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Commander (Jack Lark #10)
Commander (Jack Lark #10)
Paul Fraser Collard | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book number 10 in Paul Fraser Collard's Jack Lark series - a series which has, over time, moved away from its earlier Richard Sharpe stylings, which (and, at least, in The Scarlet Thief) it seemed to wear proudly on its sleeve.

To be clear: that's neither a con nor a pro: just something to be aware of!

In this one, the latest at the time of reviewing, Jack Lark is in Egypt, between employment (well, of a salubrious sort), when he is offered the opportunity to join an expedition into the Sudan, taking charge of new recruits in doing so.

What follows is the delays and danger (both of the natural variety as well as the man-made) of such an expedition into the wilderness, including the hunting of Elephants for ivory (on an industrial scale), slave trading and other such unsavoury pursuits which the expedition both aims to take part in and to stop.

As for Lark himself? He comes across as more melancholy than I remember from previous entries; more given to introspection than before. However, he also seems to end the novel in a better place than when he started: let's see how long that lasts!
The Eye of the World (Wheel of Time, #1)
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
A story that you want to read till the end (0 more)
Female characters tend to lack variety in comparison to male characters (0 more)
A fantastic start to an epic tale
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Eye of the World is the first of many books in The Wheel of Time series, firstly wrote by Robert Jordan, and finalised by Brandon Sanderson after Jordan’s death, following the story of several characters from Emonds Field.

 In my opinion The Eye of the World is the strongest book in the series, and is a fantastic hook to get you to read the following books. Although the series centres around many characters, the true main character of the first book is Rand al’Thor, a reluctant hero, who discovers he has magical abilities, which could ultimately destroy him. In an attempt to save Emonds Field, Rand and his friends flee, accompanied by an Aes Sedai (a female with magical powers). The story primarily details the journey of the group (either together or in smaller groups), detailing regular encounters with the dark ones forces. As such the story does follow the predictable fantasy format of -unlikely hero discovers that they have magical powers, and then goes on a journey to save the world, however it is an enjoyable tale.

The male characters in the book are diverse and entertaining- I struggled to decide which was my favourite character as they all had likeable features. One thing about the book, which does takeaway from
It’s score is Jordan’s portrayal of female characters. I found a lack of diversity amongst those female characters who were on the side we are led to route for, and some stereotyping of women. This was evident even amongst female characters that were meant to be in power. The women as a whole in the novel always needed a man to support them (for
Example Moiraine needing Lan, Egwene needing Rand, there are a few isolated incidents of independence amongst these female characters, but this was often as an exception to the rule. This is addressed a little in later books in the series, but not in the The Eye of the World.
Psychic Whispers (Woodward Hill #1)
Psychic Whispers (Woodward Hill #1)
Arial Burnz, AJ Nuest | 2020 | Mystery, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Psychic Whispers is the first book in the Woodward Hill series and I LOVED IT! This was just the right book at the right time and I fell in love with the characters of this small, gossipy, quirky town.

Inara has the ability to talk to the animals, she even calls herself Dr DoLittle. Unfortunately, before she was old enough to fully understand or use her ability, she was attacked by a pitbull. This left scars, both seen and unseen, that she is determined to work past. Nik has been the 'son gone bad' for too long in the town. The son of a man accused (but cleared) of murder, his reputation has always hung over him like a shroud. He thinks Inara is too good for him. She thinks he is put off by her scars.

Aww, come on, people. You know these two will end up together but it's not a smooth road by any stretch of the imagination. With fears on both sides, a small-town mindset working against them, oh, and plus a murder to solve whilst staying alive, these two have their work cut out for them.

There are a whole host of supporting characters that I loved and, fair warning Ms Burnz and Ms Nuest, I'll be wanting stories for all of them! 😉

The world-building is excellent with just the right attention to detail that I needed. The pacing is smooth and the steamy scenes are hot! Nik is pure alpha but Inara is no pushover.

All in all, this was a brilliant read and a fantastic opening to a new series that I will be following closely and reading ALL of them! Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Murphy's Heist (John McBride #1)
Murphy's Heist (John McBride #1)
David Chilcott | 2013 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murphy's Heist is the first of the John McBride series of thrillers. Eamonn Murphy used to be a big man in the shady world of terrorism in Northern Ireland during the troubles. Now more-or-less retired and living in Cheshire he cannot resist planning a bullion robbery on the mainland. However John McBride, artist and former soldier, stumbles upon the plot. Murphy has to quickly change his plans as the net tightens.

As with the other McBride books the emphasis is on realism rather than spectacle. Although there are explosions, gun battles and chases they are very low-key which lends an air of authenticity which is missing from more adrenaline-fuelled thrillers.

The book is paced well, alternating between Murphy and associates attempting to get away with the crime and McBride and the authorities attempts to apprehend them. Murphy is a slippery and wily customer and McBride must use ingenuity and not a little luck.

This definitely shows as the first book in the series - McBride is just an ex-soldier, not ex-SAS and farms out the more 'special forces' duties to an ex-colleague, the extra developments of his past and his occasional desire for adventure beyond the sedate world of watercolours comes later and allows him to operate independently in challenging environments. But this is a good solid opening gambit clearly layout out the template for a more realistic thriller.

As a novel this isn't as good as my favourite so far - Find My Brother - but it certainly makes for a good read.