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Blood Heir (Blood Heir, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Told from opposing POV this book is long. The world building requires the length. You learn about a new world with Affinities and slave trading. Princess Ana and Con-man Ramson have to race against the empire and themselves to save everyone.

I enjoyed this book but I didn't love it. The plot was fantastic but it was so long. It took me a few days to finish which is weird because normally when I start a great book I rush through it. The slow burn was there and the characters had growth. But it's book 1 in the series and we all know what that means.

The Affinities were something that really got me into the book. I wish they had more of a presence. Otherwise I have all good things for this book. It was great and interesting the slow burn enemies to lovers is a favorite trope of mine.
The Horror of Frankenstein (1970)
The Horror of Frankenstein (1970)
1970 | Comedy, Horror
(The other) Young Frankenstein
At the start of the 1970s Hammer tried to relaunch both their main series with new leading men (Ralph Bates replacing Christopher Lee in this case); this was the only reboot which eventually happened. The basics of the Frankenstein story are (just about) retold; young Victor decides to make a man, if not of himself, then from some body parts.

There's no doubt that Ralph Bates could have been a brilliant Frankenstein, but not in a film with a script like this one's. The film attempts to appeal to a hip young audience by including cleavage by the yard and lots of sub-Carry On film humour; script is also thick-headed and repetitive. The moment Frankenstein's experiments included resurrecting a tortoise everyone involved should have realised there was a serious problem here. Not funny, not scary, not interesting, barely worth watching except for Hammer fans. They got Peter Cushing back for the next one.
C is for Corpse (Kinsey Millhone #3)
C is for Corpse (Kinsey Millhone #3)
Sue Grafton | 2005 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
While working out at the gym, PI Kinsey Millhone is approached by a young man who was in a horrific accident 10 months ago take took part of his memory. He doesn’t think it was an accident but attempted murder and he wants Kinsey to find out why someone would want to kill him. She just begun when tragedy strikes. Can she solve this 10 month old puzzle?

Another strong entry makes it easy to see why this long running series is so popular. The characters are sharp; in fact, it is a pleasure to see how easily the author creates characters with just a few sentences. The plot moves along well, although I did figure things out a bit before Kinsey did. That’s a minor issue in this enjoyable novel.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.