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Clowns are the theme for the annual winter carnival in Warner Pier, which is ironic since the man who ran the clown themed store in town was murdered about a month before it starts. Since that store was next door to TenHuis Chocolade, Lee Woodyard is hoping to buy it to expand the business. That’s how she meets the family and gets further involved when evidence begins appearing suggestion the homeless man who has been arrest for the murder might be innocent. But if he is innocent, who actually did it?

The book started out a little slowly, but once it gained speed, I found it hard to put it down, as always. I did spot the ending a little early, but I was having so much fun I didn’t mind. Lee, her husband Joe, and the new characters are great, but I do wish we could see more of the supporting cast – another common complaint when it comes to this series. Still, fans of Lee’s will gobble this book down like always.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Try (Temptation, #1)
Try (Temptation, #1)
Ella Frank | 2013
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

I've read a fair few mm romances and this was different to the rest and that was a good thing. This is a fairly good introduction to the genre for those who haven't read mm before and want to try it.

I'm still unsure about the beginning of the book, the first couple of chapters anyway when Logan was having sex with women. I know he swings both ways at the beginning but that doesn't mean I want to read about it when I bought it for the mm aspect.

That aside, I have to admit that I did like it when Logan put all of his focus on Tate. His persistence and seduction of the other man was kinda hot and I liked how we saw it from both sides. How Logan, who's a cocky bugger, changed his ways because of one barman...nawwww! And how one straight man could be seduced by said cocky bugger to change his entire life to be with him.

The romance aspect, once it started, was right up my street and i think i will continue the series when the books are released.
All The Rage (DI Adam Fawley #4)
All The Rage (DI Adam Fawley #4)
Cara Hunter | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Highly entertaining
I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book and ate it up in super quick time. I read Close to Home, book 1 in the series, immediately before this one and I think this enhanced my enjoyment of this story as it gave a bit more meat to the characters but having said that, I think it would work as a standalone.

A young woman is attacked but doesn't want the police involved and then it happens again; both cases bearing a striking resemblance to an old case Fawley was involved in where the perpetrator was imprisoned ... could this be a copy-cat or has an innocent man been in jail for many years?

Once again, we are treated by Ms Hunter with her excellent characters, dark and gritty story line, intrigue and suspense all wrapped up in this fast paced, page-turning thriller with twists and surprises along the way. All this and the use of social media excerpts, court and interview transcripts woven, throughout make this feel current and relevant.

This will not be my last of reading Ms Hunter's books and I highly recommend to those who enjoy police procedural/thrillers with complex story lines which are easy to follow and that are highly entertaining ... can't wait for book 5!

Thank you to Penguin Books (UK) and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.
The Gunslinger
The Gunslinger
Stephen King | 2012 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
7.7 (47 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first read The Gunslinger when I was in high school and at the height of my Stephen King obsession. Going in and didn't really know what to expect from the story since I didn't really look too much into the series when I first picked it up which I'm pretty glad I didn't because I have never been much of a western fan so I'm not sure if I really would have have this a fair shot.

The Gunslinger honestly can be on the slow side even for such a short book but King does an amazing job of really showing you the world ge is building while still leaving a lot open for the series to build around. After reading this for the first and second time in still not sure how I feel about Rowland aka The Gunslinger I do grow to really love the character in the next book but as an introduction my feelings are never really solid. The character that really peaks my interest is The Man In Black through out the book I just can't wait to find out more about him and why Rowland is chasing him.
With the restaurant closed for the season and most of her family out of town, Georgie figures now is the perfect time to do some much needed renovations on the restrooms. But Georgie comes back to find a dead body in the rubble of one of the bathrooms. The victim is her divorce lawyer, and the police are quick to arrest a former employee of the restaurant. While Russ is not a nice man, Georgie doesn’t think he’s a killer. But what happened to the victim?

With many of the series regulars out of town, it falls to a minor character from the previous books to step up. That’s not a problem since I really enjoyed getting to know Brenda better. The plot twists in some surprising directions, although I do have a couple of niggles with it. The book ties in some of the on going series plot threads, so it is best to read them in order to fully appreciate this book.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Lord of the Last Heartbeat (The Sacred Dark #1)
Lord of the Last Heartbeat (The Sacred Dark #1)
May Peterson | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
LORD OF THE LAST HEARTBEAT is the first book in the Sacred Dark series, and we focus on Mio and Rhodry. Both of these have secrets and 'powers' that have an effect on their lives. Mio no longer wants to 'help' his mother, but can't see a way out. Rhodry is intrigued by the younger man, but fears trying anything due to the curse he is living under.

What a fantastical world Ms Peterson has invented, with a hint of American Civil War era, coupled with the English Victorian period, this was a great combination of worlds. And yes, I realise I may have the time periods wrong, but that is what it reminded me of!

I loved how the story for both Rhodry and Mio came out slowly, the reader learning bits and pieces of it until it all fell together. Their relationship was the same way, a slow burner with temptation and resistance.

This was an intriguing tale, with plenty of mystery and misdirection thrown in. An amazing cast of characters helps to move the story along.

A wonderful start to the series, and I can't wait to see what happens next. Absolutely recommended by me.