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    Secret Files: Tunguska

    Secret Files: Tunguska

    Games and Entertainment

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    [ FULL GAME! NO EPISODES! The award-winning point and click adventure returns on the App Store,...

    Kingdom: New Lands

    Kingdom: New Lands


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    "The fact that it's far deeper than I could have imagined has easily pushed this into my Best of...

Don't Let Go (2019)
Don't Let Go (2019)
2019 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Don't Let Go nearly passed me by, last minute advertising popped it back onto my radar and I was still suitably intrigued by it and managed to catch it at my local. The idea seemed like an interesting one, it worked for Frequency so why not now too? After seeing the film though you realise that if you take the sci-fi out you could easily adapt the story into a regular thriller. I thought they handled the "time travel" between cuts in a very good way, but ultimately the lack of explanation felt like a letdown and the ending felt rather unfulfilling too.

They do some of my least favourite camera work, bouncy cameras and the opening gliding shot didn't sit well with me. Just once I'd like to see a camera in a car that only jumps when they hit a pothole or take a speed bump.

The majority of the film is following Jack, played by David Oyelowo, he does a good job of the mania that you'd expect from this situation. There's always the issue with situations that are more real than science fiction... how can you even begin to work out what you'd do? It felt believable and that was a fairly impressive feat.

I'd previously seen Storm Reid in A Wrinkle In Time which I loved, but in neither film did I find her easy to watch. She's got a talent for sure but sometimes things don't seem all that natural on screen.

As I said, the idea is intriguing, I'm hopeful that appeal will be enough for some people to find this film entertaining. I enjoyed it for the most part but the disappointing ending and too many points left to "it's a mystery" mean I won't be putting this very high on the list of things to rewatch.

Full review originally posted on:

Nancy Whang recommended Dynamics by Holy Ghost! in Music (curated)

Dynamics by Holy Ghost!
Dynamics by Holy Ghost!
2013 | Alternative, Dance, Electronic, Pop, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Full disclosure - I'm a little biased. They're on DFA, they're my friends, and one of them is my boyfriend. But regardless of that I think it's a really beautiful record. The first record they did was great but I know that they were still trying to hone their sound, figure out what they were and what sort of stance to take. So with Dynamics I think it's way more solid and way more confident. Knowing them, they're such an interesting combination writing-wise because one of them, if it were up to him, would make a Tangerine Dream record, and the other has real pop sensibilities. So together they can make this thing that's really lush, beautiful and complex, but also accessible. I feel the album was overlooked somehow, and I don't really understand it. It makes me question my musical sensibility. I think this record is amazing so why doesn't everybody think this record is amazing? But it is. I listened to it a couple of months before it came out and at the time I was touring a lot as a DJ, spending a lot of time by myself because that's just what happens when you're a DJ that has to travel. So it was getting a little bleak. Every day I was in some other place, alone, inside of a hotel room, inside a club, on an aeroplane. But I had that record on my iPod and I would have to go running just to stop myself from throwing myself under a bus. I loved every song and each time I listened to it I'd try and pick my favourite track but as each one ended another one would start that I thought was better than the other. It's a mystery to me though, because it's not like I was the only person who loved it. All of our friends, the whole of DFA, whose musical tastes I trust over anybody else, we were all in agreement that it was a great record. I think maybe I just don't know what other people want to hear, which is an uncomfortable position to be in doing what I do. But I know that they're very proud of the record and so I'm glad for that."

Clockwork Prince
Clockwork Prince
Cassandra Clare | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
A surprisingly wonderful middle book for a trilogy
Clockwork Prince is the 2nd book in the Infernal Devices Trilogy. The Shadowhunters and Tessa are searching for Mortmain before he unleashes a demon/automaton army.

Clockwork Prince avoids the middle book slump that a lot of trilogies endure. The first book was good but this book was definitely better in my eyes. One of the main reasons must be because of the amount of backstory. It really felt like Clare had thought out every single little detail. Such as what happened to Will as a child, or what is Tessa really?

Clare also didn't make the mistake of reiterating her previous TMI books. Often writers have a set formula for their books, but Clare has branched out and added extra layers. There's some deceit, secrets and mystery woven within the plot.

I personally enjoyed all the information shown about the Clave and politics. We learn how heads of institutes are chosen, and that it can be challenged. We also learn about how Shadowhunters do cooperate with mundanes to a degree. There's involvements in the monarchies and governments of the time. These may be throwaway lines but I enjoy the world building it brings.

I also enjoyed the travel of England a bit. Clockwork Prince visited Yorkshire. There was also a throwaway comment about Grantham which is in my home county of Lincolnshire. Although it wasn't explored as a location, I enjoyed the reference since I did grow up 20 minutes away.

Overall I enjoyed Clockwork Prince. I hope the third book lives up to expectations.
A story filled with intrigue, smugglers, ventriloquist, spies, romance, heartbreak, and a traitor. Travel back in time to 1808 in The Innkeepers Daughter.

This story has so many moving parts that you just want to keep reading to figure out WHAT IS GOING ON??? Also, there were several times our hero needed a good purse whomping. I absolutely LOVED this story. The romantic tension between Alex and Johanna...*whew*...And the climax of that tension in their kiss(es)...Make sure you keep a fainting couch nearby...and possible smelling salts.

The common thread throughout this story is all about giving over the control of our lives to God. It is easy to SAY that we trust God to see us through things...And yet we can still be found trying to fix all the little things that go wrong on our own...Trying to make it all our own power. Instead of trusting for a door to open from God...we pry open the cellar door into destruction and chaos and say, "LOOK! I found a way!!! It isn't a GOOD way...but I did it ALL ON MY OWN!" Michelle Griep addresses the need to trust in our Lord so well. And it really rings true.

If you love a good romance that is clean and passionate, sprinkled with mystery and intrigue, this is definitely a book that you will enjoy!

I received a complimentary copy of The Innkeeper's Daughter from the publishers through Celebrate Lit. I was not required to write an honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.