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Awix (3310 KP) rated Hello Down There (1969) in Movies
May 10, 2020
The only performer to appear in three of the AFI's Hundred Greatest Films of All Time is Janet Leigh, which is quite an achievement, but she also turns up in a load of absolute dross, like this borderline-unwatchable musical comedy adventure about a family spending a month in an underwater house. Tony Randall is there for the older viewers; there are some swinging kids for the younger audience (a young Richard Dreyfuss keeps singing songs about goldfish); low-octane underwater thrills are occasionally attempted.
The list of people involved in this movie might lead one to expect something at least mildly interesting: Jack Arnold made many interesting SF B-movies, one of which (Creature from the Black Lagoon) featured co-director Browning in the title role; the cast list includes Randall, Leigh, Dreyfuss, and Roddy McDowell. And yet it feels almost aggressively anodyne and bland, horribly calculated, and made to TV-standard production values. Even when it was made this probably only appealed to the most undemanding viewers; nowadays it exerts a weird fascination if only as a relic of an unrecognisable sensibility.
The list of people involved in this movie might lead one to expect something at least mildly interesting: Jack Arnold made many interesting SF B-movies, one of which (Creature from the Black Lagoon) featured co-director Browning in the title role; the cast list includes Randall, Leigh, Dreyfuss, and Roddy McDowell. And yet it feels almost aggressively anodyne and bland, horribly calculated, and made to TV-standard production values. Even when it was made this probably only appealed to the most undemanding viewers; nowadays it exerts a weird fascination if only as a relic of an unrecognisable sensibility.

Bubba Gee (147 KP) rated Dazed and Confused (1993) in Movies
Jul 2, 2019
The quintessential coming of age movie
This is the best coming of age film ever made all centered around the last day of school and the wild night after.
Mitch (played by Wiley Wiggins) becomes the target of some high school jocks for a ceremonial paddling (I know, weird right?)
Anyway afterwards he is befriended by Randall pink Floyd (played by Jason London), High scoool quarterback all around good guy and friend to all.
Pink introduces Mitch to all manner of strange characters played by several future stars of screen such as wooderson (played excellently by Matthew McConaughey) a kind of older guy who can't leave his school days behind him, he's kind of creepy and hangs out at high school parties but in a way very likeable.
Other interesting characters include Slater (played by Rory Cochrane) a hard core stoner and alien conspiracy theorist, Mike, Tony and Cynthia (played by Adam Goldberg, Anthony Rapp and Marissa Ribisi) who play Pink's most normal and kinda nerdy friends.
Mitch's nemesis throughout the movie is O'Bannion (played maniacally by Ben Affleck).
In the movie there are many thrills, spills, laughs and a hint of romance.
All in it descends into a hedonistic a night of sex drugs and rock and roll, car races, paddling, pot, beer, kiss music and Aerosmith. As young Mitch becomes a man and leaves his innocence behind him in a hilarious riot.
Definitely a must watch for any film fan
Mitch (played by Wiley Wiggins) becomes the target of some high school jocks for a ceremonial paddling (I know, weird right?)
Anyway afterwards he is befriended by Randall pink Floyd (played by Jason London), High scoool quarterback all around good guy and friend to all.
Pink introduces Mitch to all manner of strange characters played by several future stars of screen such as wooderson (played excellently by Matthew McConaughey) a kind of older guy who can't leave his school days behind him, he's kind of creepy and hangs out at high school parties but in a way very likeable.
Other interesting characters include Slater (played by Rory Cochrane) a hard core stoner and alien conspiracy theorist, Mike, Tony and Cynthia (played by Adam Goldberg, Anthony Rapp and Marissa Ribisi) who play Pink's most normal and kinda nerdy friends.
Mitch's nemesis throughout the movie is O'Bannion (played maniacally by Ben Affleck).
In the movie there are many thrills, spills, laughs and a hint of romance.
All in it descends into a hedonistic a night of sex drugs and rock and roll, car races, paddling, pot, beer, kiss music and Aerosmith. As young Mitch becomes a man and leaves his innocence behind him in a hilarious riot.
Definitely a must watch for any film fan

Cody Cook (8 KP) rated The Circus of Dr Lao in Books
Jun 29, 2018
Somewhat mixed feelings about this book. I became interested due to the film with Tony Randall, which keeps the book's dark humor while adding on a layer of optimism and sentimentality. However, this layer is completely absent from the book. Instead, one feels the palpable cynicism and hatred for humanity and God of a military and newspaper man who obviously witnessed more than his fair share of suffering and inhumanity.
The cynicism does not always feel unwarranted, nor does the bitter but humorous style of much of the book fail to be entertaining. It vacilates between being a sardonic delight and a heavy (and even heavy-handed) piece of short literature that has to be digested in multiple sittings.
The author, himself the grandson and namesake of the great evangelist and abolitionist Charles Finney, if he believes in a God, seems to find Him distant, petty, and hateful. One begins to wonder why the circus seems to provide such fodder for this kind of nihilism (as in Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes and Anton LaVey's biographical details), and perhaps it's because it puts on display those things that we think of as deserving to be hidden where we must face them and despair. The Circus of Dr. Lao puts God through a theodicy trial that Finney doesn't seem to think the Deity survives, but Finney's nihilism is hardly a palatable alternative.
Funny at times, interesting often, and very well-written, the life-as-a-meaningless-freakshow motif still sullies what this book could be. An interesting counterpoint to the film, but on the whole I still much prefer the cinematic rendering.
The cynicism does not always feel unwarranted, nor does the bitter but humorous style of much of the book fail to be entertaining. It vacilates between being a sardonic delight and a heavy (and even heavy-handed) piece of short literature that has to be digested in multiple sittings.
The author, himself the grandson and namesake of the great evangelist and abolitionist Charles Finney, if he believes in a God, seems to find Him distant, petty, and hateful. One begins to wonder why the circus seems to provide such fodder for this kind of nihilism (as in Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes and Anton LaVey's biographical details), and perhaps it's because it puts on display those things that we think of as deserving to be hidden where we must face them and despair. The Circus of Dr. Lao puts God through a theodicy trial that Finney doesn't seem to think the Deity survives, but Finney's nihilism is hardly a palatable alternative.
Funny at times, interesting often, and very well-written, the life-as-a-meaningless-freakshow motif still sullies what this book could be. An interesting counterpoint to the film, but on the whole I still much prefer the cinematic rendering.