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    American Woman (2019)

    American Woman (2019)

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    A political activist (Hong Chau) helps take care of a group of America’s most wanted fugitives —...

If I Fall, If I Die
6.0 (1 Ratings)
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Will Cardiel and his mother live together in Thunder Bay. To Will's knowledge, he has never been outside of his house. He has never been to school, never had a friend, and has never been to a family members for the holiday. His mother has taught him everything; how to create masterpieces on canvas, how to write a check and how to answer the door for all the different delivery people who visit their house.

When Will hears a loud bag Outside, he is determined to find out what it is and why his mother insists he stays Inside. Will's Mom, Diane, is agoraphobic and the idea of Will or herself going Outside sends her to a place, Will calls the Black Lagoon. When Will finally makes it Outside, he's not sure what the big deal is. He find himself on the Outside more and his mom gets sucked deeper into the Black Lagoon.

Michael Christie writes an interesting quirky novel that keeps the reader guessing about where they are. While the location of most of the book takes place in the town of Thunder Bay in Canada, but the Cardiel's have named each room in their house after a major city. The Basement is Toronto, the Kitchen is Paris, Will's Room is New York, Diane's Room is San Francisco, the Living Room is Cairo and the Bathroom is Venice. Inside and Outside are capitalized throughout the book as if they also are their own little towns.

I have never met anyone who has agoraphobia before. Diane reminded me of Joan Cusak's character on the show Shameless. When she was first introduced into the show, she could not leave her house.

While Will is Outside, Diane tries all she can to relax. Will these two be able to both live their lives in a reasonable manner? Is there any way for Will to enjoy the Outside without sending his mother so far into the Black Lagoon, she may never return. This is a beautifully written book, but it gave me many mixed emotions throughout.

**I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest review.**
Hamish DeLuca and Regina “Reggie” Van Buren have a new case—and this one brings the war in Europe dangerously close to home.

Determined to make a life for herself, Regina “Reggie” Van Buren bid goodbye to fine china and the man her parents expected her to marry and escaped to Boston. What she never expected to discover was that an unknown talent for sleuthing would develop into a business partnership with the handsome, yet shy, Hamish DeLuca.

Their latest case arrives when Errol Parker, the leading base stealer in the Boston farm leagues, hires Hamish and Reggie to investigate what the Boston police shove off as a series of harmless pranks. Errol believes these are hate crimes linked to the outbreak of war in Europe, and he’s afraid for his life. Hamish and Reggie quickly find themselves in the midst of an escalating series of crimes that seem to link Boston to Hamish’s hometown of Toronto.

When an act of violence hits too close to home, Hamish is driven to a decision that may sever him from Reggie forever . . . even more than her engagement to wealthy architect Vaughan Vanderlaan.

My Thoughts: I had a hard time starting into the book but as the reader gets further along in the storyline, it becomes a very interesting read. This is a second book in the series, and I do recommend to the readers that they read the first book "Murder at the Flamingo" to help get to know the main characters a little better. A murder mystery with a little romance as Hamish has to deal with his feelings toward Reggie, being friends and co-workers for two years. This novel takes place in the 1940's pre-war era, with the main character Hamish trying to get past his relationship with a shady cousin.

It was interesting to learn a little about Boston; especially the housing situation during that era. The writer has an enjoyable style of writing that brings the characters to life for the reader. This is a good book for those who love mysteries.

Caribou recommended Spiritual Unity by Albert Ayler Trio in Music (curated)

Spiritual Unity by Albert Ayler Trio
Spiritual Unity by Albert Ayler Trio
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Album Favorite

"I came to this record through the Encyclopaedia Of Jazz. As a teenager I played a lot of jazz piano, but more like learning how to play bop or more traditional types of jazz. And I was getting to the point where I was starting to find out about Sun Ra and some of the weirder stuff that was out there, and I was working through the encyclopaedia and I crossed every record off the list if I thought it would be far out and interesting. We had a scam going at the time. HMV in Toronto was pretty relaxed and you could return things for cash value immediately. So I'd go in and buy a stack of ten CDs and I'd just got a CD burner - this was like 1997 - so I'd take them home and burn them all and then take them straight back. And they'd be like, ""You've got the entire recorded work of The Beatles here - you didn't find anything that you liked on there?"" And I'd be like, ""No these are all rubbish, sorry."" And I did the same with John Coltrane. Then I can remember getting to the Albert Ayler page of the encyclopaedia and you know how there's that snooty canonisation thing with jazz music where somebody like Wynton Marsalis or one of those conservative types would be like, ""This guy lost the plot. He went off the deep end."" But this record blew me away. I got this and Interstellar Space, the John Coltrane album, and they both have long periods of free-form wildness on them. But the thing I loved about Albert Ayler is the melodies on the songs - again, a lot of them sound the same, but they feel so elemental to me. It's another record where I feel like those melodies have been there since the beginning of time and it just took him to play them. The sound of his saxophone is so amazing. It's super far-out and forward-looking. If that's too out there for you, there's this album by him called New Grass, where he hired a rock band, and it's like some A&R man had tried to make him have a hit record. There's a song on it called 'Heart Love' - it's less far-out but it has his crazy saxophone playing on it, but with a beautiful melody and this free-soul singing on it."
