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The Flower Girls
The Flower Girls
Alice Clark-Platts | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A chilling psychological thriller
A child goes missing on New Years Eve from a hotel, and when the police are called in, it is discovered that one of the guests is one of the notorious Flower Girls. The Flower Girls were involved in the murder and mutilation of a toddler in 1997, when they themselves were only 10 and 6 years old. The 10 year old, Laurel, remains in prison nearly 20 years later. Rosie was found not to have participated in the murder and couldn't remember anything that happened at that time, such was her trauma. She and her remaining family were given new identities and relocated. Her rediscovery provokes a media frenzy. The missing child (Georgie) is found alive and hypothermic, but Rosie's new identity as Hazel is now known to everyone.
We see what happened 20 years ago in short flashbacks, which can have some disturbing moments (not gory, not of the original murder - at least not at the start), and we meet the aunt of Kirstie Swann (the toddler who was murdered), who has campaigned tirelessly to keep Laurel behind bars. We are also kept in the loop of the police investigation of Georgie's disappearance. There are a lot of characters to contend with in this book, but I think it was done well, and I didn't have any problem remembering who they were. I really enjoyed this, despite the rather macabre subject matter. The pace was just right, there was a good amount of skin-crawling moments, and an unresolved ending which really suited the rest of the story - and an unresolved ending? Well, that has to be one of my favourite things!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for the chance to read this book, and to Alice Clark-Platts for reading along and commenting on the story with the readers! If you haven't tried The Pigeonhole, it's well worth a go. I've found some really good books on this platform.
The Gift (2015)
The Gift (2015)
2015 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
The new film ‘The Gift’ will be the first movie released by the new company STX Entertainment.

It stars Jason Bateman as Simon, Joel Edgerton as Gordo, and Rebecca Hall as Robyn, Simons’ wife.
The story begins with Simon and Robyn just moving back to Los Angeles. He works in cyber security, and she is an interior designer trying to start her own business.
While out shopping for new home decor, Robyn is approached by a man she’s never seen, who says he is an old acquaintance of Simons.
Through a series of instances where Gordo delivers unasked for, and at least in Simons case, unwanted, gifts the story unravels into a twisty path of creepy stalking behavior with an undercurrent of as yet unrevealed plots for revenge.
While Robyn thinks that Gordo is just lonely and trying to make a friendly good impression, Simon insists that Gordo is ‘weird’ and that he has an ulterior motive due to his attraction to Robyn.
While not quite a ‘Fatal Attraction’ story as much as a ‘Revenge’ plot, this movie does keep you interested, invested and involved. It isn’t quite a ‘digging your nails into your palms’ kind of scary but more of a ‘what the HECK is he doing’, and ‘oh my gosh he can’t possibly be doing THAT’ story.
At least twice, the audience jumped and some of us yelped at at least one point.
The movie keeps you not quite sure who to feel most sorry for and not quite knowing who, if anyone, you are ‘rooting for’
The end is a twisted mess (in a good way) that had my jaw dropping and saying to myself ‘oh no no no no no no NO that’s not happening, it can’t be that way…..’, even though I had seen it coming.
I liked the movie and think people looking for a psychological thriller will really enjoy it.
I would give this movie 4 out of 5 stars.
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
1968 | Classics, Sci-Fi

"My parents took me to see it in a re-release — it came out in the ’60s and they re-released it in the early ’70s — and I was only seven years old, so it totally blew my mind. My parents, I think, were just completely bored and baffled by it, but I was obsessed with it. It stuck in my head, and every time it came on television I would watch it, and I saw it again in the theater as a teenager; I would go to see it whenever they revived it. It was just a movie I’ve watched a lot. I think part of the reason is…when I was a kid, I didn’t know what to make of it. It was so unlike what I’d been exposed to on TV, or by watching Disney films in the theater. It was so fascinating to me. It has a really unique status, which is in my mind like a big Hollywood epic movie about esoteric ideas — which had never really happened before that, and I don’t think it’s going to happen again. No one would ever spend that kind of money on a movie that big, and with that scope, and be that strange and slow and oblique and unexplained. Some people, of course, think it’s incredibly pretentious; I think the ideas in it are really fascinating. That Kubrick meticulousness is incredible. But part of what makes it a great movie, I think, is that as it proceeds it turns into this really intimate kind of horror-thriller — with HAL — and when I think, “Who’s a great writer who wrote in that style?,” I think Edgar Allan Poe in outer space. It becomes this real, psychological, bizarre, unexplainable thing about a murdering supercomputer! Those are some of the most handsome, greatest, cinematic scenes I’ve ever seen, so the fact that it was attached to this esoteric thing… To me, it works on so many levels. And the design, and the use of music…there’s nothing else quite like it."

In Her Shadow
In Her Shadow
Mark Edwards | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book is Jessica, mom of two kids, who even after five years, still devastated by her sister’s death. Suddenly, her little girl starts telling that she can talk to her auntie and starts revealing very accurate details from Isabel’s past. Did Isabel really died by accident or was she murdered? How does Jessica’s little girl know so much about the aunt she never met? Read the book to find out!

I really loved this book and its characters. The main characters would be Jessica and Isabel, who were telling the story. I really loved the multiple perspectives in this book, it allowed to see what was actually going on, and Isabel’s story made the whole reading experience more suspenseful and intriguing. I really liked the ghost element to it, the author very cleverly incorporated the experiences from the main characters past, to create more mystery. I liked the diversity and variety of other characters, even though their personalities were not discussed in detail, they played vital parts in the “bigger picture”.

The narrative was very absorbing for me. I really wanted to see what Jessica will find out next, and these little clues kept me on the edge all the way through. This novel has plenty of twists and turns, and the transition between chapters is very smartly written.

One thing for sure, Mark Edwards really knows how to write a good psychological thriller. The chapters have a very decent length and they are divided into smaller parts that did not leave me bored. I absolutely loved the culmination of this novel! It was incredibly twisty, rounds up the story nicely, but at the same time still leaves the reader guessing.

So, to conclude, I really enjoyed this dark and entangled family drama, filled with well-written characters, ghosts, and a very engrossing plot filled with unexpected findings. I strongly recommend to give this book a go, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.
Would You Rather (2012)
Would You Rather (2012)
2012 | Horror
7.3 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Iris is a young woman who has returned to town to help her sick brother. She goes to a clinic to seek help for him only to be invited to a dinner party to play a game and whoever wins gets help for their loved one. Obviously she thinks it's a weird idea, says she will think about it and heads home.
After being turned down for a job and struggling to pay her bills, she decides to go to the dinner party. She is the 8th and final guest to arrive and is introduced to the group. Upon her arrival we skip to a scene with the host talking about the dinner party and you know somethings going to go down even though it isn't specifically mentioned,but it does leave you eager to find out.
A mini game starts almost immediately when Iris (a vegetarian) is told to eat meat for £10,000 which she reluctantly does. The host also tells a recovering alcoholic to drink alcohol for money.
The main game starts after dinner in which they take part in a game of 'would you rather' with a twist, the twist being they have to do their choice or face elimination. This is when it gets interesting because it is then known that if you try to leave you are shot!!
The first round is shock therapy and really messes with your head. Everybody has to choose to give an electric shock to themselves or someone else, and the rounds get worse as the game goes on, from stabbing each other to shooting another player.
It's a proper psychological thriller and incredibly disturbing in places but I couldn't stop watching, I needed to know who sees it through to the end. It definitely has a crazy shock ending which made me sick to the stomach. Overall though it was an enjoyable movie with an interesting plot, the acting was spot on and proceeded at a steady pace rather than rushed or being too slow.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated One Year Later in Books

Aug 18, 2019  
One Year Later
One Year Later
Sanjida Kay | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One Year Later by Sanjida Kay is a psychological thriller that had my heart in my mouth from the first page. It starts with an emotive subject: the death of a child - 3 year old Ruby. The family becomes fractured, no one deals well with Ruby’s death, and so Nick, her uncle, convinces his sister and her husband that it would be a good idea for the whole family to celebrate or mark the anniversary of Ruby’s death abroad and away from the bad memories. So they all go to a small island off the coast of Italy. But instead of this being the healing holiday that everyone needs and hopes for, secrets are revealed and it looks as though fractures within the family will become even worse.

I really think that Sanjida Kay has the voices of the characters just right: the mother who is barely able to function and hides alcohol around the house, just to get by and to be able to function for her two living children; the father who distances himself from everyone; the uncle who constantly thinks about his dead niece, and blames himself even though he couldn’t possibly be to blame; the sister who seems completely wrapped up in her own world of TV and her looks; and the grandfather who is responsible for the death of his granddaughter, but can’t remember what happened.

It’s such an emotional subject and so well written. I found myself very involved with these characters, and I couldn’t help but empathise with them. I was never quite sure if the person they all thought was responsible for Ruby’s death actually was, but I have to admit that I changed my mind a few times. The twist revealing the actual culprit came as a total shock and surprise.

A really very impressive book, in my opinion, and I’ll be telling everyone to read it!
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy to read and review.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Spires in Books

Oct 28, 2021  
The Spires
The Spires
Kate Moretti | 2021 | Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Penelope Cox thinks she's put her college years behind her, when, twenty years later, her old friend Willa shows up unexpectedly on her doorstep. Willa Blaine needs help escaping her abusive husband. Penelope hasn't seen Willa since their gap year after college, when they and three other friends lived together in a converted church. Calling themselves "the Spires" they were a close-knit group, until hidden resentments and jealousies tipped over. Focused on their leader, Jack, things started to change when he brought home a girlfriend, Grace. Then tragedy struck and the group went their separate ways. Now, Willa seems the perfect guest, bringing order and happiness to the Cox household. But Penelope feels like her friend is putting her life off-balance and bringing up horrible memories: memories she'd rather leave long buried.

"Six months after they moved in, he brought home Grace and sent them all into a tailspin."

This is slow burn read--it's sluggish to start, but picks up as the story gets moving. Less thriller, more character-driven, THE SPIRES focuses on relationships more than mystery, though there is certainly plenty to figure out as the tale progresses.

The book skips back and forth between the group's gap year after college at The Church House and present day, when Penelope's friend Willa shows up without warning. The two haven't seen each other since they scattered after The Church House tragedy. We know something bad happened at The Church House, but it takes a while (basically the whole book) to get it all figured out. There is a lot of drama and angst as this all happens. None of the characters are particularly likeable, but there are plenty of motives and secrets tossed in along the way.

I didn't find THE SPIRES as thrilling as some of Moretti's other books. Still, it became more interesting and suspenseful as I read, and there are definitely some good twists. This is an especially good read for those who like a good psychological mystery. 3.5 stars.

Louise (64 KP) rated Baby Doll in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Baby Doll
Baby Doll
Hollie Overton | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
**This review may contain mild spoilers**

I really enjoyed this book, when someone has been kept prisoner for 8 years you know there is going to be some interesting reasoning behind it. I love psychological thrillers, I like to know what the captors thought processes and why they do what they do. The scary thing though is how devious they can be but also how normal. This book makes you step back and question, who can you really trust?

This is the story of Lily, she has been held captive for 8 years and also conceived her daughter Skye whilst being held prisoner, one evening her captor forgets to bolt the door, once he realises his error, he believes he has conditioned Lily to an extent that she won’t betray him and try to escape…..Wrong!

I was seriously scared for Lily when she was fleeing the cabin, would she make it? was he waiting round the corner? I was on the edge of my seat (or bed)I mean after 8 years a lot changes, I was worried that her family wasn’t living in the same house. I was hoping someone would recognise her and pick her up and tell her she was safe.

The book is told from multiple points of view we have Lily, Rick(Captor), Eve (Mother) and Abby(Twin Sister),this made the book more enjoyable and fast paced.I am a nosey person and want to know everything so this was brilliant for me,I got to understand what life was like for her mother and sister during the past 8 years, what they went through,their grief and how they had become the people they were today.

This book definitely delved into how messy and complicated family life can become, especially when someone has been away for so long and the rest of your family are moving on without you.

I am unsure if I liked Abby’s character or not. She always believed her sister was alive (like some twin connection)and couldn’t get over the grief when people stopped looking, obviously something like this could affect your mental health but I just felt she was too intense! She was a bit of a harsh character, very abrupt and would do things impulsively.

This book is a great debut novel by Hollie Overton, it’s a fast paced psychological thriller with twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat and I recommend reading it. I don’t think it is anything like ‘The girl on the train’ as it has been compared to.


Overall I rate this 4 out of 5 stars