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David McK (3496 KP) rated Moon Knight in TV

May 8, 2022  
Moon Knight
Moon Knight
2022 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
If you'd asked me ion the 90s to name a Marvel superhero, I'd probably been able to name you Spiderman. Maybe Captain America.

In the 00's? Expand that to include Daredevil before the MCU came into being, then (once it did) the likes of Iron Man, Thor, The Incredible Hulk (may have been able to name him in the 90s due to the 70s TV show).

2010s? Even further to include Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, The Guardians of the Galaxy.

Basically, as MCU films with those characters were released.

At no pint prior to late 2021, however, would I have been able to name 'Moon Knight'.

That changed with the release of this 'limited series' on Disney+ in 2022, with Oscar Isaacs taking the lead role of a character suffering from Dissociative identity disorder (DID) - a mental disorder where a patient has two or more personalities - who also becomes a superhero after making a deal with an Egyptian god.

And he's actually very good at portraying which identity is in control at any one time, all down to mannerisms, accents and body language.

Unusually for an MCU project, there's no end credit stings until the very last episode (where it is worth staying for that sting).
Perhaps it's my love of lighthouses and lighthouse culture, perhaps it's my overwhelming nostalga for the original televised story Horror Of Fang Rock, perhaps it's just the amazing talent that is Andy Frankham-Allen. Perhaps all three. Whatever it is, Beast Of Fang Rock is a return to form for the Lethbridge-Stewart series. It manages to be a Scooby-Doo style mystery, a classic base under siege story, and an intricate time travel tale simultaneously, not to mention an all-around great yarn. These characters are fully formed and fleshed out, and each brings something marvelous to the party. (And makes one wonder if Frankham-Allen has some sort of inside track to the BBC, what with season 9 episodes turning out to have similar threads!)

My only complaint (and it's a small one) is the Brigadier himself is pushed back so slightly in this one in favor of Anne Travers. But, thats as it should be. This is her story, her time to shine, and Lethbridge-Stewart seems content to back her characterization until he's needed to be the man of action during the thrilling third act. As I said, its a SMALL complaint.

Definitely give this one a read kids!
The Wise Man's Fear
The Wise Man's Fear
Patrick Rothfuss | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.4 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
does anyone else find it annoying when people rate books they haven't actually read yet?

update: now that I'VE read this i can review it properly. (see how that works, people? read a book THEN rate it. i know, complicated.)

i loved this book. i would have given it 5 stars but i honestly thought it was too short. there were places that Kvothe skipped over his story that, as an outsider looking in as opposed to a character in the novel (like Chronicler) we haven't heard the rumors or stories or gossip about the events. i would have LOVED to have heard the story about the shipwreck, especially the mysterious man. it was quite frustrating to have something with so much potential tossed aside. also, i would have appreciated a bit more of the trial in Imre. at least a third or fourth hand account of it, the version of the story Chronicler heard.

alternatively, the time spent with Felurian was beaten to death, in my opinion, and Kvothe's time in Ademre was a bit drawn out. probably something to do with the publisher's wanting more sex, i expect. sigh.

still, i puffy heart love this series and will probably buy it once it's all in paperback.
147 of 235
Shadows of Bourbon Street ( Jade Calhoun 5)
By Deanna Chase

Starting a new job is tough - especially when your boss thinks nothing of interrupting your wedding. After a year of battling ghosts and demons, white witch Jade Calhoun is finally marrying the man of her dreams. Or is she? Minutes before Jade and Kane say I do, the High Angel arrives with a job for the newly appointed shadow walkers. Another witch's life is on the line and it's up to Jade and Kane to save her. With a black magic user intent on destroying one of Jade's friends, more demons on the loose, and a hard to find incubus, can the almost newlyweds save the witch and get their own happy ending?

Oh I’ve missed Jade and Kane and boy was this a good book! I knew that wedding would never go as planned and now Kane is a new kick ass Incubus! So many happy endings in this one so you know the next one will be a kick in the teeth for them 😂 definitely a good supernatural series if this is what you love with witches, demons , angels and now incubus what’s next?
The Incredible Exploding Man
The Incredible Exploding Man
Dave Hutchinson | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alex Dolan is hired by a multimillionaire to write a book about the Sioux Crossing Supercollider. A dream job for a man who has been struggling for work. When he gets there though, people aren’t as keen as he thinks they will be to divulge any information for him to write his book.

About 4/5 of this book is the build up to what actually happens. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed this larger part. It’s really funny and the character building is excellent. But it did leave me thinking what on Earth the title had to do with the book I was reading. I stuck with it though, and I’m glad I did.

I enjoyed the meandering scene setting, and it does pay off. The last 1/5L the real business of the book was equally as good. I just wish there had been more of it, and I wish that all the characters I’d learnt so much about hadn’t just disappeared. I mean, not literally disappeared. At least it don’t think so…

I really liked the narrative voice in this book, so I think I’m going to go and look for more of Hutchinson’s books. I hear The Fractured Earth series is supposed to be good…