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Awix (3310 KP) rated Biggles (1986) in Movies

Mar 28, 2018 (Updated Mar 28, 2018)  
Biggles (1986)
Biggles (1986)
1986 | Adventure, Sci-Fi
5.4 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Biggles Cocks It Up
Startlingly incompetent big-screen version of the classic boy's-adventure hero. New York yuppie discovers he is 'time twin' of First World War fighter ace, is plucked back through time to help him destroy a German secret weapon. Don't worry, it doesn't make any more sense in the actual movie.

Potentially charming adventure movie is utterly torpedoed by fatal uncertainty of tone; what started off as a 'straight' period movie is reduced to gibberish by the addition of witless time-travel plotline, which drags crass 80s 'comedy' bits in with it. The fact it largely seems to be the work of people who've never actually seen a film before, let alone worked on one, is the just the coup de grace. Even Peter Cushing's usual near-supernatural ability to lift a dubious script mostly fails him; no wonder this was his final (non-CGI) big-screen appearance. Soundtrack contains Queen bassist John Deacon's only recordings away from the band; this is almost certainly not a good enough reason to watch the damn thing.
Night and Fog in Japan (1960)
Night and Fog in Japan (1960)
1960 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Next is a documentary called Night and Fog by Alain Resnais, which is a story of then and now, of concentration camps. That had a major influence on me, again, for the poetry, if you can call it that, of the documentary, but also the way he used time, the way he used two time zones, two sets of material, to make his point, and to give the film, which obviously had some astounding, alarming images in it, but without a lot of babble, of explanation, by contrasting what it once was and what it is now. It was very moving to me, and I think that was inspirational, again, in the [Up] films I did with these children, which I’m still doing. But I could see how you could time travel in documentary, and it makes both sets of material more powerful. Of course, the film is incredibly powerful anyway. But nonetheless, he’d found a style of doing it, a way of doing it… It’s just, the power of those images, without endless babble, was, to me, a very strong lesson."


Charlotte (209 KP) rated Twitter in Apps

Jan 6, 2018  
News, Social Networking
7.4 (69 Ratings)
App Rating
great for keeping up with news and friends (4 more)
ability to get notifications whenever a certain account tweets something new
good for openly contacting companies with queries or complaints (and being likely to receive a response!!)
a major advantage the app has over the website/ online browser version is the ability to save drafts of tweets to edit and publish at a later time
some companies and services (especially travel) seem to update via twitter before other sources (!!) so it is very useful for getting accurate/ relevant updates
inherent issues with what Twitter bans and lets slide (1 more)
main timeline can get confusing and it is easy to miss tweets
Heaven's Time
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A nice and sweet time-travel romance. Melissa was a well-developed heroine for Rory, who while not as developed and portrayed as practically perfect, was a wonderful hero for her. The story was smoothly written, although I could have done without some of the flowery prose, and had well-defined plotlines. I thought the epilogue was a little bit of a letdown because I would have liked to hear about the children at Freedom House. An easy and otherwise nice read, but it didn't connect with me as much as other books. Still, it really was well-written and the romance between Melissa and Rory was lovely.
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
2016 | Action, Sci-Fi
Third entry in the 'new' X-men series (that started with the 60s set First Class, then had the cross-generational Days of Future Pay bringing both sets of X-men into the one film), so probably about sixth overall (or seventh if you included the spin offs), this is set in an alternate 1980s and is actually surprisingly unengaging.

Unlike the time travel shenanigans of the previous film (and the Sentinels), Wolverine only makes a cameo in this while the 'big bad' is actually the worlds first mutant who - in the prologue - gets buried in ancient Egypt.

Unlike the Marvel universe films, however, Quicksilver survives in this!
2006 | Abstract Strategy
Good thick substantial tiles (3 more)
Easy Rules
Quick set up and play
Good for little kids
Not very deep (0 more)
A nice little family game
this is a clever little game, and easy to grasp right away, plus it's just a bag of tiles so it's easy to take with you and play on a picnic table at a campground, or a folding table, or even a hotel lobby coffee table. the tiles don't blow away in the wind which is another big time feature of it. Usually games are hard to travel based on size and complexity of pieces, this one is ready to go... try it and take it with you.
Terminator Genisys (2015)
Terminator Genisys (2015)
2015 | Action
Entry number 5 in The Terminator series: a series that is largely viewed as having gone drastically downhill after the first two superlative instalments, and that is undoubtedly Arnold Schwarzenegger most famous role.

The biggest problem with this one, simply, is that it gave away too much in the trailers prior to it's release: yes, Arnie returns (as a 'good' Terminator who states that he is 'old, not obsolete'), Sarah Connor is recast, time travel again is a key concept, and other characters are found to have changed sides.

Oh, and an (ex)The Doctor (Who) has a starring role - well, I suppose he should be used to timey-wimey shenanigans!
Hugo (2011)
Hugo (2011)
2011 | Family, Mystery
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Asa Butterfield (3 more)
Baron cohen
It flows well and captures some of the magic of paris post ww1.
Nostalgia for the great age of train travel.
Beautiful sets, interesting and well developed characters and a nicely flowing plot line
I waited a long time to see this film as whenever it was on tv I missed it, however im not disappointed having now seen it from start to finish.
Its a beautiful storyline and the portrayal of all the characters were great. Set in Paris it captures a little of the magic and nostalgia of the time with references to life and society after ww1.
Asa was fantastic as Hugo and having seen him in Miss peregrines home for peculiar children he continues to grow as an actor. I would definitely see this film again and can be quite confident it'll appeal to audiences of all ages.
A Vampire's Embrace (Blood Rose Time Travel #2)
A Vampire's Embrace (Blood Rose Time Travel #2)
Caris Roane | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Vampire's Embrace (Blood Rose Time Travel #2) by Caris Roane
A Vampire's Embrace is the second book in the Blood Rose Time Travel series, and we meet up with Rez and Holly as they become the latest pair that the Invictus target. This world is firmly established, and yet Caris Roane has managed to introduce a new set of rules to their world - that of time-pathing. Only a certain few have this talent, and Holly is one of them. She has been pushed hard by Vojalie but still has things to learn. One thing she doesn't need to learn about though, is Rez. Holly thinks that she knows him, the same as he thinks that he knows her. Both of these are in for the shock of their lives as they realise that the real them is very different from what the other thought.

With a fast pace and steamy situations, it was with delight that I found the softer, more gentle, side of Rez and his quest to find his missing daughter. This was exceedingly well written, with enough angst to make it real, rather than overly dramatic. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. I would totally recommend not only this book, and the first one is this series, but the whole Blood Rose set. With characters mentioned from previous stories, you will definitely be in for a treat as you enter their world.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Ministry of Time
The Ministry of Time
Kaliane Bradley | 2024 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is everything I love about reading. I read to escape (mainly, but not solely!), and so science fiction/ fantasy has always appealed to me. Now I’ve discovered speculative fiction, and it seems to be like both of these things wrapped up in a package with a label saying: “This Seems Plausible”.

The Ministry of Time is a clever book - it uses time travel and science fiction, with a touch of history that actually happened, and mixes it up with a hefty dose of romance, thriller and literary fiction. It doesn’t sound like it will work, but I’m here to say that it really DOES!

Ok, so a quick, yet vague, synopsis: the British Government has come into possession of a device that can go back in time and find particular people in the past. It’s been decided that the people they take are all in life-threatening situations. Those plucked from their time are placed with a “Bridge”; someone who will facilitate their integration into modern society.

The main pair is that of Graham Gore, a Polar explorer from the Erebus expedition, and his Bridge, a woman whose mother escaped the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Not an easy adjustment for a Victorian man. This Bridge is the narrator.

Graham Gore adjusts quickly to modern life, but is modern life willing to accept him? And what affect does it have on him and his fellow time travellers, to be so out of time?

There was so much to think about whilst reading this - I was completely immersed, and it ended FAR too quickly!