The Oracles of Apollo: Practical Ancient Greek Divination for Today
Since ancient times, divination has been an important tool for seeking guidance from the gods....

The London Square: Gardens in the Midst of Town
Modern-day London abounds with a multitude of gardens, enclosed by railings and surrounded by...
Beethoven's Cello: Five Revolutionary Sonatas and Their World
Marc D. Moskovitz and R. Larry Todd
In 1796 the young Beethoven presented his first two cello sonatas at the court of Frederick William...

Blood on the Stage, 1800 to 1900: Milestone Plays of Murder, Mystery, and Mayhem
The history of theater is rife with tales of crime, suspense, and murder. The nineteenth century was...
Wanderlust: Actions, Traces, Journeys 1967-2017
Wanderlust highlights artists as voyagers who leave their studios to make art. This book (and the...