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Merry heads to upstate New York to claim her inheritance, a castle. However, someone has been digging holes in the yard. After a public fight with Tom Turner, the hole digger, Tom winds up dead at the bottom of a new hole. Can Merry figure out why?

The book got off to a slow start with a bit too much of a back story dump. However, once the book got going, it was great with eccentric but believable characters and twists to the plot. I'm looking forward to reading more.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Sean Baker recommended A Nos Amours (1983) in Movies (curated)

A Nos Amours (1983)
A Nos Amours (1983)
1983 | Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"For some reason, Maurice Pialat doesn’t get the same attention here in the States as his contemporary Cassavetes. But I feel he deserves just as much. Without this film, we wouldn’t have Sandrine Bonnaire, and the complexity of the family dynamic is like nothing I’ve ever seen before on film. I’m proud to be neighbors with Tom Stevens, the actor who played the young American tourist. We were speaking in our New York City apartment building stairwell, and Tom told me that he had been in “a little film that you probably never heard of called À nos amours”—I nearly fell down the stairs. The extras are fantastic on the release, including an interview with Catherine Breillat."


Erika (17788 KP) created a post

Nov 15, 2019  
The reason I haven't been as active this week because I was in New York. Not going to lie, I went there to catch Tom Hiddleston in Betrayal. I waited outside the stage door on the 12th, and they never came out. So, I returned the next night (after seeing the matinee), and they did come out. I got to meet Charlie Cox, Zawe Ashton and Tom Hiddleston. I did actually get a selfie (which I am not good at) with him, BUT, I was cursing my phone out because I thought it wasn't taking the picture. I would post it, but I look like such a dweeb. He looks amazing, as expected and damn, he's hotter IRL, and that hair is majestic...
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Erika (17788 KP) Nov 16, 2019

Seriously, I can't even look at it, I'm so embarrassed. I should have asked for another one.


Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 16, 2019

Oh it's totally cool!