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Collision of Lies (Amara Alvarez #1)
Collision of Lies (Amara Alvarez #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this book!
This was my first time reading a book by Tom Threadgill and I don’t understand how I have missed reading his books before now! Collision of Lies was such a well-crafted story, laid out in a way that kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what Detective Alvarez and her friends would do next. The plot was an interesting mix of intrigue, suspense, mystery, and a little romance (if you could call it that as it was a very minor detail). Detective Alvarez was a very vividly described character that I enjoyed getting to know; I think I would love to meet her in person. Tom Threadgill described Detective Alvarez’s thoughts and expressions in a way that was easy to follow and really pulled me in, the creative ideas she came up with about solving part of the mystery were thought-provoking. The side characters were also interesting people and I hope I get to know them better in the next book. Collision of Lies does have an actual ending and does not end on a cliff hanger. From the excerpt in the back of the book, we will get to see more of Detective Alverez and her colleagues in the next book as well.
I truly enjoyed this book and highly recommend reading it. I give it 5 out of 5 stars for the wonderful way in which Tom Threadgill pulls you into the story, the vivid character descriptions, and the great mystery. I cannot wait to read the next book in the series.
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Venom (2018)
Venom (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Before going to see this film there was a lot of speculation about it not being a great film, mostly because spiderman does not feature.

However, I was very pleased with the outcome of this film. I went in with an open mind and remained hooked throughout. I loved the origin story of both the symbiote and Eddie Brock, and by the way, Tom Hardy played the role to perfection.

There was plenty of light humour through the film which was unexpected. This helped bring the film together and created a good example of how a little bit of humour goes a long way in pleasing an audience.

I am eager to see the next installment of venom as the ending, as with almost every marvel film, left me wanting more and hanging on the edge of my seat.

I would highly recommend this film, and it is really worth a watch.
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Thriller
Hunt on the edge… again.
2015’s “MI: Rogue Nation” was one of my favourite films of that year, so of all the summer blockbusters this was the one I was most looking forward to. Was I delighted? It’s a slightly qualified “YES!”.

The film neatly follows on from Rogue Nation with arch terrorist-in-need-of-a-razor Solomon Lane (Sean Harris) being extraordinarily renditioned (probably not a valid phrase!) between multiple countries who want to torture/punish him. But his followers – “The Apostles” – are still active and on the trail of plutonium that could devestate key sites, with religious centres being the top of the target list. Since Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) originally caught Lane, IMF Director Hunley (Alec Baldwin) despatches Hunt to intercept the plutonium.

But CIA director Erica Sloan (Angela Bassett) has no faith in the IMF, or trust that the organisation has not been infiltrated, and she insists that her ‘heavy’ August Walker (Henry Cavill) goes along for the ride. But they are not the only parties in play, for Isla Faust (Rebecca Ferguson) is also involved. But who is she working for?

What makes these films a cut above your average action adventure is the stunt work, with the knowledge that Cruise is at the centre of the action. In “Skyscraper” you KNOW Dwayne Johnson is standing on the ‘edge’ in front of a big green screen. Similarly here you KNOW Cruise is standing on the edge of the Tate Modern tower – probably without a safety line – as the camera goes 360 degrees around him. This makes all the difference to the adrenalin count.

There are some outstanding set pieces in the film, with extraordinarily spectacular shots from a ‘halo jump’ and a dramatic helicopter finale. But it is some of the smaller stuff that really impresses: a dramatic edge-of-the-seat car and motorbike chase through central Paris is one of the most impressive and terrifying things I’ve seen on film for many years; and Cruise’s literally bone-crunching run through London is also extremely exciting, with Simon Pegg adding good humour in his regular role of Benji. By the way, series regulars Ving Rhames, as Luther, and Michelle Monaghan, as Hunt’s ex-wife Julia, also make welcome returns but Jeremy Renner is missing this time.

Tom Cruise at 56 (he’s just 15 months younger than I am, damn it!) will eventually meet a Roger Moore-like Bond cliff when his Hunt role is no longer credible. But he’s not there yet! Rebecca Ferguson is again outstanding as Faust and as a newcomer in a similar role Vanessa Kirby (memorable as Princess Margaret in “The Crown”) impresses as the “White Widow” – someone with a familial link to a villain from the past!

Unusually, for a film series which has traditionally been kept fresh by changing directors and composers at each turn, Christopher McQuarrie (“Edge of Tomorrow“, “The Mummy“) returns following “Rogue Nation“, and he also writes the screenplay. The composing baton is handed over this time though to Lorne Balfe (“Churchill“, “Terminator: Genisys“) and for me this was a bit of a step down from the “Rogue Nation” soundtrack by Joe Kraemer which I really enjoyed.

Is it sufficiently fresh though? Let’s be clear here, I was enormously entertained throughout, and this should be near the top of your summer watch list. But it did ultimately feel at times a little like a light retread of “Rogue Nation“. Some of the stunts – notably the Paris and London scenes as above – were a step up for me, but there are some annoyances in McQuarrie’s script (see the spoiler section below the trailer), so for me the rating plateaus at the same as “Rogue Nation“.
Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
2014 | Drama, Sci-Fi
The actors (1 more)
The backing story
Had to be reinvented with a new name for the publicity
So with a story of an alien invasion in which a low tanker soldier finds himself dying but waking up the day previous every time he dies. Hence the name of the film. The film should have been really good, given that you have Hollywood superstar Tom cruise and is supported by Oscar nominee emiky blunt. But instead, the film falls short.

They spend a lot of time off of the battle field and in training and you see a lot of talking and very minimal action. The backing story for me is really good, or has the potential for it being really good. Spending most of there time running or talking in the film, cruise and blunt deliver there lines with perfect execution and I really feel that the film is let down by the writers imagination and the direction given in this film. I'd of given a higher rating if it was just that little bit more on the edge of your seat action.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Bird Box (2018) in Movies

Jan 7, 2019 (Updated Jan 7, 2019)  
Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Fantastic direction and cinematography, full of great shots (3 more)
Great ensemble cast
Vague enough to keep you guessing while still giving you enough to care about the players involved
Fantastic use of tension
The Movie That A Quiet Place Wishes It Was
For me, A Quiet Place was one of the biggest let downs of the year. I was so hyped based on the trailers beforehand and I was ultimately left extremely underwhelmed.
This movie hit the mark that A Quiet Place missed in my opinion and is an example of a stellar horror/thriller that does it's job of keeping it's audience on the edge of their seat throughout.

Sandra Bullock puts in one of the greatest performances of her career here and proves that her remarkably consistent career hasn't just happened by accident, she is an actress at the top of her game and has stood the test of time for a reason. The rest of the cast are also great, with Sarah Paulson, Trevante Rhodes, Tom Hollander and John Malkovich standing out as highlights.

I loved the way that the filmmakers built legitimate tension and dread without resorting to bog standard lazy modern horror techniques such as throwing in an abundance of jumpscares and hoping that at least a couple of them work. The movie does a fantastic job at keeping you the edge of your seat throughout and throwing in a few twists to keep the momentum going until the end.

I don't want to say too much more as you are best going into this movie as blind as possible (pun intended,) but it is a brilliant thriller that is definitely worth your time.
Maniac Cop (1988)
Maniac Cop (1988)
1988 | Action, Horror
Maniac Cop - one of the many 80s slashers that came about after the success of the original Halloween a decade before, and one that is actually pretty solid.

For a start, it has a decent cast including the always reliable Tom Atkins, a post Evil Dead II Bruce Campbell, final girl Laurene Landon, and even a small role for Robert Roundtree of Shaft fame.
It was written by B-movie legend Larry Cohen and directed by genre veteran William Lustig - all in all a pretty strong cast and crew, who all managed to turn this would be low budget trashy horror into a cult classic.

The Maniac Cop himself, played by Robert Z'Dar, cuts an imposing figure. The choice not to show his face for the majority of the run time lends him a creepy edge. He also has an uncomfortably massive chin... Throw in a load of blood flying about the place, some unsettling music score, and a pretty fun car chase near the climax, and it's easy to see why Maniac Cop is pretty beloved by horror fans.

80s horror is just the best.
Venom (2018)
Venom (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
This is the worst kind of relatively big budget popcorn tease – the kind of film that knows its demographic will flood to it regardless of quality, so let’s not even bother trying to make it good. The first sign of this type is a script that is such gibberish you almost start to wonder if you are having a stroke, and Venom has that in spades! Just when you think you have a handle on it, off it goes on a tangent that has nothing to do with anything other than setting up the next CGI shot. Which is the second sign – CGI good enough to pass, but quite obviously not the cutting edge stuff we have already seen years ago in better films. Cheap and nasty. The third sign is a director that can bung a few thrills in the mix but has no care whatsoever for characterisation, pace, plot or sensible motivation. Well done Ruben Fleischer for being the first director to have two films included in my BMTBs, following Zombieland Double Tap – I really can’t split them. The only fun to be had here is watching Tom Hardy amuse himself with a comic book characature so far over the top it hurts. Michelle Williams and Riz Ahmed are horribly wasted and should be ashamed. Just awful stuff!
Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
2014 | Drama, Sci-Fi
Hits You From Jump and Keeps Rolling
Major William Cage (Tom Cruise) finds himself thrust into a war he wanted no part of against an enemy that gains the advantage by rewinding time. After he gains their power, he has to figure out a way to stop them and end their terror for good.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10
Edge of Tomorrow grabs your attention from the opening credits. The screen starts to crackle and break up as we’re placed right in the middle of a number of news reports describing the current situation. It’s a clever way to get you caught up to speed without starting slow.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Science fiction movies and war movies have some of the greatest cinematic scenes in film history. You combine the two genres and you’re left with pure gold. Edge of Tomorrow has a way of capturing grit, ugliness, and beauty at the same time. As you’re watching the alien creatures tear through things like it’s paper, you’re also marveling at everything director Doug Liman is capturing on the screen at once. It was a pleasure watching the mech suits in action, a mixture of old-school tech and advanced weaponry. The attention to detail throughout is to be applauded. The aliens alone are incredibly creative and intriguing to see on the battlefield.

Conflict: 10
Oftentimes, when I watch a film like this, I wonder how they’re able to still squeeze a story in when there is so much action. The battles are consistent and take you across a number of different landscapes as Cage has to keep reliving the day. It’s seriously badass once Cage has started to perfect the day enough where he’s killing the enemy left and right.

Although the action is amazing, that isn’t the sole thing carrying the conflict as Cage and Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt) are trying to figure out what exactly they need to do bring the nightmare to an end. They are at ends throughout the movie, even to the point where Cage wants to throw in the towel a number of times. It feels very real.

Genre: 10

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10

Plot: 10
Very solid storyline that manages to stay out of its own way by not overcomplicating things. I appreciated the fact that the screenwriters (and there are multiple) didn’t try and cut any corners, but looked for proper ways to advance the story. And that ending…

Resolution: 10
Just perfect. Ends right were it needs to with you wanting more, but knowing you don’t really need it. The closure is spot on. Well done.

Overall: 10
Chalk one up for the blockbusters, Edge of Tomorrow stands on my Top Ten list all-time as of today. It keeps you guessing, but most importantly, it keeps you entertained. I won’t apologize for the high rating as this film checks all the boxes.
Planet Terror (2007)
Planet Terror (2007)
2007 | Action, Comedy, Horror
If you seek a movie so absurdly over the top in almost every regard, then look no further.

Planet Terror is a glorious throwback to practical driven and blood soaked video nasties of the 70s and 80s, is super stylized to the point of self aware stupidity, and boasts a fantastic cast - a roll call of who's who in the cinema of Rodriguez/Tarantino.
Of course, Planet Terror is one half of the duos Grindhouse project, and for me, slightly takes the edge over Death Proof. Both films are great and gleefully brimming with tributes to the exploitative sub genre of its namesake, but Planet Terror is just balls to the wall fun, a blast from start to finish.
Its has badass female leads - Cherry Darling, a former go-go dancer with a gun-leg, and Dakota Block, a nurse who shoots trigger functioning syringes full of sedatives at anyone who pisses her off - Rose McGowan and Marley Shelton and both brilliant.
It has Bruce Willis mutating into God knows what. It has Tom Savini and Michael Biehn as zombie fighting sherrifs. It has Sayid from Lost collecting people's testicles in a pickle jar.
And Jesus Christ it has so. much. gore. It must have been a hell of a sticky set to work on to say the least.
To top it all off, it even opens with the now infamous Machete "trailer", with Danny Trejo and motherfucking Cheech Marin.

Planet Terror is a ride as soon as the opening credits start. An absolute must for any horror or grindhouse fan.
Without a Paddle (2004)
Without a Paddle (2004)
2004 | Comedy
6.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Verdict: Enjoyable

Story: Without a Paddle starts as three best friends Tom (Shepard), Jerry (Lillard) and Dan (Green) return home after the sudden death of their fourth member Billy, spending time together they remember a promise they once made when they were children about searching for D.B. Cooper Bounty.
The three head off into the wilderness following a map that Billy left them, on an adventure they couldn’t imagine, search for a treasure and learning the importance of life.

Thoughts on Without a Paddle

Characters – Jerry has become a businessman, he isn’t enjoying this career choice, he likes to surf and isn’t the most committed in remember important dates in his relationship, he must bring the guys back together for the funeral, he is on the edge of a mid-life crisis, which will get the focus of his decision making process on this adventure. Tom is the lose cannon of the friends, he has always got a story from what he has been doing in his life, while most seem to be tall tales, which often get them in trouble. Dan has become a doctor that is nervous in life, he keeps everything safe and this adventure is completely against his lifestyle, where he spends most of his time worried about what happens.
Performances – Matthew Lillard, Seth Green and Dax Shepard are the three friends, they do have great chemistry, they play into their comedy strengths and make this movie more enjoyable with their performances.
Story – The story follows three friends that go on an adventure in the woods in search for D.B. Cooper’s treasure in memory of their friend who passed away. This is a story that is about finding themselves, learning to overcome their fears in life, learn their place in life and making the most of the life they are given. While some of what happens is silly and plays into parodies of many films, it is an enjoyable story that shows the strength of friendship through the good times and the bad.
Adventure/Comedy – The adventure shows us how friends will need that moment in life where the can be together even through the adult struggles in life. The comedy can be silly at times, which does take away from the serious time of the story.
Settings – The film is set in the wilderness, which sees how the different locations from the river rapids to the cannabis farm they stumble along, it plays into the fears of going into the wild.

Scene of the Movie – The treehouse of memories.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Some of the comedy.
Final Thoughts – This is a fun adventure about finding yourself in life, the cast has a great chemistry only for the comedy to come off slightly short at times.

Overall: Fun Adventure.