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The Seven Deaths Of Evelyn Hardcastle
The Seven Deaths Of Evelyn Hardcastle
Stuart Turton | 2018 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.9 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is an all-singing, all-dancing time-travel-mystery-thriller - the plot is simultaneously absurd and delightful.

The action kicks off immediately when the Protagonist wakes up with no recollection of who he is, and witnesses a murder. But events take a stranger turn the following day when he wakes up as someone else, replaying the events of the previous day.

Effectively, the Protagonist takes the roles of several different versions of himself in randomly assigned host bodies, replaying the events of the same day over and over. His predicament is a form of rehabilitative imprisonment, and he soon learns he can only escape this predicament by solving the murder.

There are plots and sub plots galore, with juicy gossip at every turn, and I revelled in it! With so much going on, I had no pause to try and figure out who the murderer was. It became quite hard to keep up even before I had reached the halfway mark. As I went along the book, I found that the author was making reference to a lot of things that had slipped my mind.

The Protagonist struggles with ascertaining and maintaining his true identity and struggles to ascertain and assure himself of who’s a friend and who’s a foe. He tries to leave clues for himself and his helpers but his host bodies alternatively provide assistance and impediments.

The Protagonist solves the central murder with 20% of the book left to go - he's still on a mission to do the save the others in his situation. And with 10% of the book left he sets out to solve another murder on the same premises.

The author uses an old fashioned but bearable writing style. One thing I particularly enjoyed about the book was how the soul of the Protagonist reacts in the bodies of different hosts, all with different tendencies and propensities.

It is a pleasure to read, and I may have enjoyed it more had I been able to keep track of the minutiae.

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Where We Belong
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What do ancient artifacts, camels, the Chicago fire, sisters, and romance have in common??? LYNN AUSTIN and Where We Belong!!! I have a confession...this was my first Lynn Austin book. I know, I know, put the pitchforks down. But when I saw the cover and the time period(Gilded Age)....I knew I just HAD up read it! What's even better, is that the sisters in this story were inspired by real sisters who travelled and did research and found incredible ancient the 1800s. These days it is far from unusual to have women scientists and archeologists, researchers and professors...however, in the 1800s, it was highly frowned upon and many doors to women were closed. And it is because of women like this who paved the way for us today.

The heart of the story is of course, Jesus. And how His forgiveness surpasses all of our mistakes. He is waiting for us to surrender the past to Him and let Him heal our hearts. We also take a little peek into the ancient manuscripts that have been found of the Bible and the proof that followed, that even though hundreds....thousands....of years have passed....God's word has not changed. The Bible we read today is the very same Bible that was originally written. 

There were several plot twists and I honestly had no idea HOW this was all going to end. But Lynn Austin did not disappoint. She did a fabulous job weaving the storyline with flashbacks and several different viewpoints. I loved seeing into the past of the main characters. It opens your eyes to why they are the way they are ultimately.
If you are longing for an adventure....this is the book for you! Negotiate with a Bedouin Sheik, overcome the challenges of the past, survive the Chicago fire, and above all, see Jesus work in the lives of normal, everyday people and as a result....see their lives travel down an extraordinary road as they find where they belong.

I received a complimentary copy of Where We Belong from the publishers through Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Door (Seventh Dimenson #1)
The Door (Seventh Dimenson #1)
Lorilyn Roberts | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Religion
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shale Snyder is a troubled teenager. Her father left her mother when she was little, she has alienated almost all of the other children around her and has problems at school. Following yet another incident she is suspended and feels totally cast adrift. At this point she finds a door and hears a voice calling her to enter...

There is quite a clever concept at the heart of this book; that the Holy Land at the time of Jesus is a sort of dimensional nexus where those who are called can travel and gain spiritual help for themselves as well as the other travellers. It is a fine blending of both science fiction and Christian concepts.

There is also much of The Pilgrim's Progress about this, with Shale's journey and the characters she meets. And although she is living near Nazareth and does encounter Jesus (and other people mentioned in the bible) the religious side is not forced but comes naturally from the narrative. There is also a fair smattering of The Wizard of Oz, as the dimensional copy of the Holy Land from 2000 years ago also contains versions of people that Shale knows from home.

The result is a book that shows how even a little faith by someone as lost as Shale can give her the will to turn her life around and make herself and those around her better people. It is a very positive message, though not gained without significant trials.

There are a couple of negatives. Sometimes the narrative thread can be a little confusing, a side-effect of the dimension-hopping aspect of the story. Also some of the characters appear to serve little purpose, but perhaps as this is the first of a series they will come into play in later books. There is also one comment from her friend Daniel (another traveller from modern-day Israel) that did concern me, I hope this is due to his personal experience rather than a theme of future books.

Overall this is an engrossing read, managing to deliver a positive Christian message without labouring the point and providing a good story arc for Shale to keep the reader invested in the story
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Great special effects, and details to make the Terminator spooky again. (0 more)
Killing off and destroying the John Conner legacy (0 more)
What went wrong?
Contains spoilers, click to show
So in my review I will make very controversial statements. This movie should have been secured future funding for the series however it may have just done enough damage to bury the Terminator for good.

So they kill little fresh faced John in the first five minutes. Only to replace with the new standard of hero in our society, an empowered female. This is being overdone in Hollywood I believe causing people to become tired with the predictability of it. On top of that shit sandwich we have a President that has villainized an entire race of people (Mexicans) which has fueled hatred that has been lying dormant in Americas belly waiting to be vomited up from ques by the leader of the "free" world. Well the "new" John Conner is a female, Latino. So James Camron and friends make a movie that kills off a beloved resistance hero and replaces him with someone that the Trump Nation has been brain washed into believing is the enemy of America.

I'm all for the empowered female but they are over doing it, we now have four star wars movies where the heroic main character is an empowered female.

Onto the highlights: The new color of the Rev Terminator is great black, the idea of a liquid terminator was seen in Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines which I loved, however the new color and the energy this machine shows is pretty intense.
_ There is a zero G flight in a plane going down which is fucking fantastic!
-They drive an armored Humvee underwater, kinda lame.
-End fight sequence is at the Hoover dam which was pretty cool.

Luckily its all about time travel and if they decide to resurrect the franchise again maybe they can do a proper sequel where John lives to fight another day, however don't count on it.
I give the movie a snore factor of 0/10 because I never looked away from the screen even though it made me disappointed.