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ClareR (5686 KP) rated The Road Trip in Books

Aug 4, 2021  
The Road Trip
The Road Trip
Beth O'Leary | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this book. The Road Trip has a different feel to it compared to Beth O’Leary’s previous two novels, and whatever direction she’ll take next, I’m going along for the ride (see what I did there!🤭)

I just love the way that O’Leary writes characters: in this book they’re funny, flawed and feel like genuine, real people. There are those with mental health problems, dysfunctional families and strong sibling relationships.

We see the contrast of the carefree student on holiday, and the way that real life has a habit of sticking its oar in - and not always in a good way.

The road trip element was hilarious though. Deliciously awkward, thanks to Addie, Dylan and Dylan’s friend Marcus, with the devil-may-care attitude of Addie’s sister, Debs. And than there’s Rodney (I’l leave him right here - I don’t want to spoil THIS character for you!).

This book is a little darker in places in comparison to her other books, but I absolutely loved every page. I can’t wait to see what’s next from Beth O’Leary. Oh, and you should definitely read this book!!

Many thanks to Quercus for my copy via NetGalley.
Fists in the Pocket (1965)
Fists in the Pocket (1965)
1965 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"From the moment Lou Castel literally falls from the sky into the film, one knows that one has signed up for one darn crazy ride. Of all the films in the collection this is the one that spells y-o-u-t-h with the greatest virulence. It captures its never abetted sense of social claustrophobia and, its consequence, its recurrent fantasies of murder and mayhem. For anyone, anywhere, at any time, who uttered, “Families, I hate you!” this film should be the Bible. Nervy, hilarious, and bleaker than bleak, it manages to make you believe the impossible, namely that a filmmaker could take a trip on the Rimbaud side of the street and not come out looking ridiculous. And, as an added bonus, for those who want to understand the sixties beyond the banalities that are ritually uttered about them, every scene of Fists in the Pocket, with the convulsive beauty of its framing and composition, amply proves how much this period was made by people so steeped in classical culture that they fantasized it could be solid beyond its fragility, shaking it to the core and ultimately ushering in a world they could themselves hardly live in."

The Tree of Wooden Clogs (1978)
The Tree of Wooden Clogs (1978)
1978 | Drama, History
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I was working on a film with another writer friend that didn’t happen. It was going to happen in Europe if it happened, and I had been scouting for it, and I saw this film when I was thinking about that movie, and that maybe kind of bled into First Cow. Suddenly First Cow did come together, and they were both in the same period, and they both were sort of films of peasants in their little hutches. [In Wooden Clogs], this is like a little community of workers who are working on the property of their landlord; the Chief Factor in First Cow isn’t really a property owner, but he’s more like the CEO of Firestone going to another continent and using all the resources; he’s holding this kind of power in the region. There were some thematic things, but again, it’s people in their little houses working all day – always sewing, fixing things, feeding the animals – and then around the candlelight at night telling stories and cooking in their fires and everything is very tactile. All the hay, the thatch roofs, the wooden floors, all those things – the chores, the chores, the chores."


Pete Fowler recommended Silver Apples by Silver Apples in Music (curated)

Silver Apples by Silver Apples
Silver Apples by Silver Apples
1968 | Electronic, Psychedelic
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The first time I can remember hearing a synthesiser was sometime in the late '70s. I must have been eight or nine and I was on a driving holiday with my parents in the Pyrenees. 'I Feel Love' was on the radio and it freaked me right out. It scared me; that sequence flipped me out. 2000AD had just launched and I was really, deeply into it. All the stories were about terrifying dystopias and that song coming out of the radio sounded like a herald for one of those places. Years later, Silver Apples pushed similar buttons for me. They came about when synthesisers were more readily associated with almost academic music – people like Pierre Henry, Morton Subotnick, musique concrète stuff. Silver Apples created a sound I'd never heard before. The closest comparison (with a bit of hindsight) is something like NEU! – that driven, motorik sound. Silver Apples were before the first NEU! record by a few years. They sounded futuristic in name and sound; they built their own gear and credited the synth as a member of the band (The Simeon). There's a real toughness to the music, something very street."

Best of Bowie by David Bowie
Best of Bowie by David Bowie
2002 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This one I didn't play on! It's one of those songs that just came over on the radio. I think I heard it on the radio before I even heard it on the album. It was Bowie at his best for me. There were a few that did that. I always loved the odd side of Bowie, the odd subjects he chose and his way of putting it across… an artful way of putting across something scary or apocalyptic. He had an arty way of expressing it so you could actually accept it. It was a bit creepy! It was like all the perverted things in the world are in that song, but he never sang about them. Yet it was in there! I always thought that was such a talent, to make people think something, without actually having to say it. Maybe that says a lot for my mind [laughs], I know! But it's just an amazing ability to do that, I think. That is what music is all about. It's larger than just words. I just feel like 'Scary Monsters' is a great example of that. I would have loved to have played on that one."


Allan Arkush recommended Seven Samurai (1954) in Movies (curated)

Seven Samurai (1954)
Seven Samurai (1954)
1954 | Action, Adventure, Drama
7.7 (19 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"My father was a film buff. He instilled in me an appreciation of the art of movies. He felt that there was no cinema artist greater than Kurosawa. At a very young age he took me to see Throne of Blood and Seven Samurai. Since then I’ve seen Seven Samurai over fifty times, in theaters, on VHS, laserdisc, and DVD. The latest Criterion edition is my favorite version of my favorite action movie. I love all the extras, especially the history of the samurai, which really enhances the movie’s historical context. In the second season of Heroes, we did a story line set in seventeenth-century Japan. The Seven Samurai box set was an invaluable resource for the costume and art department. About half of our crew watched it and were really inspired by what they saw. It’s one of those movies that I can’t turn off. One minute of viewing and I’m hooked. I’ve heard many people say that about the first two Godfather films, but for me Seven Samurai is the one that lures me into watching multiple hours of a movie I know by heart."

People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm by A Tribe Called Quest
People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm by A Tribe Called Quest
1990 | Hip-hop, Rap
1.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This 1990 masterpiece is very much a travel album. It has all the hallmarks and some of the pitfalls of a life on the road: the single 'I Left my wallet in El Segundo' is a case in point. The advice lyric 'I don't eat no ham'n'eggs cuz they're high in cholesterol' in the classic cut 'Ham'n'eggs' is another highly unusual call and response rhyme - but again paints a true picture of the perils of a road life spent in diners. Over the course of the album we visit Lucien in Paris and traverse around the world of music with a zillion samples of classic sixties and seventies rock and soul albums. It's always optimistic and wide eyed - the best way to travel. I was talking to my friend Ben the other day about how this is my favorite Tribe album - (most people seem to prefer The Low End Theory?) - but I learned so much about music through this record - The songs are great and it's one of those albums that drags you into a different universe and world view and changes you for the better."


Adele recommended Colour It In by The Maccabees in Music (curated)

Colour It In by The Maccabees
Colour It In by The Maccabees
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When we were growing up, we had mutual friends. I used to go and watch them play at the Bug Bar in Brixton when I was 14… I remember them getting signed to Fiction and how exciting that was. I’ve still got one of their demo CDs, in a photocopied and stapled-together packet, which had their early song Latchmere on it. Latchmere was a swimming pool we all went to; it had a really good wave machine. That’s how their song goes: “Latchmere’s/ Got a wave machine.” When I watched the Maccabees play at Glastonbury this year, it was so moving – seeing all those random people singing their song back at them, about a little swimming pool that was a huge part of my youth. It took me back… I’d say they’re the most consistent band in the UK right now. Without fail, they deliver with their songs, and I find them very inspiring for that. They know who they are; as individuals, as friends, as a band. They’re lovely boys – and with their new record, Marks to Prove It, they had their first No 1 album."

Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)
Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)
1979 | Drama

"I was one of those kids who had never seen an indie film before I got to college. If it wasn’t a big, huge tentpole movie, or if it wasn’t on the radio, I hadn’t experienced it. Then in college I started getting into independent movies, which led me to classic movies, which led me to all this different stuff. The 1970s movies, for me, were only discovered, unfortunately, as little as six or seven years ago. So Kramer vs. Kramer. Some of the greatest writing I’ve ever seen, some of the gutsiest performances. It’s just so quintessential of what the 1970s were for me. There’s just this unfiltered, raw energy, and despite how beautiful that movie is — and obviously, it’s a well done movie — the fact [is] that they’re not making movies like that anymore. [Kramer vs. Kramer is about] a horrible relationship. It’s a really tough situation for the father to be in, and yet [for] everyone who went and saw the movie, there was this weird understanding or commiseration with anger. I think people might have been angrier, or willing to see angry movies."

The Lord of the Rings
The Lord of the Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien | 1954 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (64 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tolkein created a complete detailed universe complete with its own mythology and lore (2 more)
Varied and rounded characters
Epic journey of good verses evil and the grey areas in between
You will become is difficult not to fall in love with the world and it's characters (0 more)
There is little I can say that has not already been said about The Lord of the Rings. It is an epic story of friendship, love, betrayal, war and essentially a coming of age journey. Middle earth and all its inhabitants come alive in your are transported to a world in chaos, a world of change where nothing is certain. Battle with dwarfs and elves, fight along side men who are impossibly brave and flawed and cry as the tiniest of people carry the biggest of burdens.
This book and the subsequent movies based on the world have been well quoted and are almost inbedded in British culture.
I envy those who haven't read them have a fantastic journey ahead. It will not be easy (this is not light reading) but it will be more than worth it. Enjoy, and give the elves my love.