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A Prophet (Un prophete) (2010)
A Prophet (Un prophete) (2010)
2010 | International, Drama
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Then A Prophet. I love that movie. I think one of the greatest things about films is when they can take you to a very certain time and a very certain place. It’s time travel, its magic. I know nothing about what French prison would be like, I know nothing about it, but I believe every single second of that film. I feel like, after you watch that film, you know a little bit about what that’s like. I know how difficult that is to do. I just think it’s a beautiful honest moment, and I think that he deals with the immediacy of panic and how being panicked can change you and what people will do to survive. Its a brilliant film."

Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
1996 | Action, Sci-Fi
The Borg before Voyager demystified them (3 more)
Great blend of action, story, humor, and character
Seeing the First Contact between humans and Vulcans
Great acting from Patrick Stewart
A few discrepancies between this and Best of Both Worlds (0 more)
Easily Picard and crew's best cinematic outing
The best (often seen as only good) entry in the TNG films is also one of the best Trek films period. The storyline blends both a Borg and Time Travel story in very clever ways and director Jonathan Frakes does a great job at keeping it fun.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia, #3)
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia, #3)
C.S. Lewis | 1952 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Depending on which version of reading order you go by, this is either the 3rd book in the Narnian chronicles (publication order), or the 5th (by setting) and, personally, I found not to be as engaging as the previous 4 I'd read (going by setting).

I think this is also the last time any of the Pevensie children ever travel to Narnia, with the whole plot - concerning, as the title says, the Voyage of Prince (now King) Caspian's ship - owing more than a faint nod to Homer's Odyssey!
Wings (Bromeliad Trilogy #3)
Wings (Bromeliad Trilogy #3)
Terry Pratchett | 1992 | Children
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Final entry in the late Terry Pratchett's so-called Bromeliad trilogy, with the events of this one running concurrently with those of (most of) the previous entry (that would be 'Diggers') and, this time around, following the exploits of the nomes Masklin, Angalo and Gurder as they travel to Florida in the company of Thing in order to contact their ship so they can get back home (wherever that is).

A fitting end to the trilogy, with some surprisingly deep observations for what is, essentially, a kids book!
My Map of You
My Map of You
Isabelle Broom | 2016 | Romance, Travel
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
So good, I can't forget.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Do you ever read a book that entices you to travel? Well this book is the second reason (after the food), I want to visit Greece. Specifically Zakynthos. The romance Isabelle creates in this book is so beautiful I just want a tint piece of it for myself. I'm a terrible romantic at heart and I can only dream of meeting someone so fantastic like Holly did. I've only read this book once but its stuck in my mind for a long time.
Project Almanac (2015)
Project Almanac (2015)
2015 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
Dumb-as-nails but unpretentious CW teen soap opera reimagining of a time travel film - in which the machine itself is built using parts from an Xbox 360 and there are prominent slo-mo shots of Red Bull cans flying through the air. And what's the most noteworthy thing they do with the power of time travel right at their fingertips? Go to an Imagine Dragons concert, of course! Seems like it hates its own existence, no question about it - this was only made to sell tickets and that's it. But there's something really stupidly fun about it - maybe it's the neurotic nature of each element (from the acting to the camerawork to the cutting to the writing etc), or the fact that people record a good chunk of this pointlessly (but thankfully) found footage Chronicle ripoff with their smartphones yet they still make the clunky old camera sounds? And when they *do* record with the 10+ year old camcorder (which still takes tape btw) it's somehow pristine HD quality? I also really have to appreciate that so much of this is dedicated to the actual anxiety of making the machine itself, too - rather than jumping right into the travel stuff. Kind of falls off when this becomes another lame YA romance deal but even then it's still so confidently dumb and committed to its daft premise that I had to admire it somewhat. Also whenever they turn the machine on and everything starts floating and spinning that shit is cool as fuck and you know it.
Night Watch (Discworld, #29; City Watch, #6)
Night Watch (Discworld, #29; City Watch, #6)
Terry Pratchett | 2002 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
2018 update: "Truth! Justice! Reasonably-priced love! And a hard-boiled egg!"

2016 update: Following (Sir) Terry Pratchett's death in 2015 to his 'Embuggerance', I recently came across a blog where the author of said blog was reading all of the Discworld books in order from the first to the last. One of the last entries in the said blog was when he rated the books, from his most to least favourite, and then asked his readers to do the same and later published those responses.

In both cases, 'Night Watch' - which, I think, was one of the last before Pratchett was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's - was in the top 10, so I decided to go back and re-read it ...

<original thoughts below>

One of Terry Pratchett's more recent Discworld novel, in which he makes use of the good old time-travel sci-fi trope to move Commander Sam Vimes of the City Watch back in time to an earlier portion of his life-time.
Stranded (The Shorten Chronicles 1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
139 of 235
Stranded ( The Shorten Chronicles 1)
By Rosalind Tate

Sophie Arundel is stranded in history, stuck in a grand house in 1925 England. Thankfully, she has her faithful dog with her. Oh, and fellow student Hugo: fit, privileged, and annoying.

Baffled by upper-class rules, courted by boring suitors, Sophie is desperate to get back to the twenty-first century. But the only way home is through a hidden portal — and to unlock its secrets, she must work with Hugo.

As one clue leads to another, Sophie and Hugo discover that history is unfolding differently. Mobs rule the streets. And when chaos turns into a deadly revolution, anyone in a grand house is fair game.

Sophie and Hugo are running out of time…

It was good I enjoyed it I’m a huge fan of this kind of time travel especially to a time I really am fascinated with. I’m looking forward to book 2.
1998 | Card Game, Humor, Napoleonic
Simple, Easy, Elegant, Dark Humor (1 more)
Theme works perfectly even if it's a bit distasteful
A great travel card game.
This game is a must when we travel. It plays elegantly two players, and even better with more players making it slightly more chaotic. The whole game is using the cards in your hand to manipulate the line in order to collect the most powerful heads from the guillotine during the french revolution. This game is super easy to teach: Here's your cards, read what they do.... each turn you can play one of them to change the line. After playing your card (or not) you get to collect the next "head" in line.

   For something this simple there really shouldn't be as much depth to this game, but it does have some good strategy, and really is a good time. Plus it's quick, we play a game in about 15 minutes.... perfect for having a drink on a balcony overlooking the ocean, and working on the line.
Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)
Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016)
2016 | Action, Family, Sci-Fi
5.8 (22 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Alice Through the Looking Glass starts as Alice (Wasikowska) returns from one of her voyages around the world only to find her dreams of seeing the world have been taken from her. Escaping the real world Wonderland calls Alice back with Queen Mirana (Hathaway) and the rest of the characters need Alice to bring the Hatter (Depp) back to his senses after he falls through memories of his loss.

Alice must travel back through time to save the Hatter’ family and bring him back to his colourful ways. Alice finds herself having to go to Time (Cohen) himself to find a way to save the Hatter where she finds herself coming across an old foe Iracebeth (Carter) who wants to use time to control the kingdoms regaining her crown.

Alice Through the Looking Glass does what Oz the Great and Powerful and Wicked have done to The Wizard of Oz by making us want to sympathise with the villainous characters by showing us how they got driven into evil ways because of the bad decisions by the good one. The travel through time works because it does explain certain moments from the story like why Hatter and co have been waiting so long for the tea party. In the end this just tries slightly too much to not bring any new villainous threat to the world to show Alice the important lesson in the real life she is living.


Actor Review


Johnny Depp: Hatter Tarrant Hightopp has gone into a deep depression when he learns to remember the fate of his family, Alice is trying to go through his past to stop this event so we get to meet Hatter as he was younger and struggling to decide whether to follow in his father’s footsteps. Johnny continues his streak of quirky roles but does get over shadowed by Mia.

Mia Wasikowska: Alice is now an adventurer who travels the world only to return home and find her future gone and being forced to give up her dreams. When she returns to Wonderland she must battle the forces of time to save her old friend Hatter and learn to accept her own changes in her life. Mia is good in this role but it is strange seeing an older version of Alice.

Helena Bonham Carter: Iracebeth is the evil queen who lost her crown in the first film, she wants to use time to change the past keeping her power over the kingdoms, but this time we learn about what drove her to be the way she is. Helena continues her blatant rip off performance from Queenie in Blackadder.

Anne Hathaway: Mirana is the good queen of the kingdom who asks Alice to help the Hatter only for us to learn about her younger ways. Anne is very basic in this supporting performance where she doesn’t get much to work with.

Support Cast: Alice Through the Looking Glass has a big supporting cast with Sacha Baron Cohen shining as Time itself chasing Alice down through time.

Director Review: James Bobin – James gives us a solid sequel but seems to mix Oz the Great and Powerful with time travel.


Adventure: Alice Through the Looking Glass does put Alice on an adventure she could only dream of through time itself.

Family: Alice Through the Looking Glass does feel slightly too dark for the youngest members of family to enjoy.

Fantasy: Alice Through the Looking Glass builds on the fantasy world created on the first outing looking deeper into the backstory of the characters involved.

Settings: Alice Through the Looking Glass brings us back to the Wonderland location with the inclusion of the time warehouse location.
Special Effects: Alice Through the Looking Glass is a film you can almost feel the green screen behind the actors.

Suggestion: Alice Through the Looking Glass is only one to try really I don’t think it is one that is that special. (Try It)


Best Part: Time is a good character.

Worst Part: Just feels like a copy of Oz the Great and the Powerful with time travel.


Believability: No

Chances of Tears: No

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: No

Budget: $170 Million

Runtime: 1 Hour 53 Minutes

Tagline: This spring, it’s time for a little madness.


Overall: Simple sequel that offers nothing new to the overall Wonderland world.