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The Return: A Titan Novel
The Return: A Titan Novel
Jennifer L. Armentrout | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Seth (2 more)
Amazing Writing Style
Seth Apollo interactions
When your in love with a God
If you haven't yet read any Jennifer L Armentrout then your missing out!

Jennifer writing is so easy to get lost in whether your reading her Young Adult, New Adult or General fiction she has the ability to capture the reader better than most authors I've ever read.

The Titan Series is the Sequal to Jennifer Covanant series. If you haven't yet read Covanant please read it especially if you love Greek mythology. Covanant follows a very empowered amazing female lead called Alexandra Andros where as The Return follows Seth.

Seth is an extremely complex and amazing character if you have read the Covanant series you know Seth started out as a egoticial hard man Apolloyon who through the series change due to Alexs influence.

The Return Seth no longer has Alex as his conscious and guide. Seth has to repent for his mid deeds from the covanant series and it doesn't help he suddenly has feeling for his new charge. I love this book a lot not as much as the original Covanant series but it still amazing all the same plus Seth and Apollo arguments egos and bitch fighting can keep me amused for days.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Jason and the Argonauts (1963) in Movies

Oct 5, 2019 (Updated Oct 5, 2019)  
Jason and the Argonauts (1963)
Jason and the Argonauts (1963)
1963 | Fantasy
Corny but much-loved mythological fantasy film. Jason and his men go in search of a magic sheepskin, occasionally with the aid of the gods but without the assistance of modern special effects. A strong, mostly British cast do the usual sterling work while imported stars Todd Armstrong and Nancy Kovack stand around being obviously dubbed.

The script is, to be honest, all over the place: it's episodic, the writers seem to have been making it up as they went (the most memorable character wanders out of the movie half way through), and Jason doesn't actually complete the mission he sets himself at the start (maybe they were hoping for a sequel). However, for a bad movie this has some of the most wonderful special effects ever put on celluloid, namely Ray Harryhausen's brilliant hand-crafted animation. Any amount of stodgy non-acting and dubious costume design would be a small price to pay for sequences like the ones with the bronze titan Talos, the Hydra, or the mob of skeletons at the end (the skeleton battle is such a breathtaking achievement it should really be playing on loop in art galleries around the world). They don't make them like this any more. Even the bad bits are kind of bad in a good way.

Andy K (10821 KP) Oct 5, 2019

I need to watch this again!


Gareth von Kallenbach (977 KP) rated the PC version of Titanfall in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
Much like Hollywood, the gaming industry is one built on hype and expectations. The nature of the game is to fan the flames of interest to ensure the best possible sales of a product and to encourage people to pre-order the title.

The rise of social media has only added to the frenzy as the race to get a title trending has publicists constantly in motion. Like many things though, the danger of hype and expectations being greater than the final product is always a constant threat.

TitanFall in many ways is the biggest release of 2014 to date and is one of the most watched, analyzed, and anticipated games in recent memory. Created by Respawn, the talents behind Infinity Ward and the Call of Duty series, a game mixing first person shooter and Mech combat with eye-popping graphics is one that was sure to grab attention.

When it was announced the game would be exclusive to the Xbox 360 and Xbox One consoles there was some concern from a gamer base eager to experience the game on as many platforms as they could. Thankfully the game was also released on PC and that is the platform in which conducted my review.

The game is online only and mixes live opponents with bots in a series of campaigns and matches where players not only try to eliminate as many enemy units as possible, but they also can battle to capture and hold strategic points and other objectives.

 The game has a high degree of customization as players level up based on kills and in game achievements and leveling up allows access to new weapons, attachments, and abilities which really help the tide of battle.

The campaigns are told from two different perspectives and once players complete the Militia campaign they get to experience the same campaign from the other side of the conflict, The IMC Corporation. What you do or do not do does not really change the outcome of the story as the campaigns are essentially cut scenes as a level loads and do not really give a full explanation of the story. It almost seemed to me as if a full campaign was planned at one time and then scrapped, but elements were left in for the sake of ambiance.

Story aside, the action in the game is intense. Running at full settings on PC with an NVIDIA card, the action was fast, smooth, and amazing. On rare instances when I could look up safely, I saw ships overhead engaged in heated battles and the detail level of the cites and combat locales were great. I especially liked one that had dragon like creatures around while combat raged on.

Players have options for their Titans ranging from the Atlas, Styrder an Ogre which aside from missile and ballistic weapons have energy shields, temporary jet boosts and a devastating punch which can reduce enemy units to pulp.

Finding the right mix of speed, agility, power, and weapons is a matter of personal choice and being able to eject from a damaged unit or ride along on an allied unit is great fun. The best experience for me was jumping onto an enemy unit and blasting it down but hanging on and shooting into a control port.

As much fun as the Titan combat is, players will spend a good chunk of their time on foot. Getting up close and personal with a melee kill is great as is feasting on bots and other A.I. units. The challenge of taking on other pilots is tough, but highly enjoyable as when you take one down you have earned it. Players will have power ups known as Burn Cards which come in handy especially when two minutes is about what players can expect to wait for their Titan to arrive after they have lost one.

I enjoy using the personal cloak of my pilot to sneak up on an enemy unit and my new tactic is to dismount from my mech and set it in Guard or Follow mode. It will engage an enemy or another Titan which allows me to flank and attack from a cross fire.

Aside from some minor connection issues during the first two days, I was able to get into games with no issues and my lag was minimal as I was able to ping in the low 50s for most games.

While the campaigns were fairly short, the multitude of Deathmatch, Hardpoint, and last Titan Standing multiplay options ensures several hours of gaming ahead.

I have not really touched on the wall walking and double jump features as pilots can scale walls, buildings, and such with ease which brings a new dimension to combat and comes in very handy when running to catch your ride.

I hope that the developers will offer more maps in the near future and will work to tweak a few minor things such as play balance which saw me unload multiple machine gun rounds into an enemy yet see them able to withstand that and dispatch me with a single kick.

It is hard to find much to complain about the game as not only on PC is it a visual joy, but the fast paced action and highly satisfying and diverse combat options makes the game incredibly fun to play and an early contender for our Game of the Year Awards.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Almost everything (0 more)
It's clearly one half of a full story (0 more)
Thanos is badass
Starring - EVERYONE!! (almost)

Plot - Mad Titan Thanos is hunting down the infinity stones to add to his gauntlet so he can kill half the universe. Avengers, Guardians and co must stop him.

First impressions - Holy crap this film looks excellent. As expected the trailer was the unfinished article and this film looks amazing.
The plot is thin but with 10years of back story, I'd say that's allowed. Thanos is an excellent villain who is fleshed out and well motivated. Something that has been lacking from most MCU Villians.

Were the Russo brothers able to pull off so many characters being in one film?
- in a word, yes. True that some characters get more time than others but the way they jump between plot lines and sub plots feels incredibly well stitched together.

Action a plenty and very well done. Inventive and on a cosmic scale.

Is it a clever film? has plot holes but they could be explained away if you so wish. My advice, just go with it. It's a universe with rage monsters, Gods and Titans.

Is it worthy of the MCU?
This is the MCU at some of its finest.

Sum up:

This is balls to the wall crazy. Some of the most fun I've had at the cinema in years. I cheered on multiple occasions, found myself holding my breath and gave it a standing ovation.
190 of 230
Prison of Hope ( Hellequin Chronicles book 4)
By Steve McHugh

Long ago, Olympian gods imprisoned the demon Pandora in a human—Hope—creating a creature whose only purpose was chaos and death. Remorseful, the gods locked Pandora away in Tartarus, ruled by Hades.

Now, centuries later, Pandora escapes. Nate Garrett, a 1,600-year-old sorcerer, is sent to recapture her and discovers her plan to disrupt the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, killing thousands in a misplaced quest for vengeance.

Fast forward to modern-day Berlin, where Nate has agreed to act as guardian on a school trip to Germany to visit Hades at the entrance to Tartarus. When Titan King Cronus becomes the second ever to escape Tartarus, Nate is forced to track him down and bring him back, to avert a civil war between those who would use his escape to gain power.

I love love love this series! This has to be the best one yet. I really like the way the author uses the Greek gods and mythology as well as bringing all the myths and legends into the story without it getting silly. Nate is just brilliant I love his relationship with Tommy and other characters. I like the back story of Nate’s life that runs along with whatever he’s facing in current times. It’s such a good series.

KittyMiku (138 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Destiny 2 in Video Games

Mar 23, 2019  
Destiny 2
Destiny 2
2017 | Shooter
Gameplay (0 more)
Needing other players to do raids. (0 more)
At first I could see why anyone would play this. The story lines seemed shirt and a bit grindy. However, I have found a lot of the multilayer modes to be fun, if not toxic at times. However, having started the game about a year late, and only because the husband wanted me to play with him, I find needing others to do the raids to be stupid. When trying to get people together they only wanthe others who know exactly what to do. This can frustrate anyone. But I still like doing all the little missions and events throughout the year. I just wish that they had more. Once you cap your light level, you lose interest in the daily and weekly missions and tend to just try to get all the triumphs, which is fine and all, but some of those need 1 of each type of cha raver. Which bites since I only have a high level hunter and just started running through the game with my second character, a titan. That means I would have to do it all over again with the third, a warlock. This can be repetitive and slightly annoying. But I have made quite a few friends to play with, which can make the game extremely fun and desirable. If the raid thing and needing to do all three characters to get all the achievements wasn't such a problem I would have rated it higher. Over all, a pretty fun fame.
Titanfall - Expedition
Titanfall - Expedition
Fans of Titanfall can celebrate the release of three new maps in the brand-new Titanfall Expedition DLC. The collection retails for $9.99 but is available for $24.99 for those who wish to save some money and purchase all three of the planned content packs ahead of time at a reduced price.
While the collection does not offer anything new in terms of gameplay modes, weaponry, or significant upgrades, what it does offer is three new highly enjoyable and highly detailed maps which can be played in both attrition and variety pack modes.
Attrition is the classic Team Death Match where essentially if it moves, shoot it, while the variety pack is like having the game on iTunes shuffle as you could be playing Capture the Flag one moment and attrition the next.

Swamplands is the first pack that I played and this is an interesting mix of combat in the Temple as well as within a swamp as the name would suggest. With plenty of roots, trees, and various to hide it could be a sniper’s delight but for those stealthy enough to take advantage the cloaking abilities you can point your opponents and rack up some impressive streaks. I found that alternating between my Wingman side arm and machine gun work very well and I was not against using some up-close melee combat to finish enemies off.
For me setting my Titan in auto mode was the best option due to some tricky terrain that time could create bottlenecks and leave your Titan a sitting duck.

Wagames takes the best of Titanfall’s industrial maps and combines them into a combat simulator complete with holographic displays and environments. There were some Tron-esque elements to the landscaping and I love the elevated platforms it allowed me to take out enemies arriving via dropship below and pouncing down upon them and enemy Titans that passed by. With a nice mix of street combat as well as rooftop and building interiors this is ideal for run and gun gameplay enthusiasts such as myself.

Runoff is the final map and the least unique of the new offerings. That being said it is extremely well designed in that the feature of the map is that it is best suited for gamers who were on the move. Set in a water filtration plant, everything from Walks and towers, to ditches and drains make up this environment and the ability to leap from one environment into the water is very enjoyable.
There is a nice mix between close quarter and ranged combat and having a nice variety in your combat areas does allow for a welcome change of pace.

While none of the new maps are certain to be items that push you over the top if you’re already on the fence about purchasing the game, remember you are essentially paying $3.33 per map, less if you purchase a season pass. So in summary, while it is not necessary to have it certainly adds to the enjoyment level of the game in that you get three new diverse and enjoyable environments in which to test your skills at a very affordable price which makes it very easy for me to recommend.

The collection is available for the PC, Xbox One, and Xbox 360 versions of the game.
Oblivion (2013)
Oblivion (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
60 years removed from a devastating alien attack, upon the earth a technician named Jack (Tom Cruise), tools away protecting machinery that is essential to the survival of the human race. With only his companion Victoria (Andrea Riseborough), for company the duo form an effective team according to the company.
In the new film “Oblivion”, it is learned that while humanity won the war, the aftermath was left the earth largely uninhabitable. As a result, the survivors have fled to the moon of Titan or are awaiting transit aboard gigantic space station Earth orbit.
Jack and Victoria watch over gigantic extractors that process seawater for much-needed resources for the fusion reactors of humanity. Their only link to the outside world is through communication with the orbiting space station and they efficiently set about their task of repairing guard drones and monitoring water processors from any threats.
With only two weeks to go before they can join the others on Titan Jack is troubled by images of a woman and another life. He dismisses this at first due to the fact that both he and Victoria had memory wipes in order to provide security for their assignment.
After following Jack through his various patrols he discovers the remaining pocket of alien resistance has managed to bring down and orbiting spacecraft filled with passengers in cryogenic suspension. Despite company orders Jack decides to intervene and manages to save one of the passengers from destruction by security drone. He is shocked to discover that the woman is the same one that he’s been dreaming about and is even further confused by the fact that she seems to know him.
This discovery does not sit well with Victoria and is not going to sit well with the company but despite this, Jack agrees to go with the survivor in order to retrieve a flight recorder from her downed ship.
This is where things really get twisted as Jack becomes a captive of the alien menace and learns that they are not what he had been led to believe. Their mysterious leader (Morgan Freeman), proceeds to tell Jack that the life he has known it is a lie and proceeds to tell Jack of his plan to bring down the orbiting space station.
What follows is a very twisting and at times action-packed story that is awash in visual splendor. Not only is “Oblivion” filled with incredible imagery but it is also a intriguing and at times thought-provoking story that proves you can do action driven science fiction and still have interesting characters with complexity and a branching story.
Cruise is very good in the role of Jack and he deftly combines the humanity and sense of wonder of this character very well with the action scenes. Jack is not just a man of action he is a deeper and more complicated individual that appreciates the way the world used to be and things such as music and nature as well as possessing a fierce sense of duty.
While the ending may have been a bit too Hollywood for my liking and I was able to figure out the plot twists ahead of time, the journey was still a very enjoyable one at one that I would suggest taking for yourself.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<i>Titans</i> is amazing, I adored the book and everything that came with it, and...

I want a Titan of my own as well.... Then again, I don't have horse riding experience, so I'll probably fall straight onto the ground face first. I'll stick with those wooden sticks that only have a horse head.

Here's what I adored and loved about Victoria Scott's latest novel (this is my first time reading her works....):
  <li>Mechanical horses, and it's not just a mechanical horse for experimental purposes. The mechanical horses, known as Titans in the book are horses used for racing. They not only resemble real horses, but they have emotions as well, and that's a little scary. The Kentucky Derby just got a new twist.</li>
  <li>Victoria Scott almost always has a dash of humor in her characters' dialogue. I think this takes talent.</li>
  <li>I adored each and every one of the major characters in the story. And if I didn't like them at first, I loved them by the end. That says something.</li>
We have Astrid, a girl living an extremely rough life with everything on the line and sometimes scavenging to make a living. Being able to race in the Titan Derby allows her the chance to turn her rough life around, and she is determined to do what it takes within honorable boundaries. She also has a talent with math and can probably Calculus better than I ever did.

Then there's Magnolia, Astrid's best friend since childhood with the same amount of problems as Astrid if not more. But despite all of that, there is a strong bond of friendship between the two girls and Magnolia is there for Astrid every step of the way throughout the race, encouraging and supporting her. She is also hilarious and basically makes everything seem much better than they really are.

Victoria also introduces us to Rags, one of the key players who started the whole Titans spiel for Astrid (okay, he also started the whole Titans spiel in the first place) and allowing her the opportunity to race in the derby. He's a grumpy old man who comes across as overly crabby at first, but is secretly warm, fuzzy, and grandpa-ish.

Another key player to the whole Titans spiel is Barney, and he is definitely not the purple dinosaur from childhood. Although to be honest... he certainly reminds me of Childhood Barney in a weird way.

And later completing the ensemble, Victoria eventually introduces us to Lottie, a wealthy lady who has a history with Rags and gives off an "I seem intimidating because of my status, but I'm not <em>that</em> intimidating" vibe. She is also one of the few people who has hopes for Astrid early in the races and offers to be Astrid's sponsor, along with teaching her (and Magnolia) proper etiquette among the upper classes. Lottie is almost a surrogate mother outside of Astrid's home.

But even though they are all different from each other and normally wouldn't be caught dead together, the five of them click well throughout the duration of the race, forming a lasting friendship. The combination of friendship with the aspect of mechanical horses put together makes <i>Titans</i> a fantastic read for all ages.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Monsters good. Humans bad.
I just read a lot of reviews on Smashbomb for this and would have to agree with most that I enjoyed the monsters in all their various shapes and sizes, especially if you have been a fan seeing the familiar ones you have known and loved.

I don't feel the need to post a plot summary for a film which already has so many Smashbomb reviews.

I seemed to recall a similar feeling in watching the original Independence Day in 1996. The idea was amazing, but the dialogue and corny characters were a distraction. In the case of Godzilla King of the Monsters, the dysfunctional family dynamic was annoying and poorly written pretty much from the start and did not get any better as the film progressed. The teenage character was used way too often and the plot relied way too much on her involvement almost to the point of hilarity. Like this teenager is going to be the cause of the death of all life on Earth or its salvation. Give me a break.

When Godzilla was punishing one of its titanic foes with a menacing smack down or fiery blast of epic proportions was when the film worked best. Having said that, it would've been cooler to see more monster wars in better lighting instead of always at night, in the clouds or while it was raining. I liked the explanations of the origins of the creatures and how one of them was different than the rest which helped explain the far fetched plot.

The run time also did seem a bit long as the story dragged in the middle somewhat while everyone was waiting for the next titan brawl to occur. I was not bored while watching, but it seemed roundabout at times getting to the inevitable conclusion. I'm sure everyone knows by now the eventual goal was to set up the final confrontation between Godzilla and Kong which should be awesome as long as they don't let too many stupid humans with bad dialogue get in the way!