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The Marvels (2022)
The Marvels (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
6.1 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I think most people would agree that the MCU has been on a decline ever since Endgame.

(Despite one or two good entries since).

If so, IMO they've just hit a new low.

It probably doesn't help that you're almost required to do a lot of 'homework' (movies and TV series that introduce the key characters) prior to watching this (I have), with that knowledge all but assumed by Marvel and with no real fill-in given for those who haven't.

It's not all bad, though, Iman Vellani is infectious as Kamala Khan fan-girling out over Captain Marvel, while the mid credit tease is probably one of the best since the original from 2008s Iron Man.

Merissa (12363 KP) rated The Impassioned Choice (Etherya's Earth #5) in Books

Mar 28, 2022 (Updated Jun 30, 2023)  
The Impassioned Choice (Etherya's Earth #5)
The Impassioned Choice (Etherya's Earth #5)
Rebecca Hefner | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE IMPASSIONED CHOICE is the fifth book in the Etherya's Earth series and is the one that broke me! I've loved every book in the series so far, but this one may just be my favourite.

Heden is the youngest brother and the one who has hidden any pain behind jokes. He is the one who feels as though he doesn't quite fit in, although you'd never know it. Finding spyware on his servers leads him to Sofia, someone who was out for vengeance but had a change of heart when she realised innocent people, including children, would be hurt by her actions.

Oh, man! Be still my beating heart! And bear with me as I try to explain without giving any spoilers. All of the couples so far have been destined to be together. We knew it from the first page. And so were Heden and Sofia. But the odds really are stacked against them. Everyone looks at the problems from one direction. Now, I know why they did! My brain went the other way, but I just couldn't comprehend it, so I returned to the way they were going. And that's all I'm saying! If you want to figure out just what I'm waffling on about, read it!!!

My eyes were constantly leaking from about 90% onwards. I did get a break when Miranda and Ken saved me by finding some lost scrolls, allowing me to get my breath back. But my eyes were soon leaking again. So be warned.

An absolutely brilliant addition to the series that I have loved. I really can't recommend both this book, and the series, highly enough.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 28, 2022
All Star Superman
All Star Superman
Frank Quitely, Grant Morrison | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
While I initially thought that this was going to be a self-contained story in its own right, upon having read it I now think that this is instead a compilation of a (roughly) 12 issue long comic run.

Some of the episodes, I felt, were far superior to others: in some (perhaps more than I was comfortable with), I didn't really follow what was happening.
There is an over-arching plot throughout the entire series, with Superman 'overpowering' himself with solar radiation in the opening of the first episode, and with his body beginning to fail as a result.

I also found the art-style slightly off-putting: I can understand drawing the man of steel in a square/blocky 'strong' art style, but ma and pa Kent? Really?

Perhaps not the best of introductions for anybody new to Superman comics.
The Courtship of Princess Leia (Star Wars)
The Courtship of Princess Leia (Star Wars)
Dave Wolverton | 1995 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
3.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of the earliest Star Wars EU books, this is also (IMO) one of the weakest of the early entries. I found neither Han nor Leia to be particularly like I remember them for the movies, and that's only the beginning of the problems wit the stories. For instance:

Han wins a planet (a freakin' planet!) I a card game??
The Hapes Consortium have a weapon called 'the gun of command' that robs someone of free will?
The Emperor - the man who oversaw the near-extinction of the Jedi - was afraid of a group of 'Force Witches' on a third-rate planet?
Rancors are (semi)intelligent?

If this had been the first Star Wars EU book instead of Zahn's <I>Heir to the Empire</I> series, I doubt the EU franchise as a whole would be as popular as it is.
Summer of the Moon Flower
Summer of the Moon Flower
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn't know when I downloaded this that it was the second book in The de Vargas Family series, if I had I'd have gone out and gotten the first book, Indigo's story, and read it first as I'm sure it would have helped me understand this one a little more.

That being said, it wasn't that hard to understand the storyline but all the flower and chemical talk went over my head. I had no idea what was going on at those bits.

The romance was kinda sweet but at the same time I didn't really understand it. Why would you like the man who kidnapped you?

I also found the writing style a little too formal but considering it's set in the 19th Century I'm sure they would have spoken as formally as it was written but I wasn't a fan.

Jpb (34 KP) rated Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) in Movies

Dec 18, 2021 (Updated Dec 18, 2021)  
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure
CGI, story, fights (0 more)
Crossing comic series (0 more)
Best Marvel film to date
Spiderman No Way Home Review
(No spoilers)


A tribute to all Spiderman fans ! 👍

Probably the best Marvel film to date!! 🤯

Won't say much here, just these words -

Goosebumps, Crazy cheering, Genuine laughs, Teary eyes(Man Up🤣) Nostalgia & Awesome!! clapclapclap

Yes, an experience I won't forget any time soon ! ♥️

I was worried about this film just been a remark of the animation Spiderman into the spider verse, as it's technically the exact same story.

Yet I find myself still trying to come to terms with the fact that literally whatever I wanted this movie to have.... was there & in fact it was way more than my expectations !! 🤯

A blockbuster for sure ace CGI fight scene and truly a masterpiece.