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Noomi Rapace recommended Nil by Mouth (1998) in Movies (curated)

Nil by Mouth (1998)
Nil by Mouth (1998)
1998 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"That’s one of my favorites. That one is on my list, too. When I saw it, it just blew me away completely. I saw it when I was quite young, and I remember thinking, “My god, are these really actors? Could a movie be done this way?” It was something I’d never seen before, and it was so brutal and so real; just like watching a documentary. Those kinds of filmmakers and actors kind of opened up things in me that gave me hope and inspired me. I felt less lonely in a way, because I thought, “Okay, there’s people out there exploring things that I would like to do.” People who were not afraid of darkness; people who were not afraid of going into things that were not charming and easy and, you know, sweet and cute. That one made a very strong impression on me."

Blood Meridian
Blood Meridian
Cormac McCarthy | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Grim , brutal and tasteless
I think the gratuitous and horrific descriptions of violence is insulting to those nations who were killed in the American genocide. It is bordering on tasteless and the entire book seems rather pointless being pummelled with endless ways of how to kill people in various brutal fashions. I understand McCarthy may be trying to portray how perpetual violence can desensitise people such as soldiers into doing things morally reprehensible but that was not obvious and it may have been more appropriate to use a fictional situation. The irony is you become desensitised reading it to the point my mind switched off. As a fan of The Road, I was disappointed by this.