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Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Hunter Killer (2018) in Movies

Oct 10, 2021 (Updated Oct 10, 2021)  
Hunter Killer (2018)
Hunter Killer (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Gerald butler (1 more)
Toby Stephens
If u like a good submarine then this is you're kinda movie it has drama Gerald butler not punching someone for a change the acting is good needed more Gary Oldman sine good action scenes overall not a bad action movie
Hunter Killer (2018)
Hunter Killer (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Now let's be honest, we all know that Hunter Killer isn't going to be sweeping the Oscar noms. As action fans, do we care? Noooooope!

This is a film that does exactly what you expect, and want it to do. It's Olympus Has Fallen. It's White House Down. It's Geostorm. It's modern action that you don't have to think about. It's that perfect diversion.

I think they tried to capitalise on the big names in this one for the posters. It doesn't really seem like Gary Oldman is in it enough to warrant second billing, but what do I know? The supporting actors were very good. The more I see Common pop up in films the more I'm enjoying him. There are also great performances from Toby Stephens, Michael Nyqvist and Linda Cardellini, which was a nice surprise.

Thanks to half term and my holiday I was traumatised to realise that I was potentially going to miss this one at the cinema. It was on for just one week at my Cineworld which coincided with my first week away, I got back to find most places weren't showing it any more and as expected, I was annoyed. Stupid half term. Vue ended up coming to my rescue with one slight drawback... it was only showing at a time where I'd have norally been in bed for about two hours.

There was a reason for the last bit of waffle. Having to see it in the middle of the night, I was fully aware that the film starts out relatively slowly. I found myself drifting off a little bit, but when the action started I was drawn in and some of the pieces were very effective.

I ended up doing a bit of an IMDb surf from this film while looking at some of the actors. It was a surprising learning curve. Hunter Killer was one of the last films made by Michael Nyqvist before his death, I also discovered that Toby Stephens is Maggie Smith's son. Two very different things that I'm surprised I didn't know.

What you should do

Hunter Killer is definitely worth watching if you catch it on the TV or streaming. It's an entertaining action film that will pass a couple of hours.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I could do with some handy radar that would help me work out if spaces were big enough for me to parallel park in.
The Machine (2014)
The Machine (2014)
2014 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Cool Science Fiction Flick
Old Movie Revisited: The Machine. This was a pretty sweet movie! A way to describe it is part: Terminator prequel; Caprica; RoboCop; Species; Blade Runner; Universal Soldier... I think I could name a few more but, I'll stop there. So as you can tell its not an overly original story but was presented well. It's the story of Vincent, played by Toby Stephens(his celebrity mash up would be Michael Fassbender and Damian Lewis) who's a scientist dude, and he creates the world's first self aware cyborg in the form of super hot Ava, played by super hot Caity Lotz(with those eyes she had better play vampire at some point!). Of course the gov't wants The Machine for war, and Vincent wants to save his little dying girl... Who will win, where does that leave Ava and her sexy ass-kicking ways?? You'll have to watch to find out! If you dug any of those movies above I'd say check it out!! It is not an explosive all out destruction of man kind action movie, just a cool robot awakens movie, with a hot blonde kicking soldiers asses, and walking around nude, thank you Caity! Check it out... filmbufftim on FB
Hunter Killer (2018)
Hunter Killer (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Surpisingly Good
Ever since he uttered the immortal line "We Are Sparta" as King Leonidas in the 2006 surprise hit 300, Gerard Butler has filled the screen with unadulterated machismo and virility. So I was expecting just more of the same when I went to check out the submarine flick HUNTER KILLER, figuring it was just a "B" action flick with Butler throwing up macho line after macho line and punching anyone who was in his way.

But...HUNTER KILLER is, surprisingly, much, much more.

Telling the story of a "Hunter Killer" submarine under a new captain that must go into enemy territory to check out the sinking of another American submarine, this adept action-thriller by South African Director Donovan Marsh is a pleasant surprise for only 1/2 of the film is about the action aboard the submarine, or the action back at HQ where a screaming Gary Oldman insists on less diplomacy and more aggressive action. The other part of the film is a very gripping, tense and exciting "behind enemy lines" war flick following the exploits of 4 Special Ops members (led by Toby Stephens) who must grab a person and then unite with the submarine.

Color me shocked by this. While Butler and Oldman gave me exactly what I wanted, the Special Ops soldiers, the stakes and the action sequences are a notch above your every day effort. If you are looking for a fun action flick, that can easily pass a few hours on a rainy and cold Saturday afternoon, you could do much, much worse than this one.

Letter Grade: B+

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)