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A Simple Favor (2018)
A Simple Favor (2018)
2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Well Worth Watching
I'll start this review by stating for the record - I LIKE BLAKE LIVELY. I think the former Gossip Girl star is extremely watchable and interesting - and in the right role, can take over a film. A SIMPLE FAVOR...she is in the right role.

Also starring Anne Kendrick (INTO THE WOODS), A SIMPLE FAVOR tells the tale of a suburban mother (Kendrick) who forms a friendship with a lively (no pun intended) working mom (Lively) - from "The City" no less - who asks her friend for "A Simple Favor" - watch her child while she tends to some urgent business. When the working Mom goes missing, the suburban Mom starts snooping into what happened.

Directed by Paul Feig (BRIDESMAIDS), A SIMPLE FAVOR finds itself in a bit of a "no man's land" of style and genre. Is it a made for TV Movie like BIG LITTLE LIES ('s ambition and production style is more ambitious than that). Is it a "Major Motion Picture" a la GONE GIRL ('s not that ambitious). Is it a satire on the suburban Mom (partially), a whodunnit (partially), a mystery (partially) a black comedy (partially).

And that's what is in this film's favor - and it's biggest issue. It's hard to define and pin down and the feel of the film floats all over the place, as do the performances of the leading ladies.

Anna Kendrick is perfectly well suited to play the frumpy suburban Mom, Stephanie, who's underlying unhappiness is masked by the perma-grin and energy of that Mom who volunteers for EVERYTHING at school. She is more than balanced by Lively's scene-stealing performance as Emily the working Mom from NYC that doesn't take crap - or orders - from anybody. Their scenes together are uneven and unbalanced - and that is perfect for what Stephanie is going through. She encounters a force of nature in Emily and is just trying to hang on for dear life.

And there, again, is where the issues of this film (and it's strengths) show up. Sometimes - it seems - that Stephanie is getting a foothold, only to slip and fall. But then she gets her foothold stronger and a whole new character emerges, only to have it slip again...and then she is SNARKY...and slips back to mousey...and then she is CLEVER...and slips back to mousey...and the she...

You get the idea. It keeps the audience guessing and off-guard, but the change in tone hurts the overall flow of the film.

It, ultimately, becomes a fairly clever whoddunit that had me guessing (for the most part) until the end, so I have to admit - I ended up enjoying it - mostly because of Lively's energy.

Letter Grade: B+ (well worth your time to check out)

7 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank (OfMarquis)
The Wide Window (A Series of Unfortunate Events #3)
The Wide Window (A Series of Unfortunate Events #3)
Lemony Snicket | 2000 | Children
7.9 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m not ashamed to say that I’m binge-reading A Series of Unfortunate Events now. Someone was selling the whole series for £15 online, all in hardback so I couldn’t help myself. Now I’m quickly reading one after the other because I just need to know the stuff!

If you haven’t yet read the previous books in the series, I would suggest for you to not read this review as I might accidentally slip in a few spoilers without realising. I’ll try hard not to put too much in!

The Baudelaires, once again, are on their way to another distant relative. This time it’s their aunt Josephine, who isn’t really their aunt and I can’t exactly remember how she’s related to them, but you get the idea.

Their aunt Josephine is afraid of everything from the doormat to estate agents. But the Baudelaire’s are safe. They’re living on top of a cliff in a dusty old town, as far from Count Olaf as they can get. Or so they think…

I’ve got to say, the episodes for this book on Netflix were definitely not my favourites, and I definitely hold the same feelings for the book. I just found this one a little bit dull in comparison to the rest of the series and much harder to get into than any of the books before. Saying that, I still enjoyed it and read it quickly so I could get onto the next book in the series.

Josephine’s comments about grammar made me laugh and I loved the mystery of this one, and even though I was glad to finish it and move onto The Miserable Mill, it was still a good addition to the series.
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Slippers and Songs (Brodyr Alarch #1)
Slippers and Songs (Brodyr Alarch #1)
Morgan Sheppard | 2024 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
There is romance here, but it takes time!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Prince Brenin and his brother are summoned to help solve a mystery, to where Princess Tesni goes at night, and ruins her dancing shoes. She can't remember, and no one has been able to solve the riddle. Given that Brenin and his brothers survived a curse, they might be able to finally let Tesni sleep.

There is a book previous to this, but it's not really necessary to read Sealed with A Curse before this one. It would give you the story of how Brenin and his brothers were cursed, and why one brother still has a swan wing instead of an arm, but not really NEEDED to understand this one.

Brenin is called to help Tesni. (I was reading this as Tensi through the whole book though, so if I slip and type it wrong, I'm sorry!) They kinda clash a bit at first, but they do begin to get on once they start spending time together. There is romance here, but it takes time, and it's CLEAN. And I loved that it was! If you follow my reviews, you'll know I will always say I prefer my books on the spicier side, but here?? Nope, loved that it was clean and no violence.

I loved how I did not see who was responsible for Tesni's plight. Did not see that coming at all! Nor why! So well played there!

It's beautifully written. Full of Welsh myths and gods, and I can't remember their names but those same gods are central to Sealed With a Curse, so maybe you SHOULD read that one before this!

My only niggle, and it really is a niggle. I'm picky like that and it's my review but this won't affect my star rating! The book is told from only Brenin's point of view and I really wanted to know what Tesni was thinking, at key points along the way. When she meets Brenin, when she gets up at night, what was going through her mind, when Brenin solves the riddle, and when Brenin first asks that very important question! I loved her reaction, I kinda expected it, but I didn't expect Brenin to run away! He does come good, with a little help from previously aforementioned Welsh gods whose names I can't say let alone spell!

I'm intrigued by these fairytale retells. They are all Brothers Grimm, but ones I've never heard of! I'm looking forward to reading the next one.

I liked Sealed with a Curse, it was a nice read that I gave 4 stars to. But this one? I LOVED this one! And as such, it can only get:

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere