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The Gone World: A Novel
The Gone World: A Novel
Tom Sweterlitsch | 2018 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm very much enjoying how Sweterlitsch combines Sci-Fi and mystery in very engaging thought provoking ways. I've read, watched, and consumed a lot of time travel stories. There are tons of bad ones, but this is an excellent take and surprisingly takes care of a few plot hole problems inherent in time travel stories. As someone who has been trying to write a time travel story for over 8 years, I really appreciate good stories that help to revive my passion for the genre.

I'm really excited to find out what they do with the movie adaptation, and I'm really enjoying Sweterlitsch's work. I look forward to his future projects.

Merissa (11704 KP) created a post

Oct 11, 2021  
"21st-century journalist Olivia Watson thinks travelling back in time to 1934 to attend a Halloween party with her friend Detective Steven Blackwell will be a lot of fun. And it is...until she witnesses the head of the Shipley Five-and-Dime empire murdered, and fears the killer saw her face."

Tour & #Giveaway: Death Rang the Bell (Blackwell &Watson Time-Travel Mysteries #3) by Carol Pouliot - @Archaeolibrary, @partnersincr1me​ (@PICVirtualTours - FB)​, #Traditional, #Mystery, #PoliceProcedural, #TimeTravel
The Psychology of Time Travel
The Psychology of Time Travel
Kate Mascarenhas | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I first started reading this book, what I did not expect was it to be a murder-mystery!
Four women have invented a time machine and this book explores how time travel effects the women and their different personalities. There is a running theme of death within the story - and let's be honest, that's what everyone would be asking themselves about their own future. I really like the thoughtfulness of the language, the slang that time travellers would use, for example "green self" is used to describe yourself from a time period before where you are and "silver self" the opposite. I really enjoyed reading this and found the jumping through time quite easy, I even forgot to read the date on some chapters and still managed to figure out where in the timeline the chapter stood pretty quickly without getting confused. The writing is clear and easy to read. I found the murder-mystery especially interesting! And how motives jump through time as well as the detective who has to solve it without altering the timeline. Highly recommend.
Crime Travel
Crime Travel
Barb Goffman | 2019 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Short Story Collection to Read Any Time
This short story collection features 15 stories from various authors that combine time travel and crime fiction. The stories are very creative, involving a variety of methods of time travel from people who build machines to those who stumble upon strange ways to get back in time. The periods range from people traveling to the present, to those traveling to Shakespeare’s England, a New Jersey beach town in the 1970’s, and a couple trips to the 1960’s to name a few. Meanwhile, we get a couple capers, a locked room mystery, and a hard-boiled PI among other great stories.

This is a very strong collection of stories. While a couple weren’t quite to my taste, I can see how others would love them and it was a very minor point. I laughed at a few of the stories, another couple made me cry, in a good way. Most importantly, I had fun. There are so many great stories in this collection, you’ll be glad you picked it up. And if you don’t get it now, you just might have to come back in time and yell at yourself for putting it off and depriving yourself of the joys of reading these stories right away.
A Simple Murder (Will Rees, #1)
A Simple Murder (Will Rees, #1)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Simple Time but Complex Murder
It’s 1795, and Will Rees has spent the last few years as a traveling weaver while grieving his wife. He’s left his son and his Maine farm in the care of his sister and her husband, but his most recent trip home leads to the discovery that they’ve been abusing that trust, and his son, David, has run away to a Shaker community over a day’s travel away. Will goes to try to repair their relationship only to find himself involved in a murder. One of the Shaker women has been killed in their community, and the Elders have asked Will to find the killer. His problem, however, is that he is an outsider. Will anyone trust him enough to share the information he needs to solve the case?

I’m always on the lookout for a good historical mystery, so I was quite eager to pick this one up. I’m not familiar with the Shakers, so that was also an interesting aspect of the book. The plot is good with plenty of twists and a logical conclusion, however, I felt like the pacing could have been better. That might have just been me since Will could only talk to a couple of people at a time if he had to travel far to talk to them. This is a historical mystery, after all. That travel time may have helped lead me to feel like things were slow. The characters are strong. I really came to care for Will and several of the others. The characters were just as strong, and I had no trouble keeping them apart. However, as Will begins to find complex family relationships, I had a hard time keeping all of those straight. The everyday details of life in the time period were strong and helped make me feel like I was back in time when I was reading the book. I am definitely planning to visit Will again to find out what happens to him next.
The Statue of Anubis (The Decoders #5)
The Statue of Anubis (The Decoders #5)
Alba Arango | 2018 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The three children find out is that they are to find a missing statue. They seem to be into this mystery apart. They believe that is haunted. But once they start on their mystery and finding the clues. They seem to be met with two thugs.

Who are these to thugs and what do they want. Somehow they are convinced to find the statue for them. Who do they work for? You will be surprised as to who they work for. The mystery letter that Steve gets at the end. You will not believe who they so happen to free.

The author does wonderfully with them having to travel their neighborhood, and solve the mysteries. What they are doing and enjoy getting out and about. Their parents do not know what they do with their time.

If you are looking for books or a series for your children to read. Well, this series is good for them as they enjoy adventure and enjoy solving mysteries. This time they adventure to an island beach and though some more caves along with being underground.

Will Steve, Matt, and Jenny be able to solve the mystery of the missing statue of the Egyptian god. We seem to learn a few new words and their Spanish translations. We also learn about monks a bit as well. What way to entertain and enjoy the story and learn at the same time.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I was given an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I am definitely in love with this book. Case closed. There's time travel, vampires, merpeople, shifters, and a mystery to solve before something huge goes down. And did I mention the love triangle? I have yet to decide who I want to win Sage's heart, because I like them both!! This story has action, suspense, drama, romance, humor, and it's just such an amazing book, I couldn't put it down! (Seriously, I read it in one afternoon, I couldn't tear myself away!!) I'm looking forward to the day when a sequel is released, because I just can't deal with that ending, I need closure!

*Sorry for all the exclamation points, but I just loved it so much! =)*

5 stars through the roof
Source Code (2011)
Source Code (2011)
2011 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.4 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Following upon his breakout success with the film Moon director Duncan Jones has returned with Source Code and has proven that he is not a one-hit wonder but also a talent on the rise.

The film stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Colter Stevens who, after waking up on a train, finds himself disoriented and unable to identify his travel companion, the attractive Christina Warren (Michelle Monaghan), who sits across from him eagerly discussing things they appear to have spoken about previously.

Taking a quick survey of his surroundings, Colter finds out that he is on a train heading to Chicago and that he cannot explain how he ended up where he currently is. Colter is not given much time to ponder his situation as the train is suddenly rocked by a massive explosion and he finds himself engulfed in a wall of flame. Shortly thereafter Colter awakens and finds himself upside down and strapped into what appears to be a cockpit of some sort.

A voice soon fills the cockpit, followed by the face of the woman he can’t identify on a video monitor. Unable to ascertain what is going on, a frantic Colter only recalls that he was a helicopter pilot on mission in Afghanistan. The mystery woman (Vera Farmiga) tells him that he is now part of a top-secret project that is attempting to unravel the mystery behind the bombing of the train.

Before he can ask too many questions, Colter once again finds himself back on the train with Christina and the same sequence of events occur before the train is engulfed by devastating fireball. When he once again awakens in his cockpit, Colter learns that the project he’s involved with can send him back in time 8 minutes into the body of someone on the train. He will be sent back time and time again to relive those final 8 min. in an effort to determine who is responsible for the bombing.

Despite his protests, Colter relives the events each time looking for new clues and each time ending up engulfed in the fireball and awakening in his cockpit. Eventually after numerous trips to the past Colter becomes obsessed with not only getting to the bottom of the mystery but with saving Christina to whom he is becoming attached through their numerous 8 minute interactions. Colter is also desperate to determine his exact situation as he has no memory of how he ended up in the program and finds himself not only trying to solve the mystery of the bombing, save Christina, but also fill in the gaps in his memory.

What follows is a fast-paced, character-driven adventure film that relies on the interaction’s between the two leads rather than special effects to carry the film. Gyllenhaal and Monaghan have good chemistry with each other and the film has some nice twists and turns that will keep the audience engrossed even if the concepts of time travel and temporal mechanics escape them.

Jones keeps the film moving at a brisk pace and it does not drag or overstay its welcome. Like Moon, Jones has based the film around a leading man who is facing isolation and questioning his mental state. With what could’ve been a dumbed-down action film, Jones has exceeded expectations and produced a smart and innovative action thriller with a touch of science fiction and romance thrown in, a winning combination that makes for a very enjoyable film.
The Keys of the Watchmen
The Keys of the Watchmen
Kathleen C. Perrin | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Keys of the Watchman is one really good book. Once I get into the book it, I can not put it down. It got all of what you would want in a book, it has action, mystery and time travel and romance all in one book. What a way to read a book.
The author does a wonderful job of tell the story of the of the historical facts. You get to feel as if you are part of it. You want to help the characters. You learn about christianity though this book as well. The Archangel Michael and Lucifer (Satan, Devil) and one of the fallen angels that is mention in the book is Abdon.

The book is about good and evil and saving the mount. We have a fallen angel Abdon and Nicolas and Katelyn. We are mostly in the year of 1424. We have Jean and Katelyn and Nicholas who are called Watchman but will they save Mount Saint Michael?
Perhaps it's my love of lighthouses and lighthouse culture, perhaps it's my overwhelming nostalga for the original televised story Horror Of Fang Rock, perhaps it's just the amazing talent that is Andy Frankham-Allen. Perhaps all three. Whatever it is, Beast Of Fang Rock is a return to form for the Lethbridge-Stewart series. It manages to be a Scooby-Doo style mystery, a classic base under siege story, and an intricate time travel tale simultaneously, not to mention an all-around great yarn. These characters are fully formed and fleshed out, and each brings something marvelous to the party. (And makes one wonder if Frankham-Allen has some sort of inside track to the BBC, what with season 9 episodes turning out to have similar threads!)

My only complaint (and it's a small one) is the Brigadier himself is pushed back so slightly in this one in favor of Anne Travers. But, thats as it should be. This is her story, her time to shine, and Lethbridge-Stewart seems content to back her characterization until he's needed to be the man of action during the thrilling third act. As I said, its a SMALL complaint.

Definitely give this one a read kids!