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Four Years of Despair
Four Years of Despair
Jalesa Morrison | 2019 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked best was Jalesa's blunt honesty about what is going on. Jalesa tells the story of Jaunell and her family without the fear of offending anyone. (0 more)
What I liked least was the lack of depth to the characters. In fact, I found it to be mildly disappointing. (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
WARNING: This book focuses on Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Suicide, Death, Domestic Violence, Physical Abuse, and Mental Abuse. Parts of this book are extremely hard to read because of the

Four Years of Despair by Jalesa Morrison was a shocker to say the least. It is hard to find the words to accurately describe this book and do it justice. Normally I would complain about the repetitiveness of a book. In this case the repetition accurately portrays the events in the book. I can easily see this being extended into a larger novel if Jalesa Morrison feels confident enough in her ability to stay accurate and go deeper into each character. Parts of this book did make me cringe multiple times. At first I did not like this book at all but then I figured it out. This book is not meant to be liked. It is meant to infom, to show what sever meutal illuess laaks like behind closed doors. It shows what the individual and family members go through on a daily basis that most people do not see or understand.

Jalesa tells the story of thirteen year old Jaunell Morris, her sis ters Lois and Francis, and their mother Joan. Jaunell was your typical preteen up until around her thirteenth birthday. It was then that
Jaunell was diagnosed with a bipolar disorder that also causes her to become extremely depressed. Joan freqiently struggles to get Jaunell to take a shower or even go to school. This also makes it difficult for Joan to hold a job and she has to ask her own mother (Jamell's grandmother) for financial assistance.
Jaunell lashes out and physically attacks her family members miltiple times.

 Between Jaunell's lack of bodily cleanliness and her physical outbursts, Joan's friends turn their back on Joan and many of their family members disown Jaunell. Joan's mother blames Joan for Jaunell's behavior and tells her that she is a bad mother. Jaunell's father leaves Joan because he can not handle Jaunell. Lois and Francis also turn their backs on their sister after being hurt by her multiple times. These are only a few of the relationships that are destroyed because of a lack of understanding. Joan becomes depressed as well and ends up abusing Jaunell because she believes everything to be Jaunell's fault even though she knows in her heart that it is not true. Jaunell spends four years in and out of hospitals countless times before her mother has the financial ability to send Jaunell to a long term care facility. But there is hope...

What I liked best was Jalesa's blunt honesty about what is going on. Jalesa tells the story of Jaunell and her family without the fear of offending anyone. Jaunell's story is one that needed to be told. What I liked least was the lack of depth to the characters. In fact, I found it to be mildly disappointing. Also, there were times where I did not agree with what was happening, but that is nothing against the book. That was my personal rejection of admitting that there are people suffering like this every day.

Target readers for this book were hard to determine because of the nature of the topic. It truly depends on the individual's mindset. I believe high school students and older could handle this book. At the same time, the message would be good for middle school students as well but might be hard for them to read. This book got a sold 3 out of 4 rating from me. The only reason it did not get a perfect rating was that I would like to see more depth.
Possession (Possession, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I haven't figured out how I feel about Possession. I'm not sure if it's a 5 star book or a 1 star book.

Short story: It's really good.

Long story: well, that's a bit more involved.

Reasons this book was really good:

1. Pacing: Excellent. One thing leads to another, it's almost impossible to put down, and the tension never really goes away.
2. Good dialogue, good but concise descriptions, catchy interior monologue.
3. Good characters.
4. Jag is really sexy.

Reasons I wanted to slam my head against a wall while I was reading it:

1. Jag is awesome. Vi is awesome. Their relationship? Extremely dysfunctional. They are freaking bi-polar. One minute they're having a decent conversation, the next someone jumps to a conclusion and gets emotionally hurt and storms off, twenty-four hours and a hot shower later, they're sorry and cuddling and making out. THIS IS NOT A GOOD EXAMPLE OF A RELATIONSHIP. Oh my word.
2. I got lost around Chapter 30. Stuff started happening, I could never tell if Vi was Vi or if she was dreaming, sometimes something would happen and it was a little cryptic, and confusing, and one thing stacked on top of another until by chapter 40 I was like "what the crap is going on?" I seriously closed the book and wasn't going to finish but I just HAD to know what happened. (I really should have quit while I was ahead.)
3. I got to the point where I couldn't tell who was the good guy and who was the bad guy, and I kind of stopped caring.

Reasons why the ending pissed me off:

1. The only bad guy who could have become good, didn't.
2. Then, the bad guys won.

Honestly, now that I've finished it, I really wish I hadn't. Luckily I checked Goodreads and found out it was book 1 in a series. Because THAT'S NOT AN ENDING. That was worse than The Hunger Games and Catching Fire endings!!!

Content/Recommendation: Some language and kissing, ages 16+
Friends With Benefits (2011)
Friends With Benefits (2011)
2011 | Comedy
Sleeper Hit
Friends With Benefits succeeds largely because of the chemistry between Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. This movie could have had the most honest of intentions, but would have easily fallen flat without a couple you can get behind. That's not to say that their relationship didn't annoy me at times. Realistically had they just come clean with each other sooner, you could cut the run time of the film by about thirty minutes. It's a movie, however, and alas this is what movies are known to do at times.

Mila's character Jamie continued to win me over as the film progressed. She's spunky, witty, and has a vulnerability that you can appreciate. I appreciate Mila's ability to switch emotion on a dime when she needed to (going from happy to hurt, etc.).

I was surprised by the number of funny moments throughout. The comedy carries from beginning to end successfully which makes it all the more easier to sit back and enjoy. The ongoing Captain Sully joke was a nice touch along with the clever way the film kicked off having the opening Screen Gems intro being a part of a computer screen.

Friends With Benefits is a sleeper hit. It's the story of two friends who start a just-sex relationship that blossoms into something else. Cameos from Andy Samberg and Emma Stone ("We missed 'Your Body is a Wonderland'!") in the first few minutes sets a hilarious tone that never lets up. Highly recommended from me, I give the film a 92.

Merissa (11779 KP) rated Undone (Vino & Veritas #18) in Books

Aug 13, 2021 (Updated Jul 17, 2023)  
Undone (Vino & Veritas #18)
Undone (Vino & Veritas #18)
Leslie McAdam | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever missed out on a whole series, read one story, and then put the whole lot of the others on your TBR list? Because that's what I've done on the back of this one story by Leslie McAdam. UNDONE is book eighteen in the Vino and Veritas series, and I want more.

In this instalment, we meet Jason and Murph. Jason has a friends-with-benefits arrangement going on with Marnie that suits him just fine, and Marnie says she is happy with how it is too. Murph is his new roommate, and what an eye-opener he is! Murph is strong and confident but still has his own worries and concerns. What you get is a HOT slow-burn romance with lots of self-discovery and laughs along the way.

Oh, man. These two! They about killed me, they really did. Both of them are absolutely gorgeous inside and out and have so much to learn about themselves and each other. Watching Jason's jealousy when he had no idea what it was he was feeling was just wonderful. Murph has been seriously hurt before and is understandably wary of Jason when they do get together. Communication and acknowledgement of each other's needs wins the day though, and how fantastic was that?!

After a quick check on Goodreads, it appears this is the first book by this author I have read, but it certainly won't be the last. Leslie McAdam's writing style is warm, well-paced, and character-led. This story blew me away and I loved the bi-realisation aspect of it. I also loved how they got to know each other first. Of course, as far as Jason was concerned, Murph was just a possible friend. Their flirting, innocent as it was (or not in Murph's case!) was heartwarming.

I could go on, but I think I've waffled on enough. I have loved this new-to-me world of Vino and Veritas and will definitely be reading more. As for Leslie McAdam, well, she's definitely one to watch. Now, if you will excuse me, I've got an author's backlist to go through, plus a whole series.

Absolutely and utterly recommended by me!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 13, 2021
Anna (2019)
Anna (2019)
2019 | Action, Thriller
Appearances are deceiving, not only with our main character Anna but with the trailer for this film too. What I was expecting was Atomic Blonde, what I got was Atomic Blonde mixed with Red Sparrow but with none of the redeeming features of either.

I would normally at this point write a slightly expanded synopsis of the film, but reading back my notes even I can't remember (or work out) what happened at the beginning of the film.

This confusion is the one consistent thing throughout the whole film.

The TV shows Hustle and Leverage like to do the reveal where they show you a scene unfold and then play it back a little later showing you the truth behind what actually happened. Anna does this too, excessively. We jump around the timeline so much that eventually when you see the words "X months earlier" you just let out a resigned sigh.

I've been contemplating how the film would have played out if they'd don't it in a more traditional/chronological order. I'm not sure that there would have been enough to keep you interested in what was going on. It certainly would have left the ending surprise heavy with little to no pay off for your patience.

Anna looked to be a serious action-fest and in the trailer we see a well choreographed restaurant fight that I had particularly been looking forward to. The finished product was somehow incredibly dull and unengaging and I think that's entirely down to the music. In the trailer they picked an upbeat track and the action is cut to coincide with the punchy notes, it makes you react to what's happening. The music in the final cut does not contribute anything to what's going on at all. I've seen this happen previously with Kingsman: The Golden Circle, although in that case the scene wasn't hurt as much as here.

Luke Evans is the main Russian spy, Alex, he's strong and decisive. Cillian Murphy is the CIA agent, Lenny, he's abrasive and suspicious. Both characters are ultimately the same, but different. There's little to work out about either man or their relationship with Anna.

Anna is played by Sasha Luss, her only other acting credit is in Valerian and the City with a longer than necessary name (actual title of the film... I'm sure of it), I honestly wouldn't have recognised her from it. There's little that's memorable about her in this, which is worrying as the main character. The part was let down by the story, and while I'm sure she has the ability to do Anna justice I don't think anything here gave her the opportunity to try.

We're also treated to Helen Mirren, she is wonderful all the time, and this wasn't any different. I loved her performance in this as it was something a bit grittier, but I don't think her character and the script really aligned. She's shown as an astute spy and she picks up on the little details... unless it's essential to the plot that she doesn't.

Perhaps I'm being too harsh, but the promise of the trailer and the delivery of the film held very different things for the viewer. There are much better examples of this sort of film out there, it doesn't feel like it brings anything new to the table.

Originally posted on:

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Allegedly in Books

Apr 10, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mary Addison was nine years old when she allegedly killed 3 month old, Alyssa Richardson. Now, it's 6 years later and Mary finds herself pregnant with her own child. She doesn't want anyone to take the baby from her, but who would allow a baby killer to keep a baby. Mary is now living in a group home for juvenile girls. When she turns 18, who knows what is going to happen with her. She has always been a smart girl and is determined to turn her life around and make something of herself, for her and Bean(what she calls the baby). Mary doesn't talk much, but when she finds a way that may help her to keep the baby, she starts talking about that night and filling in gaps that the police were always missing in the story. Will Mary be able to walk away from these charges for good, or will they stick?

I have heard a lot of raving about this book, so I had to pick it up. This is the first book by Tiffany D. Jackson and it was amazing. I can't wait to read the rest of her books which I hear are just as good if not better.

Does a nine year old little girl have the ability and know-how to kill another child? Many people had different ideas about the type of child that Mary was. She was very quiet and very smart and took care of her mother. But did Mary really kill Alyssa? She loved Alyssa and Mrs. Richardson, so why would she hurt the baby? All through the book, you have a soft place in your heart for Mary. I was dying to find out what really happened that night according to Mary, and it took a while to get to that part.

Looking at Mary's life through the group home and back and forth from present day to the night of the accident and the investigation following you have to make your own decision about what truly happened and who is to blame. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and can't wait to read more from Tiffany D. Jackson.

Scott Tostik (389 KP) rated Happy Death Day (2017) in Movies

Oct 23, 2017 (Updated Jan 11, 2019)  
Happy Death Day (2017)
Happy Death Day (2017)
2017 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Weird, workable idea (0 more)
Funnier than a horror film and bloodier than a comedy
Have you ever just wanted to watch someone die??? Over and over and over and over again???
Well... This movie gives you the opportunity to watch an annoying sorority girl get slaughtered time and time again.
Mind you, she does lighten up a little bit as she dies again and again... Eventually streaking theough a full quad on campus because she just knows she's going to croak.
Overall, this movie is fun. A little silly, but it's horror... Its supposed to be silly...ish... But not too silly like Saturday the 14th and Student Bodies from the 80's... Which i recommend if you want to fall into a deep sleep... Happy Death Day is a vicious little horror film... That has the ability to make you belly laugh so hard it can hurt.
The sequel... Happy Death Day 2 U comes out on Febuary 14th of this year(2019). And i am already trying to get tickets...
In closing just let me add that I am not a huge fan of the newer horror film. If you've read my reviews you know that I hate the fact that everything Netflix comes out with horror wise, with the exceptions of 1922 and The Haunting of Hill House, is complete garbage. But Jason Blum knows good horror. He is a seriously deranged individual who completely gets what horror fans want... He's had his hands in some of the finest. The Purge series, Insidious series.
I only hope he gets his hands on the rights for Friday the 13th and finally does it some justice.
So Happy Death Day.... Give er. Ita worth it.
Burned (House of Night, #7)
Burned (House of Night, #7)
P.C. Cast | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
I liked this book a bit more than the previous book in the series simply because it looks like some of the characters are maturing passed some of their more annoying tweeny quirks and developing some depth. Stevie Rae always bugged me in previous books for her cliche hick-like speech and tastes in clothes, etc., but in this book, she starts to discover that the lines between good and evil are sometimes much harder to discern as she tries to juggle her relationship with Rephaim and still be what everyone else in her life wants her to be. She does this by lying, lying, lying, which is very bad, but at least she is taking risks to truly do the right thing, even if she is going about it the very wrong way. What did bug me was that the way she was caught between Dallas and Rephaim felt like the authors were attempting to make her be some kind of Zoey copycat, and the way Stevie Rae was handling the situation so poorly pretty much made it a forgone conclusion that whomever she hurt more would be the one going evil, making her the responsible party, even though the guy making the choice should be responsible for his own decisions.
I also like the maturity that James Stark reaches in his quest to save Zoey. While it is cliche to say that love conquers all, his love for her forces him to grow up and be a man, instead of just a petty, jealous, hormonal teen. The lengths he goes to save her could put a few grown men to shame, and if she ever rejects him in future books for any reason at all, she does not deserve him.
On the flip side, Zoey's other friends, i. e. Damien, Jack, and the twins are barely even mentioned throughout the entire book, except to provide color for the background or some comic relief. I don't really miss them, either, as their antics are so formulaic as to make me cringe every time I read about them.
I am undecided as to whether I like Aphrodite's character. While she does not seem to be growing in maturity very much - as in losing her bitchiness - she does seem to be coming to terms with how she appears to others. At the same time, she is learning to wield her arrogance with purpose as she gains the title of Prophetess and show some true emotion for her friends.
I really hope that this series wraps up soon, as this plot feels like it is spiraling out of control with all of the loose ends, unexplained pieces, and growing cast list that simply can not be given enough attention to detail in every single book, even with the random deaths of several characters in a single book.
Crave (Blood Moon, Texas Shifters #2)
Crave (Blood Moon, Texas Shifters #2)
Kat Kinney | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Crave is the second book in the Blood Moon, Texas Shifters series and we continue with Dallas and Lacey. They were teenage sweethearts but when Dallas managed to 'infect' Lacey with the werewolf gene, even on a time when it should have been impossible, both of their lives changed.

Lacey's mother had her memory taken, just like Ellie in the last book, but it has left her with paranoia and memory loss. Some of the things she finds on the internet made me chuckle! Because of this, Lacey and Dallas can't be 'together' even though they are still best friends. Both of them suffered during their separation and, really, it's hard to say who had it worst!

In this one, you get a great insight into the family dynamics as well the relationship between Ethan and Dallas. I found those scenes incredibly well-written and it made my heart hurt for both of them.

Told from the first perspective from both Dallas and Lacey, this was just as fast-paced as Dark, with some serious fang-head action going on. I am loving the overall story arc and can't wait to continue with the series. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
WHo We Truly Are (Enhanced #2)
WHo We Truly Are (Enhanced #2)
Victoria Sue | 2017 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wanted to punch Talon so bad!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted the AUDIO copy of this book.

This is book two in the Enhanced Series, and you really SHOULD read or listen to book one, Five Minutes Longer, before you start this one. It's a continuation of Talon and Finn's tale, and not all is repeated here.

Talon and Finn are partners in all ways, it's just not common knowledge. When Finn is sent undercover to try to locate the missing Enhanced children, Talon has to dig deep within himself to let Finn do his job, and then for Talon to do his, when Finn turns up missing too.

For most of this book, I wanted to punch Talon in the face so bloody hard!! He's such an idiot when it comes to Finn doing his job, he really is! I get he cares for Finn, very much so, but Finn came into Talon's world as his WORK partner, and that has to be front and centre. But no, Talon's reaction to Finn going undercover is to bury his head in the sand, and ignore Finn. So much so, Finn thinks to leave Florida and find himself some who really appreciates him.

But in Talon's defense, he is dealing with his ever increasing powers, taking on the powers of the other team members, and it does take its toll on him.

I found this one a little more explicit than book one, as Talon and Finn's physical relationship seems to be the outlet for their work situations frustration, for BOTH of them. No complaining, min, no ma'am not at all! Even though I wanted to punch Talon, he does somewhat redeem himself when they get home!

The missing children has *some* conclusion, but there are still some unanswered questions. We meet some new people, both Enhanced and regular.

When Talon finally gets his head out his ass, and *literally* explodes, it's Finn that brings him back from the brink. Finn's words said to him, that words Talon longed to hear, and indeed say, manage to clear his mind and focus in time to save them both.

Nick J Russo again narrates. I love his narration again. His voices are clear, and consistent across both books, and I have no trouble following multi person conversations. His reading voice is deep and even, making it such an easy listen!

Russo gets all of Finn's emotions when Talon almost blanks him, and I felt for Finn, I really did. Listening to a book is such a different experience to reading, and the narrator makes listening to this book such a pleasure.

Of course, a narrator can ONLY reads the words he's given and if Victoria Sue continues to write about these guys, I'm gonna be listening! (I don't like to flip between listening and reading in a series, I find I lose something if I do!)

Off to listen to book three, Beneath The Mask. I've a feeling Gael is in a world of hurt and the guys don't really know how deep it goes!

5 stars for the book
5 stars for the narration
5 stars overall

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**