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Elvis (2022)
Elvis (2022)
2022 | Biography, Drama, Musical
7.8 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Butler Shines
Director Baz Luhrmann is one of those artists that I always keep an eye out for. His artistic vision is unique and while the films he directs don’t always work - MOULIN ROUGE is on of my all-time favorites, AUSTRALIA is a mess and his take on the GREAT GATSBY works…mostly - but the one thing that can be said about him is that his projects are always interesting (especially visually). So when he decided to create a bio-pic of “The King”, Elvis Presley, I was intrigued.

And…the resulting film - appropriately called ELVIS - works very well, but not because of Luhrmann’s Direction/Style but more because of the TERRIFIC performance at the center of this picture - and, no, I’m not talking about Tom Hanks as Col. Parker.

ELVIS follows - with the usual Luhrmann quick/cut, flashy style - the rise, fall, rise and (ultimately) death of Elvis Presley. Starting with his boyhood in Tupelo, Mississippi - where he found his rhythm in the roots of African-American Gospel/Spirituals - to his ascension to superstar, this films tries to tell it all, mostly through the shadowy viewpoint of Elvis’ Manager, Col. Tom Parker (a heavily made-up Tom Hanks).

And that is part of the problem with this film - it tries to tell TOO big a story, so while some items are covered in slow, glowing detail (like Elvis’ discovery of the music that will be his trademark), while other items (his movie career) are glossed over quickly in a montage. This is out of necessity, for this film is already 2 hours and 40 minutes long, but it does make this film feel somewhat disjointed - especially when you add Luhrmann’s trademark disorienting quick/cut, stylistic directing style. At times I just wanted to yell at Lurhman to lock his camera down in one position so my eyes (and brain) can settle down and watch what’s going on.

The other issue is the viewpoint of this film - it isn’t consistent. Is this a movie about Elvis? Is this a movie about a conman manipulating Elvis? It starts out following Col. Parker as he discovers Elvis and manipulates him to be his exclusive act, but then we leave Col. Tom and follow Elvis for long periods of time before being drawn back into Col’s Parker’s web, so there is confusion as to who’s story we are telling. In the end we tell both, and each one suffers a little bit because of this.

HOWEVER - and this is an important point - these issues are pushed to the back as minor flaws as the central performance of Austin Butler (Wil Ohmsford in the terrible adaption of THE SHANNARA CHRONICLES on TV) as Elvis is AMAZING. It is a captivating, multi-layered performance both on-stage and off. He has created a character that you are drawn to watch and the off-stage Elvis sets the stage for the charismatic, on-stage Elvis that we all know. Butler did his own singing/performing in this film and it is much, much more that “just” an Elvis impersonation. He personifies “The King” and Butler’s name better be called at Awards time. It is that good of a performance, one that should catapult this young man to stardom.

Fairing less well is Tom Hanks as Col. Parker. While he is game under all that make-up, the character is just not written with any nuance and comes off as a one-dimensional villain, constantly lurking in the background. This character just wasn’t interesting enough to hold the screen - especially against Butler.

But see this film to rekindle the spirit of Elvis through the interpretation of Butler, you’ll be glad you did.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
The story Nick fury (0 more)
Obvious story if you know the source material. (0 more)
Spiderman 2.........the 3rd one. (Or is it the 4th, there was 2 tv movies?)
Spiderman 2 sees tobey Maguire return as the best Spiderman to date and...........oh wait.......

Spiderman far from home sees tom holland return as ultimate Spiderman for wait....tom holland returns as peter parker aka Spiderman who once again does a great job at avoiding nick fury and his feelings, but squeezes into a new array of suits, while trying to enjoy a school trip and mourn the loss of his tech savvy father figure Tony Stark.
While trying to balance the life of a hero and the life of a teen life every hero (lol) the arrival of a mysterious new "hero" dubbed mysterio by parkers class mates, things are quite what they seem and as the lives of everyone of his classmates come under threat, it's upto spidey to uncover the truth and figure out how to use his peter tingle haha.

A great movie that does the Endgame aftermath some justice.

Fantastic SFX, great story formed, great easter eggs and references.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Great alternative perspective on the marvel universe. (4 more)
Great casting. Love the racial diversity and equality of characters.
Amazing references to the original films and the MCU.
Tom Holland's performance and presence is incredible.
Air-gasping plot twists.
The aspect ratio of the smartphone-video diary doesn't make sense. (1 more)
A few minor logic flaws.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Spiderman, a superhero that has been the go-to Halloween costume for the past 15 years and rightly so. With this being the 6th Spiderman movie, most would expect a drained and exhausted movie. I try to go into the cinema with an unbiased opinion on any movie, but even I expected it. However, it was a replenishing surprise to see a cinematic and equally entertaining Marvel film.
I loved seeing an alternative, somewhat more realistic, perspective on the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Hearing the 'voice of the people' and what students think of the avengers was a quirky amusement.

As a filmmaker, it was incredulous to see a specific inter-textual reference within one of the scenes. Night draws and the Vulture is driving the car with Peter Parker in the back. Things are getting tense as he realises that Peter Parker is Spiderman. The car is stationary at a set of traffic lights. The light turns green, cut to a close up of the Vulutre's face as he replicates the Green Goblin's expression and speaks the exact same words to Spiderman that the Green Goblin did in the very fist movie.

It's hard to believe that Tom Holland (Peter Parker) was born and raised in London as his American accent is spot on! This was complimented by his excellent and energetic performance.
The casting for this film was noteworthy. The racial diversity and equality of characters was great.

There were a few logic flaws within the film, but they're not worth enough value to even discuss them as the story and value of the film overall was excellent. I'm content with giving this film an almost perfect 9/10 as there were a few parts of the story where I felt like it was getting repetitive and the plot was starting to feel a bit 'back-and-forth'.

Movie Metropolis (309 KP) rated Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) in Movies

Jun 10, 2019 (Updated Jun 10, 2019)  
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
The Marvel touch
The first thing I’m going to tell you about Spider-Man: Homecoming is that it has been gloriously undersold in its uninspiring trailers and promotional posters. In fact, most of the marketing materials shown made it look like this would be Iron Man 4 ft. Peter Parker. Thankfully that’s not the case.

The second thing I’ll tell you is that Tom Holland’s turn as Peter Parker is very good indeed. But is he better than Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield? Well, for that you’ll have to read on.

Still buzzing from his experiences with the Avengers in Captain America: Civil War, young Peter Parker (Tom Holland) returns home to live with his Aunt May (Marisa Tomei). Under the watchful eye of Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr), Peter starts to embrace Spider-Man. He also tries to return to his normal life — distracted by thoughts of proving himself to be more than just a bargain basement superhero. However, when danger emerges in the shape of the Vulture (Michael Keaton), Peter must soon put his powers to the test.

Jon Watts directs not only the best Spider-Man film to date, but probably the best film to come out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe since Guardians of the Galaxy. That is by no means and easy thing to achieve, but by golly he’s done it.

The best Marvel films don’t shout about their superhero roots. By that I mean Captain America: the Winter Soldier was first and foremost a heist movie and Guardians of the Galaxy was an epic space opera. Here, Watts and his two writers turn Spider-Man: Homecoming into a cheesy, fun high-school romance and it succeeds at that beautifully.

But is it a good superhero flick? In a word, yes. The action is shot exceptionally well with very little nonsensical shaky cam, the pacing is spot on; in fact it may be one of the best films I have ever seen for pacing and the characters are all utterly believable.

Tom Holland is, without a doubt the best iteration of Peter Parker ever put to the big screen. He is the school geek that the character always should have been. Gone are Tobey Maguire’s ridiculous facial expressions and Andrew Garfield’s unrealistic ‘high school nerd’ persona.

Elsewhere, Michael Keaton avoids the Marvel villain trap and becomes the universe’s best antagonist since Loki. It would be easy for Vulture to come across ridiculous rather than menacing and Keaton gets the latter absolutely spot on. In particular, a pivotal turning point in the film’s third act is exquisitely written and truly intimidating.

It’s not all good news unfortunately. Like a broken record, I have to mention the obligatory CGI-heavy finale. Thankfully though, the story is nicely twisted to give the scenes emotional gravitas. I’m also not sold on Marisa Tomei as Aunt May, but this may come with time. And if I’m really nit-picking, there’s a little too much obvious product placement for Audi.

So, I’ve managed to get through a full review with only a small paragraph of negative points, that doesn’t happen very often. Something else that doesn’t happen very often is for me to award a film a full five stars. On this occasion however, the Marvel touch has well and truly created a corker.
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure
This movie really amazed and surprised me at how much I love this movie. It does a great job at balancing the humor and the seriousness throughout the film. Definitely fan service, but it’s used in a way where it’s in service of the plot and helps drive it forward.

It also made me like Tom Holland’s Peter/SM a whole lot more compared to the other two solo films he did. Peter has to actually face the consequences of his actions. This is easily Tom’s best performance as Peter Parker by far. And the villains were great (specifically Green Goblin, Doc Ock, and Electro). I thought they did a good job at balancing the screen time for them and it didn’t feel like a cluster of a mess with too many characters. As a big Spider-Man fan, this really feels like a love letter to the character and it’s everything that I would want from a Spider-Man movie.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-man Michael Keaton as Vulture The John Hughes feel of it The action sequences are cool The use of Tony Stark. The film never suddenly became Iron man 4 (0 more)
Zendaya is under used The casting of Flash, the actor was good but no offence i could take you. (0 more)
"if you are nothing without the suit then you shouldn't have it."
A John Hughes-esque coming-of-age movie, disguised as a friendly neighborhood adventure from the MCU; Spider-Man: Homecoming is more about growing up, and less about saving the world.

Tom Holland is great as Spider-man. His Spidey is different, and in a way, refreshing. I like how the origin story is skipped, and instead, we dive head into the day-to-day adventures of a semi-awkward, fifteen-year-old. I'm more interested in the growth of Peter Parker, than the development of Holland's Spider-Man Spidey-Powers. I'm still undecided about the way Spidey looks in his costume. To me, he looks more like a CGI goofnut, than an Avenger. But, how many kids get to have Jennifer Connelly on standby, whenever they need a helpful voice?

Homecoming might not feel and act like your typical MCU movie, but it does prove we still need Tony Stark, Happy Hogan and Pepper Potts in our lives. I smiled with all the screen time Happy has. He's truly an underrated character in the MCU. Plus, Tony plays the "cool uncle" spot-on.

One of the biggest criticisms with the MCU people have is the boring villain. Not in this case. Michael Keaton plays reverse-Batman, and his character actually has depth, an interesting storyline and a surprise twist. Bookem Woodbine plays a fun henchman, and all movies benefit from the presence of Donald Glover. The bad guys are not a snore nor a bore at this Homecoming Dance with the Devil.

I hope I wasn't the only one laughing at the casting of Tony Revolori as Flash the Bully. He's about as intimidating as a can of ravioli. Zendaya is way underused, but she shines in her scenes. I wish Ned was my best friend, but the poor fella will probably be typecast for life. However, he's a hilarious guy. How can you not like him?

Did you think I forgot about Aunt May? Of course not! Marisa Tomei is smokin' and brings honest energy to her supporting role.

The final boss battle is fun. So are the scenes on a ferry and a national monument. There's action, and there's a lot of growing up for Peter Parker and his friends. I'm not MCU fatigued after watching, but I do have a sudden urge to revisit Pretty in Pink.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
I was a little hesitant over a third Spider-Man reboot, even tho I really enjoyed his introduction in Civil War. I was pleasantly surprised when we were given an origin movie without rehashing yet again the way that Peter Parker receives his powers (it's all mentioned in conversation, since I think everyone is fairly familiar with the particulars at this point). What we're given is a young kid of 14 who has been handed these amazing powers and we get to watch as he struggles to find his place in a superhero world where there isn't much room for a kid 14. Of course, he thinks he can handle situations far outside his capabilities, and we watch as he predictably fails, and comes to terms with his limitations. It's a stereotypical hero's journey film, but somehow Tom Holland's performance captures that early teen awkwardness and nothing seems heavy handed in telling Spider-Man's story. I'm hoping this is the Spider-man that's going to stick around for a while.

Dean (6921 KP) rated Elvis (2022) in Movies

Jul 6, 2022  
Elvis (2022)
Elvis (2022)
2022 | Biography, Drama, Musical
7.8 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great songs (1 more)
Austin Butler
Feels even longer than 2.5hrs (1 more)
Not a detailed bio epic
We can't go on together...
Saw the trailer and the style and vibe of the film interested me, not knowing a great deal about Elvis I thought it would be interesting to know more.
It's great to find out more about him, how he started out and his inspiration. Still not sure how accurate some details are and some sections of his life are barely covered. So maybe not the full story you might expect, despite the 2.5hrs run time. Some how it felt even longer.
It does feel a little disjointed at times switching between Elvis story and also that of his manager Col Tom Parker. The songs are great and Austin Butler gives a great performance. The first half of the film about his rise was intriguing the second half towards the end of his career was a lot slower.
So it's very stylish and interesting, although big fans of Elvis might be a little disappointed on how much of Elvis it a actually covers. Also how accurate it is as well. For others it was a good incite if maybe not as detailed as you might expect.
Mistletoe and Murder
Mistletoe and Murder
Connie Berry | 2023 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Christmas Wedding Faces Criminal Complications
It’s five days before Kate Hamilton is set to marry Detective Inspector Tom Mallory on Christmas Eve, and the complications are starting to come, like travel delays for Kate’s family and friends coming from the states. But the bigger complication comes from Sheila Parker, an acquaintance who comes looking for an appraisal of her coin collection. That night, Sheila’s house is searched. The next day, Sheila vanishes. Can Kate figure out what happened to Sheila before her wedding?

I find missing person mysteries to be that much more compelling, so I was hooked on this one quickly. I did figure a couple of things out early, but there were still plenty of surprised on the way to the climax. Meanwhile, I loved spending time with the characters old and new. We get some good updates on ongoing storylines, and the ending sets up the next full length book. I am a bit surprised that the wedding came in an ebook only novella, and there isn’t a lot of time for Christmas trappings, but both of these are minor issues. Fans will be happy to get a chance to visit the characters again. While this might not be the best place to start if you are new to the series, I definitely recommend you start the series soon.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) in Movies

Nov 22, 2017 (Updated Nov 22, 2017)  
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Fun to watch but doesn't break new ground
No doubt Tom Holland's portrayal of Spiderman is the most accurate version that I have seen, given that Spiderman is a teenager in a high school. I can't help but feel that if Homecoming had more time in the oven, we would have been rewarded with the best Spider-man ever seen on the silver screen. As is, this Spider-man breaks no new ground that won't quickly be plowed under.

Michael Keaton's Vulture is the perfect villain for a downbeat in the MCU symphony. A regular, working-class but ambitious man who took an opportunity - a blue collar Tony Stark. The level of detail and forethought paid to the Vulture and his crew's dealings provides much needed grounding to these fabulous tales of super-heroism. Still, the refreshing qualities of Homecoming are far-outmatched by the staleness of its formula.

Too many of these beats have already been explored in other movies. Tony Stark has remote access to his suit. Tony Stark's dad. Retro-reflective plates. Tony Stark overdesigns stuff. Peter Parker has trouble managing his two lives. Peter Parker's enemy is a close friend's parent.

But the best part is definitely Michael Keaton, who is both seen as a 'hardworking' father trying to provide for his family, while being deeply flawed - the fact that he isn't killed off is also promising. Not a bad film, but not particularly novel.