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Adam Lambert recommended track Strict Machine by Goldfrapp in Black Cherry by Goldfrapp in Music (curated)

Black Cherry by Goldfrapp
Black Cherry by Goldfrapp
2003 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Strict Machine by Goldfrapp

(0 Ratings)


"I love Goldfrapp, I absolutely love Goldfrapp, I’m a huge fan. I think I first heard ‘Strict Machine’ when I was in Germany actually, when I was doing Hair. When I came back I got really into all of their albums. It just reminds me of another time in my life, another chapter. “I was really obsessed with Goldfrapp and I would listen to Black Cherry every time I would go out, and at parties. My first boyfriend and I, I think that was our favourite album. It just reminds me of being young and coming into my own and feeling fabulous. “I'm just going to say it: sex. ‘Strict Machine’ is a very sexual song. I think that was my first boyfriend when I was listening to that. It has a lot of sex memories."


Awix (3310 KP) rated Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) in Movies

Mar 14, 2018 (Updated Mar 15, 2018)  
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
1991 | Action, Sci-Fi
Lavish juggernaut follow-up to 1984 original is essentially the James Cameron school of sequel-making incarnate: all the stuff from the first film, only busier, bigger, and louder. Two more time-travelling killers appear in the present day intent on eliminating future-saviour John Connor; lots of stuff blows up.

An extremely accomplished film, in technical terms at least, but once you get past all the pyrotechnic highs and gosh-wow CGI (which was admittedly game-changing 27 years ago), it's basically the same story told rather less effectively from a narrative point of view - man vs machine is a more effective conflict than machine vs slightly more advanced machine, which is what we have here, and the whole subplot forming the basis of the second half only undermines the atmosphere of inevitable doom that was so important to the success of the original film. Bigger than Terminator, but by no means better - builds off the first movie, but adds nothing to it.
The Perfect Wife
The Perfect Wife
J.P. Delaney | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book was an artificial intelligence robot called Abbie. She is uploaded with original Abbie’s memories, and she feels like a human. And that is where it doesn’t make sense to me. Sometimes Abbie is very human-like, the way she thinks and the way she behaves, and sometimes she is a simple machine, my brain admired and despised her at the same time.
Death Race 2000 (1975)
Death Race 2000 (1975)
1975 | Action, Classics, Sci-Fi
The Fast and The Furious
Death Race 2000- is one of stallone's earliest roles.

The Plot: In the year 2000, America is a totalitarian regime on the brink of collapse. The most popular sport in this dystopia is the Transcontinental Road Race, where teams earn points for logging the fastest time and for mowing over the most innocent pedestrians in the process. This year's competitors include Frankenstein (David Carradine), who is rumored to be more machine than man, and the tough-as-nails "Machine Gun" Joe Viterbo (Sylvester Stallone). Some have a plan to stop the race.

I would highly reccordmend this movie. Its fun, action-packed, set in the future and more.

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Back to the Future (1985) in Movies

Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
Back to the Future (1985)
Back to the Future (1985)
1985 | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
OK, I’ve seen the film over and over again at home on Blu-ray, but nothing can match the feeling you get from seeing it on the big screen, even the opening sequence with the clocks ticking from all around you in the cinema, being able to read the newspaper clippings on the walls and so much more detail that you don’t really pick up on at home.

So by now, you all know the story of Back to the Future if you don’t where the heck have you been! But it all comes down to Doc Brown inventing the time machine from a DeLorean, even Marty is shocked by that one, “Wait a minute, Doc. Ah… Are you telling me you built a time machine… out of a DeLorean?”, in a twist of fate Marty is sent back to 1955 where he has to find the Doc to get back to the future, but things go wrong when Marty changes the outcome of time by accidentally coming between his mother and fathers first meeting.
The Time Machine
The Time Machine
H.G. Wells | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.9 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
Classic HG Wells science fiction, which (I have read) is often credited with popularizing the phrase of a 'Time Machine'.

Presented in the first person, this is told mainly as that first person retelling the story as it was told to him (and several of his companions) by the (un-named) Time Traveller over dinner, with that Traveller claiming to have traveled several millenia into the future, to the year 802,701 (to be precise).

Once there, he finds that mankind has degenerated into two distinct species: the ephemeral child-like Eloi (who have a complete lack of curiosity) and the underground dwelling malicious Morlocks. Initially finding himself trapped when his mode of transportation disappears/is stolen and locked away by the Morlocks, the bulk of the novel deals with the Time Travellers (in the end successful) attempt to regain said machine in order to travel back to his own time, albeit with a brief excursion into the even-further future.

You know how time travel is often shown of TV/in the movies? With a clock hand whizzing around a face, or with day and night and seasons flickering past? The latter is almost exactly how the process is described in this - I think it may be a fair bet to say that, without this story, we would have movies the likes of (say) Back to the Future!
There's a Riot Goin' On by Sly & The Family Stone
There's a Riot Goin' On by Sly & The Family Stone
1971 | Soul
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was listening to this album when I went through a nihilistic phase in my life. I only listened to Sally Can't Dance by Lou Reed and this record. It's a very murky and dark record and if you're ever going through a period of your life where you're doing a lot of drugs then this is a good record to get into. It's perfect for a murky time. It's mysterious and I like it because while it's a funk record it's a funk record slowed down to Portishead speed or whatever. It just feels like you're in a slow motion dark funk thing. Yet inside of this drum machine-filled landscape are these lyrics that are very evocative and mysterious and they really deal with the delicate frailty of human emotion. There's a song called 'Spaced Cowboy' on it where he yodels, it's such an idiosyncratic album but I cannot recommend it enough, from start to finish it's beautiful. Apparently 'Family Affair' from this record was the first song to be played on US radio that had a drum machine on it. The whole record is filled with this drum machine called the Maestro Rhythm King. I was so obsessed with this record that I even found the same drum machine on eBay and bought it back when eBay was a new thing. Then my first wife took it in the divorce! She took it because she was so obsessed with it too. It's such a cool drum machine. I really miss it. I would like to have it back if it's possible."

Back to the Future (1985)
Back to the Future (1985)
1985 | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Michael j fox (3 more)
Christopher Lloyd
Sound track
Where we are going Marty we don't need wheels
Watched yesterday at my local Cineworld still a classic 80s movie probably the first time I've seen it on the big screen and it still looks good for a movie that's 35 years old everything about the movie is great but for the real star of the movie has to be the car to turn a delorean into a time machine it just works the soundtrack fantastic watch out for a cameo from huely Lewis from the news. Overall still a good movie
The Terminator (1984)
The Terminator (1984)
1984 | Action, Sci-Fi
The first - and, in my opinion, best - film in The Terminator series, where Arnie first portrays what would become his signature role: the story goes that he was originally approached for the role of Kyle Reese before reading the script and opting instead to play The Terminator, the unstoppable cyborg killing machine of the title, with 80s action hero (and James Cameron stalwart) instead taking on the role of Reese.

Of note is how every action Arnie carries out is with an economy of movement (just like a machine), and just how unstoppable The Terminator is in this movie (notably diminished in future instalments), with the plot essentially one long chase scene setting up a temporal time loop, especially evident in the DVD deleted scenes: that warehouse for the final showdown? Belongs to Cyberdene systems.
The Psychology of Time Travel
The Psychology of Time Travel
Kate Mascarenhas | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I first started reading this book, what I did not expect was it to be a murder-mystery!
Four women have invented a time machine and this book explores how time travel effects the women and their different personalities. There is a running theme of death within the story - and let's be honest, that's what everyone would be asking themselves about their own future. I really like the thoughtfulness of the language, the slang that time travellers would use, for example "green self" is used to describe yourself from a time period before where you are and "silver self" the opposite. I really enjoyed reading this and found the jumping through time quite easy, I even forgot to read the date on some chapters and still managed to figure out where in the timeline the chapter stood pretty quickly without getting confused. The writing is clear and easy to read. I found the murder-mystery especially interesting! And how motives jump through time as well as the detective who has to solve it without altering the timeline. Highly recommend.