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    Endless-A Lost Note

    Endless-A Lost Note

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Wishful Thinking
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jennifer is a busy single mom, struggling to keep up at work while still spending enough time with her two young boys. One day her lost smartphone shows up on her doorstep and Jennifer discovers a new app has been installed. This app, she soon comes to realize, allows her to time travel -- to basically be in two places at the same time. Suddenly Jennifer is able to keep the long hours her boss is demanding, while still picking her boys up from school and getting in quality time Mom/kid time. She is the superwoman she's always dreamed of being. But is it too good to be true?

I'll confess that a good portion of this book made me cringe. Not because it's bad. In fact, it's the opposite. It's a smartly written, captivating novel with a harried heroine who captures your heart pretty quickly. For me, the book was stressful because it hit home! A busy working mother who has demands at the office, but who also wants to spend time with her kids? That certainly describes a lot of us. Much like when I'm watching an action or horror movie for a first time, I felt myself tensing, anxiously wondering what was going to happen to Jennifer. Was she going to get caught using the app? Was the Jennifer at the office going to somehow show up with her kids? Would her co-workers find out? Her kids? Would the app make her sick? This couldn't go on forever, right?

And that's basically the premise behind Wicoff's clever novel. Of course, being in two (and over time, as Jennifer becomes dependent on the app, three places) places isn't all it's cracked up to be. Jennifer is tired, experiencing some strange sensations, potentially losing friendships, and wait, is she aging rapidly when she's living two days in the span of what should only be one?

Wicoff does a great job of showing the pressures many working parents feel. It's true - sometimes you do feel like you have to be a superwoman! Her book is also populated with fun characters -- in particular, Dr. Sexton, Jennifer's kooky neighbor, who also happens to be a genius scientist and inventor of said app.

If it all sounds a little improbable, it is, and you'll have to be prepared to suspend disbelief a bit, but Wicoff does such a great job, that it isn't really that hard. The book veers off a bit in its final quarter, turning more from the harried working mom scene, to a bit of an almost mystery/avenger plot, which is also completely improbable, and a very strange twist, but it's fun, too. You can't help but rooting for Jennifer (and Dr. Sexton, too). Overall, a crazy 3.5 star rating.

(Note, I received an advanced copy of this book in return for an unbiased review.)
Bound Across Time (Bound #1)
Bound Across Time (Bound #1)
Annie R. McEwen | 2024 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bound Across Time is intrigued with the title. The description also pulled me in. Who doesn't like a bit of paranormal with historical fiction mixed in? I was surprised by something I usually do not read, which brings in some magic.

Bound Across Time offers a unique perspective, blending historical fiction with elements of time travel or 'time slipping '. The narrative is enriched by a female main character, a rarity in this genre. Alongside her, a male main character adds depth to the story. The book initially presents itself as a blend of paranormal romance and historical fiction, a combination that it delivers on.

Though most of the story action takes place in the castle and its grounds, I do like that the author included a bit of witchcraft and soulers. Though the pace of the book at the beginning is a bit slow, it does pick up and get a bit more interesting when things start to happen without FMC and our MMC meeting each other.

Bound Across Time weaves a tantalizing mystery into its narrative, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat. The FMC's initial ignorance of her family history adds a layer of intrigue, and as the story unfolds, her research on a young man who is a ghost leads to unexpected and fascinating revelations. This element of suspense is a major draw for readers interested in historical fiction with a paranormal twist.

CeCe wants to go to Wales to use her history degree. What she finds is different from what she expected. The plot is really good. However, I was unsure if CeCe found out who she was in the plot. But it was good nonetheless. Mixing in love and witchcraft and a little magic was really good. I enjoyed it and will read more about it. The ending has me wanting more. I would have liked to hear more about CeCe and her lover.

This book may be your ally if you're a fan of witchcraft and historical fiction with a paranormal romance. I was craving to find out more about CeCe and what happened at the end. I wanted more, and there is a bit of explicit sex in this book, but nothing to offend anyone. Does CeCe and her lover have sons or not, or does CeCe have a big family? You will need to find out by reading.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Feb 12, 2021  
Check out this awesome playlist (and the sweet inspiration for it) for the cozy mystery GRAND OPENINGS CAN BE MURDER by Amber Royer Author on my blog. Come view the book trailer, and enter the giveaway to win a signed copy of the book as well as a $25 gift card to Dandelion Chocolate!

Felicity Koerber has had a rough year. She's moving back to Galveston Island and opening a bean to bar chocolate factory, fulfilling a dream she and her late husband, Kevin, had shared. Craft chocolate means a chance to travel the world, meeting with farmers and bringing back beans she can turn into little blocks of happiness, right close to home and family. She thinks trouble has walked into her carefully re-built world when puddle-jump pilot Logan Hanlon shows up at her grand opening to order custom chocolates. Then one of her employees drops dead at the party, and Felicity's one-who-got-away ex-boyfriend - who's now a cop - thinks Felicity is a suspect.

As the murder victim's life becomes more and more of a mystery, Felicity realizes that if she's going to clear her name in time to save her business, she might need Logan's help. Though she's not sure if she's ready to let anyone into her life - even if it is to protect her from being the killer's next victim. For Felicity, Galveston is all about history, and a love-hate relationship with the ocean, which keeps threatening to deliver another hurricane - right into the middle of her investigation. Can she figure it out before all the clues get washed away? FIRST IN A NEW SERIES!
★★★☆☆ - "I've been meditating on the very great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can bestow."

A new story, a new mystery and a new adventure. Dawn at Emberwilde is a charming story of a young woman who is offered a new life. What will she do with the choices laid before her?

"And yet the very sight of her
dislodged his sense of time and space."
- Dawn at Emberwilde
(Location 3620)

About the Book
Isabel Creston has grown up at Fellsworth School, training for a teaching position. Knowing she would someday become a governess. She has resigned to her lot in life, but her spirit wishes to soar free. When an unexpected visitor shows up at Fellsworth School, life as she knew it changed forever. Unknown relatives have been searching for Isabel since the death of her father. They were finally able to track her down and open their home to her. Filled with apprehensions, Isabel and her younger sister, Elizabeth, travel to their new home of Emberwilde. With stories of the Emberwilde Forest being haunted and of her past that differ from her own knowledge, Isabel does not know who or what to believe. When not one, but two men begin to occupy her thoughts, her heart is thrown into a tumult whirlwind. Will she embrace the endearments of Mr. Bradley? Or find comfort in the silent strength of Mr. Galloway? Who is she really? Will she find herself in the forest of Emberwilde?

"The important thing to remember is that no experience is ever wasted. It is being used to fashion you into the person you are meant to be, and to move you to the place where you are supposed to go."
- Dawn at Emberwilde
(Location 3115)

My Thoughts
I have to admit that although I did enjoy the overall story line, I was a bit let down with Dawn at Emberwilde. First of all I was under the impression that this series would have treasures such as gems and jewelry playing a significant role. In the first book (The Curiosity Keeper) we have the mystery of the Bevoy (a giant ruby), which was a thrilling tale! However there is no mystery of that kind in Dawn at Emberwilde. Don't get me wrong though, there is plenty of mystery and devious behavior to make a good story. But of a fashion that I was not quite expecting. I kept waiting for something else into come into play (like a chest of gold). Although, I suppose the treasure itself is supposed to be Isabel Creston. While the outline of this story was good, I felt that the pace could have been a bit quicker. The last 80 pages are full of action and I really couldn't put it down until I finished it. But the first 240 pages or so were not nearly as exciting. This book had a Cinderella feel to it, being a rags to riches type of story. The description of the clothing and styles was extremely detailed. The cover is exceptional, depicting the Emberwilde Forest perfectly! With its sense of haunting and mystery. Recommended if you are looking for a nice book to occupy some down time. These books can stand alone. There was very little reference to The Curiosity Keeper in Dawn at Emberwilde.

I received a free digital copy of The Curiosity Keeper from NetGalley courtesy of Thomas Nelson, Inc. in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
His Lordship's Master (His Lordship’s Mysteries #2)
His Lordship's Master (His Lordship’s Mysteries #2)
Samantha SoRelle | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
HIS LORDSHIP'S MASTER is the second book in the His Lordship's Mysteries series, and we continue on our merry way with Alfie and Nick. Now, you 'could' read this as a standalone but, honestly? To get the most out of it, I would absolutely recommend you read it in order.

We leave the grime and corruption of London behind us as we travel to Scotland with Alfie and Nick. However, what we find there is cold, wet, and mysterious! A big old house, an urban legend of the 'Wicked Master', plus a murder or two, and you've got plenty to keep you occupied.

I loved how the relationship between Alfie and Nick just went so much deeper. Their love is true, even if they're not at it like rabbits all the time! (Understandable considering the time period).

There are so many layers woven into this story and I love it all. I won't go into detail as I don't want to ruin it for anyone else but nothing is as it seems. The closest I got was with a couple of the female characters. I was sure something was going on with them, but I did not imagine it would be what it was!

For a great historical mystery with some MM tenderness as an added bonus, I can absolutely recommend this.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 22, 2022
Forever Fudge
Forever Fudge
Nancy CoCo | 2019
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Forever Fudge by Nancy Coco is a sweet cozy mystery. Readers will salivate with the fudge recipes, be charmed on the Mackinac Island, and attempt to crack the murder mystery along with the main character Allie McMurphy.

Coco is a great pseudonym for the Fudge series. “I really enjoy writing these cozy mysteries with the humor and solving the puzzle. While writing my first series, I would put recipes on my blog. Then a friend of mine suggested I should write in this genre with a gluten free bakery. My last name was specifically chosen for this series. I love fudge, actually anything chocolate. The person in the apartment next to us said it always smells like chocolate in my house. Not only does it smell good but tastes good as well.”

Allie is an amateur sleuth. She and her dog Mal have an uncanny ability to find dead bodies. In the past, she has helped the police solve cases. As the owner of a delightful hotel and fudge shop on Mackinac Island, Allie’s excitement has grown after a television crew arrives on the island to film a television pilot for a mystery series. Throwing a wrench into the enthusiasm is the dead body found by Allie’s adorable Bichon-Poo puppy, Mal. Shot in the head, the body discovered has a letter with clues from chess moves. As the killings mount up, the murderer continues to taunt Allie, trying to get her to play his game.

The island plays a role in the story. “I have a huge family living in Michigan, which is where the island is located. If you ever saw the movie, “Somewhere in Time” starring Christopher Reeve, you can picture the setting. The island does not allow cars so people travel by foot, horse and carriage, or bicycle. It is a cool touristy place.”

There is also a love triangle. Allie is being wooed by two courters. She broke up with Trent Jessup because a long-distance relationship is not working, with him spending a lot of time in Chicago. The other beau is police chief Rex Manning who is being persistent in pursuing her, yet, willing to give her time and space.

“I thought it is interesting to compare ‘in love versus loving someone.’ I love my male friends but being ‘in love’ has excitement, a commitment, and intimacy. Allie is starting to build connections but some old timers see her as an outsider. One of those who accept her as part of the community is Rex who sees it as his responsibility to protect her and the community.”

Actual recipes are dispersed throughout the story. “I purposely did it this way to show what Allie is working on. I sprinkle it throughout to give the feel and flavor to what she is actually making. I try to relate it to the story when possible. I remember my first contract with Kensington Books required me to write ten recipes per book. Luckily, they downsized that amount. Since they had to be originals it was a relief.”

This story has an intriguing mystery, some romance, and humor. It is a fun who done it plot that has no shortage of suspects. Readers will be looking forward to the next installment, Fudge Bits, out next fall, a Halloween plot. It will highlight her cat instead of her dog that finds a Zombie body.