Tobacco Road
Unsentimentally realistic, this classic novel is a reflection of the effects of poverty on tenant...

The Tobacconist
Robert Seethaler and Charlotte Collins
'Set at a time of lengthening shadows, this is a novel about the sparks that illuminate the dark: of...

The Master Plant: Tobacco in Lowland South America
Andrew Russell and Elizabeth Rahman
Described as a 'master plant' by many indigenous groups in lowland South America, tobacco is an...

Economics of Tobacco Control in China: From Policy Research to Practice
Nearly 370 million people in China smoke; about one-third of all smokers in the world are in China;...
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 27 Alcohol Tobacco Products and Firearms 1-39, Revised as of April 1, 2017
Office of the Federal Register (U.S.)
Title 27 presents regulations by the U.S. Treasury that govern alcohol, tobacco, and firearms....
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 27 Alcohol Tobacco Products and Firearms 400-End, Revised as of April 1, 2017
Office of the Federal Register (U.S.)
Title 27 presents regulations by the U.S. Treasury that govern alcohol, tobacco, and firearms....
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 27 Alcohol Tobacco Products and Firearms 40-399, Revised as of April 1, 2017
Office of the Federal Register (U.S.)
Title 27 presents regulations by the U.S. Treasury that govern alcohol, tobacco, and firearms....