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Wings (Bromeliad Trilogy #3)
Wings (Bromeliad Trilogy #3)
Terry Pratchett | 1992 | Children
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Final entry in the late Terry Pratchett's so-called Bromeliad trilogy, with the events of this one running concurrently with those of (most of) the previous entry (that would be 'Diggers') and, this time around, following the exploits of the nomes Masklin, Angalo and Gurder as they travel to Florida in the company of Thing in order to contact their ship so they can get back home (wherever that is).

A fitting end to the trilogy, with some surprisingly deep observations for what is, essentially, a kids book!
My Map of You
My Map of You
Isabelle Broom | 2016 | Romance, Travel
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
So good, I can't forget.
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Do you ever read a book that entices you to travel? Well this book is the second reason (after the food), I want to visit Greece. Specifically Zakynthos. The romance Isabelle creates in this book is so beautiful I just want a tint piece of it for myself. I'm a terrible romantic at heart and I can only dream of meeting someone so fantastic like Holly did. I've only read this book once but its stuck in my mind for a long time.
Project Almanac (2015)
Project Almanac (2015)
2015 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
Dumb-as-nails but unpretentious CW teen soap opera reimagining of a time travel film - in which the machine itself is built using parts from an Xbox 360 and there are prominent slo-mo shots of Red Bull cans flying through the air. And what's the most noteworthy thing they do with the power of time travel right at their fingertips? Go to an Imagine Dragons concert, of course! Seems like it hates its own existence, no question about it - this was only made to sell tickets and that's it. But there's something really stupidly fun about it - maybe it's the neurotic nature of each element (from the acting to the camerawork to the cutting to the writing etc), or the fact that people record a good chunk of this pointlessly (but thankfully) found footage Chronicle ripoff with their smartphones yet they still make the clunky old camera sounds? And when they *do* record with the 10+ year old camcorder (which still takes tape btw) it's somehow pristine HD quality? I also really have to appreciate that so much of this is dedicated to the actual anxiety of making the machine itself, too - rather than jumping right into the travel stuff. Kind of falls off when this becomes another lame YA romance deal but even then it's still so confidently dumb and committed to its daft premise that I had to admire it somewhat. Also whenever they turn the machine on and everything starts floating and spinning that shit is cool as fuck and you know it.