books
May 7, 2018
Can Dash Find the Right Suspect?
When someone tries to poison Lars Sjoberg, no one is really surprised. This trillionaire has rubbed everyone the wrong way since he arrived on Moon Base Alpha. In fact, the real question becomes who didn’t want the man dead. Dashiell Gibson is roped into helping with the investigation. How did the poison get on base? And who tried to kill Lars?
This is another fantastic mystery for kids of all ages. The setting is creative, fun, and realistically handled. The mystery is great with good twists and turns. I did feel the pacing slowed down a little in the middle for a series long sub-plot, but that is a minor complaint. The characters are still strong, and there are moments that are guaranteed to make kids laugh and cheer. This is our final trip to the moon with these characters, and the series is wrapped up in a very satisfying way.
This is another fantastic mystery for kids of all ages. The setting is creative, fun, and realistically handled. The mystery is great with good twists and turns. I did feel the pacing slowed down a little in the middle for a series long sub-plot, but that is a minor complaint. The characters are still strong, and there are moments that are guaranteed to make kids laugh and cheer. This is our final trip to the moon with these characters, and the series is wrapped up in a very satisfying way.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2275 KP) rated Claws for Concern (Cat in the Stacks, #9) in Books
Mar 9, 2018
Charlie’s grandson has been born, and he’s delighted to be spending time with this addition to the family. But he soon begins to get drawn into another mystery. First a true crime writer wants to write about some of Charlie’s past cases. Then there’s the mysterious man in the library asking questions.
This is definitely a slower book in the series as it took a while for us to figure out exactly where the mystery might be. There is one in the book, and I enjoyed it once Charlie started investigating. As always, the characters, both new and old, shine. I loved getting to spend more time with the usual gang, and most of them get at least an appearance. We also get to see some characters from the author’s other series, which was a lot of fun.
NOTE: I received a copy of this book.
Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
This is definitely a slower book in the series as it took a while for us to figure out exactly where the mystery might be. There is one in the book, and I enjoyed it once Charlie started investigating. As always, the characters, both new and old, shine. I loved getting to spend more time with the usual gang, and most of them get at least an appearance. We also get to see some characters from the author’s other series, which was a lot of fun.
NOTE: I received a copy of this book.
Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

David McK (3505 KP) rated A Little Rebellion (Crimson Worlds #3) in Books
Jan 30, 2019
Like the previous two entries in [a:Jay Allan|6477659|Jay Allan|]'s 'Crimson Worlds' series, this is probably more accurately called space opera than science fiction: set in a distant future where man has colonised the stars, this concerns itself with an act of rebellion, an act whereby the colony world's of the Alliance are seeking the gain their freedom from the autocratic rule of the latter.
Cue divided loyalties of Eric Cain and his compatriats in both the Marines and the Fleet ...
I found this to be an OKish read: it did keep me reading and turning the (electronic) pages, but it never really sucked me in all that much, never really hooked me enough to go looking for any further entries in the series. Don't get me wrong, I may read them if I come across them, just not actively search them out ...
Cue divided loyalties of Eric Cain and his compatriats in both the Marines and the Fleet ...
I found this to be an OKish read: it did keep me reading and turning the (electronic) pages, but it never really sucked me in all that much, never really hooked me enough to go looking for any further entries in the series. Don't get me wrong, I may read them if I come across them, just not actively search them out ...

Music in Art
This is a superbly illustrated exploration of the history of music in Western art, from ancient...

Leanne Crabtree (480 KP) rated Pulse (Collide, #2) in Books
Jan 6, 2021
I read the first book, Collide, last year sometime and it just about killed me at the end. There was one paragraph/speech near the end from Gavin that broke my heart and made me cry buckets and I couldn't wait to read this to find out what happened...
But then I sorta went off NA...
And then I went for it and read it.
I didn't find it as good as the first, though how anyone can resist Gavin Blake *points at Emily* I'll never know. He's funny, sexy, sweet; he's like a woman's fantasy man...and to think Emily tried to pick that d*ck Dillon over Gavin!
I'm happy that they got their HEA, I just kinda lost interest with some parts of the book and found it a little long for what actually happened. Nevertheless this is probably one of my favourite NA series'
If you haven't tried this series yet, you really should!
But then I sorta went off NA...
And then I went for it and read it.
I didn't find it as good as the first, though how anyone can resist Gavin Blake *points at Emily* I'll never know. He's funny, sexy, sweet; he's like a woman's fantasy man...and to think Emily tried to pick that d*ck Dillon over Gavin!
I'm happy that they got their HEA, I just kinda lost interest with some parts of the book and found it a little long for what actually happened. Nevertheless this is probably one of my favourite NA series'
If you haven't tried this series yet, you really should!

Dean (6927 KP) rated Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) in Movies
May 9, 2022 (Updated May 23, 2022)
Horror elements (2 more)
Some unexpected cameos
Great action scenes
Probably need to see Wanda Vision series to understand it more (1 more)
Main plot line isn't that great
Something a little different
Well after Spider-Man No way home I had very high hopes for this and really enjoyed the first Dr Strange film.
Following closely on from No way home as more about the multi verse is discovered. With Sam Raimi directing there are some nice Horror theme touches throughout the film. So making this a bit different to the normal Marvel fare. I was a bit surprised at the plot direction of the main story, having not seen Wanda Vision series. I imagine that would fill in a lot of gaps before seeing this. There are plenty of nice surprises through the various Multiverses.
Still it has amazing visuals and action scenes as you expect from Marvel filling out the blockbuster standard you expect. Definitely one to see on the big screen.
Following closely on from No way home as more about the multi verse is discovered. With Sam Raimi directing there are some nice Horror theme touches throughout the film. So making this a bit different to the normal Marvel fare. I was a bit surprised at the plot direction of the main story, having not seen Wanda Vision series. I imagine that would fill in a lot of gaps before seeing this. There are plenty of nice surprises through the various Multiverses.
Still it has amazing visuals and action scenes as you expect from Marvel filling out the blockbuster standard you expect. Definitely one to see on the big screen.

David McK (3505 KP) rated Dauntless (The Lost Fleet, #1) in Books
Jan 30, 2019
While I doubt this novel is going to win any awards for literature, I have to say that it is a good enough read: not brilliant, but not terrible either.
Written by a ex-navy man, it's easy to see the influnece of his career in the pages: this is 'real' science-fiction, not science-fantasy, with the space battles obeying the laws of physics as we know them. The plot outline is also somewhat remniscient of the new series of BattleStar Galactica, with a smaller rag-tag force being chased by a numerically superior foe. Ironically, this book was first released at around the same time as that series came on TV, with (in this edition) the author claiming that that WAS NOT an inspiration (in the interview at the end), as if he'd been thinking of BSG it woud've been the older series.
With the way the book opens I must also admit that, at first, I thought I'd missed something: the best corollary I can think of is as if the film Aliens (that's the one with the 'S') had started without the whole prologue of them finding Ripleys life pod: you'd be able to infer what had happened, but would be feeling a bit lost at first.
Written by a ex-navy man, it's easy to see the influnece of his career in the pages: this is 'real' science-fiction, not science-fantasy, with the space battles obeying the laws of physics as we know them. The plot outline is also somewhat remniscient of the new series of BattleStar Galactica, with a smaller rag-tag force being chased by a numerically superior foe. Ironically, this book was first released at around the same time as that series came on TV, with (in this edition) the author claiming that that WAS NOT an inspiration (in the interview at the end), as if he'd been thinking of BSG it woud've been the older series.
With the way the book opens I must also admit that, at first, I thought I'd missed something: the best corollary I can think of is as if the film Aliens (that's the one with the 'S') had started without the whole prologue of them finding Ripleys life pod: you'd be able to infer what had happened, but would be feeling a bit lost at first.

Merissa (12374 KP) rated Smolder (Underground Encounters #1) in Books
Nov 7, 2017
Smolder (Underground Encounters #1) by Lisa Carlisle
Smolder is the first book in the Underground Encounters series, and we start off this new series with a blast - quite literally! Nike, and her best friend Maya, are the only two firefighters where they work, and they both like 'alternative' music. So whenever they get some time off, they go to Vamps, the best 'alternative' club. Nike is a very shy person, which is often mistaken for her being bitchy. So when she sees the man she has been lusting after from the local rock-climbing club at Vamps, she stumbles over her words. Things move quickly between them, and the story really kicks in.
This is a fast-paced novella, and that really is my only complaint about this book! I would have loved to have known more. I loved Nike, and her common-sense, no-nonsense, approach to something that she seriously wasn't expecting. Michel is a perfect partner for her, a case of opposites attracting. With attraction, danger, lust, and supernaturals, this book was very well written, drawing the reader into the world without any trouble. There were no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, and I thoroughly enjoyed this first novella. Looking forward to the next book in this series. Definitely recommended by me.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
This is a fast-paced novella, and that really is my only complaint about this book! I would have loved to have known more. I loved Nike, and her common-sense, no-nonsense, approach to something that she seriously wasn't expecting. Michel is a perfect partner for her, a case of opposites attracting. With attraction, danger, lust, and supernaturals, this book was very well written, drawing the reader into the world without any trouble. There were no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, and I thoroughly enjoyed this first novella. Looking forward to the next book in this series. Definitely recommended by me.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (12374 KP) rated Rebels (The Reverians #2) in Books
Jun 7, 2023
This is the second book in the Reverians series and continues after a three-month break. Those three months aren't lost in the aether though, we learn how Em and Rogue have lived together and what they have achieved during that time. Em goes back to Austin Valley though, and that is to try and save Rogue. His headaches are becoming more debilitating and she fears for him.
WOW! This book is jam-packed full of emotion, so consider yourself warned already. We find out more about Vider's plans and just how atrocious that man is. If you're looking for a 'big bad' with redeeming qualities, you've got the wrong series. This man is evil, through and through. We also get a glimpse of how it began when Rogue's mom plays an important role in bringing things to a head.
The emotional pain keeps on coming for Em, with hits coming from every direction, including her father and sister. It might be wrong, but I was smiling at a certain part involving them, even knowing that Em would be guilt-ridden because of it!
This is so incredibly well-written, from the first word to the last. *Fair warning* - I said it was emotional, the ending tore out my heart, ripped it into tiny pieces and then stomped all over it! In other words, you 'might' need to have a Kleenex handy!!!
Absolutely and definitely recommended. I definitely need the third book in this series, Warriors. I'm simply not prepared for my Reverian adventure to end.
* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 24, 2016
WOW! This book is jam-packed full of emotion, so consider yourself warned already. We find out more about Vider's plans and just how atrocious that man is. If you're looking for a 'big bad' with redeeming qualities, you've got the wrong series. This man is evil, through and through. We also get a glimpse of how it began when Rogue's mom plays an important role in bringing things to a head.
The emotional pain keeps on coming for Em, with hits coming from every direction, including her father and sister. It might be wrong, but I was smiling at a certain part involving them, even knowing that Em would be guilt-ridden because of it!
This is so incredibly well-written, from the first word to the last. *Fair warning* - I said it was emotional, the ending tore out my heart, ripped it into tiny pieces and then stomped all over it! In other words, you 'might' need to have a Kleenex handy!!!
Absolutely and definitely recommended. I definitely need the third book in this series, Warriors. I'm simply not prepared for my Reverian adventure to end.
* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 24, 2016