Play Beach Soccer Match - A real football tournament on world popular beaches 2015
Games and Sports
Playing soccer on soft sand is always enjoyable, here comes the realistic beach soccer game with...
Green Growth and Travelism: Concept, Policy and Practice for Sustainable Tourism
Min Jiang, Terry DeLacy, Geoffrey Lipman and Shaun Vorster
The green growth paradigm emerged from evolving global strategies that coherently promote a more...
Contested Spatialities, Lifestyle Migration and Residential Tourism
Michael Janoschka and Heiko Haas
Lifestyle Migration and Residential Tourism represent a major trend in individualized societies...
Tales from the Haunted South: Dark Tourism and Memories of Slavery from the Civil War Era
In this book Tiya Miles explores the popular yet troubling phenomenon of "ghost tours," frequently...
Tourism and Poverty Reduction: Principles and Impacts in Developing Countries
Anna Spenceley and Dorothea Meyer
Over the past decade, there have been an increasing number of publications that have analysed and...
Tourism Imaginaries at the Disciplinary Crossroads: Place, Practice, Media
Dimitri Ioannides, Maria Gravari-Barbas and Nelson H. Graburn
Maria Gravari-Barbas is Professor of Geography at the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne. She...
Route One Food Run: A Rollicking Tour of the 100 Best Road Trip Eats from Connecticut to Maine
A rollicking, fast-paced tour of the best quick, indulgent, greasy, messy, delectable, and can't...
Hollywood Death and Scandal Sites: Seventeen Driving Tours with Directions and the Full Story
For over 100 years, people have been drawn to sites of tragedy involving the rich, beautiful, and...