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Elli H Burton (1288 KP) rated a video of Tee and Mo in TV

Oct 29, 2019

My daughter loves it (2 more)
It's musical, it's sweet, it's not full of ridiculous themes.
It's not a traditional family, it's just Tee and Mo and it works. Every family is different so it's relevant.
It's so pleasant and sweet
Thought there must be some parents on here that would appreciate some children's TV programs and I've done some of the work finding good ones!
Firstly, it's quite a calm and chilled show which is fab for towards the end of the day. It doesn't have much dialogue, it has a narrator and the characters say names but other than that it's mostly monkey noises (obviously because they're monkeys lol). I think that's why my daughter (14 months old) love it so much, it's not in your face chatting away. It's got leasons to learn in each episode that which is cute and it's NOT ANNOYING.
Sooooo many kids shows are a nightmare and are so annoying but this one is so chilled and nice I actually like putting it on. Definitely think if parents want to try something new for the kids, try this.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Glass (2019) in Movies

Jan 22, 2019 (Updated Jan 22, 2019)  
Glass (2019)
Glass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
More Than Half Empty
Long-awaited sequel to Unbreakable; also not-quite-so-long-awaited sequel to Split, as M Night Shyamalan's various superheroes and villains assemble in a nuthouse: roll-call includes Bruce Willis (special power: being, um, unbreakable), James McAvoy (special power: one of his multiple personalities is a bit of an animal), and Samuel L Jackson (special power: being older than his own mum - it's true, I checked Wikipedia).

Starts off very promisingly but soon collapses into a saggy and self-indulgent mess in the traditional Shyamalan style; many long-winded scenes and much mysto-babble. Another bravura performance from McAvoy, and Jackson (when he finally turns up) carves himself a thick slice of ham, but the consequence of this is that Bruce Willis mostly vanishes into the background. The climax is remarkably portentous considering it's mostly just two guys wrestling each other fairly clumsily in a car park. Not sure three half-assed plot twists add up to a decent ending. All in all, a curious attempt to make a superhero movie in the style of a horror film, but ultimately rather disappointing given the potential and the talent involved.
Valley of the Kings: Last Rites
Valley of the Kings: Last Rites
2016 | Ancient, Card Game, Mythology, Religious
Strategic Unique Deck Building Game
Very interesting deckbuilding game. This game ventures away a little bit from traditional deckbuilding games. Available cards to purchase are arranged in a pyramid with only being able to purchase from the bottom row only. Making purchases from the bottom of the pyramid allow cards from the top of the pyramid to fall to the bottom of the pyramid for purchasing. Certain cards can change the rules as many games do, such as purchasing cards any where on the pyramid.

Entombing is a new feature to this genre of games that really sets this deckbuilder apart from the rest. Entombing is actually set collecting within this deckbuilder. To entomb a card you simply put it aside in a pile to no longer use for the rest of the game. By entombing a card you can not use it's value for purchasing or it's special actions.

End game is based on how many cards you have entombed. The more sets you collect the more vp you score.

This game works best with 2-3 in my opinion, however this one of my favorite go to solo games.
The Midnight Meat Train (2008)
The Midnight Meat Train (2008)
2008 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
7.1 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not as bad as it sounds
I watched this many years ago and could remember nothing about it, so decided to give it a go again as I noticed it on Amazon. It's not the best film, but is vaguely promising and not as bad as it sounds.

This is a horror film that decides to forego any traditional scares and creeps and just go for full on gore. This mostly works as some of the blood and gore in this is brilliant, however it is spoilt a little by some pretty poor CGI. If they had left out this CGI and some wannabe 3D moments then I might have rated this a tiny bit higher, as the CGI really is that bad. It's a rather basic plot but effective and I've always had a soft spot for Bradley Coooper. Vinnie Jones is alright and vaguely menacing although personally I think they could've found someone slightly more threatening. I'm rather glad that he barely opened his mouth for the entire film, as his accent definitely would've spoilt things!

Overall this is a fairly decent watchable horror, and much better than some of the more recent jump scares based ones.
Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine by James Brown
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I first heard it when I was a little kid. I thought, ""What is this?"", trying to get my head around it. You've got to do a dance as a little kid to figure it out, and with all the most interesting stuff it takes you a while to get it. It's so fucking modern. You could pick a number of songs, but the architecture of those songs, it's like these super-tight rhythm sections and it doesn't really go anywhere. The groove is the thing. Sometimes he goes, ""Take it to the bridge!"" and they change it, but then they go back to the groove. It's not like a traditional song structure. The streamlined simplicity of it, and not being distracted by harmonic development, strikes me as being so revolutionary and modern. It makes me think of painting. Sometimes he's just groaning and yelping, and he's kind of like Jackson Pollock over this very tight structure, this kind of animalistic thing smeared across the song. You can see the connection to the blues, you can see the connection to early jazz, but he takes it somewhere else completely different."


Biff Byford recommended Led Zeppelin by Led Zeppelin in Music (curated)

Led Zeppelin by Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin by Led Zeppelin
1969 | Rock
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was playing guitar when this came out and I tried to learn all the riffs. I loved that idea of transforming the blues into heavy rock – taking blues classics and giving them a twist. A lot of the music was traditional blues songs, but the Stones had done the same thing in taking them and twisting them. So many British bands took blues songs and made them famous –there are people who think ‘Roll Over Beethoven’ was written by the Beatles, and a lot of people didn’t know who BB King was until Zeppelin made him famous. When I was young my friend’s brother played guitar. He was really into blues, playing Chuck Berry, and he would play all these old recordings, so I knew all of them. All those licks I heard, I would then hear Clapton and all those guys play. I saw Zeppelin at Bath Festival [in 1970] from a long way off – the violin bow solo with the echo chamber went on for hours, but they were great. I’d never been to anything like a festival before, and that was the first real one, I was on awe."

Lightnin' And The Blues by Lightnin Hopkins
Lightnin' And The Blues by Lightnin Hopkins
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"He released records on numerous labels, but this album was on the Herald imprint, and it features a song called Moving Out Boogie that alone is worth the price of admission. He kind of talks his way through it – it’s not really singing in the traditional sense – but the guitar playing could wake the dead. What he does in two and a half minutes on the guitar is enough to make you want to throw your fuzz and wah-wah pedals as far away as you can. Just toss 'em over the fence! If you can play Moving Out Boogie with even a third of the spirit of Lightnin’ Hopkins, then you just might have a chance. It’s the way to move, man. He played it like he wanted to play it. Our fair bassist, Dusty Hill, worked with Lightnin’ Hopkins a bit, and one time he said, ‘You know, Lightnin’, you seem to play in odd time signatures. One verse will be eight bars, and the next will be 10 bars.’ And Lightnin’ just said, ‘It don’t matter. Lightnin’ changes when Lightnin’ wants to change"

Shoplifters (Manbiki Kazuko) (2018)
Shoplifters (Manbiki Kazuko) (2018)
2018 | Drama
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"“Shoplifters” is not a traditional narrative by any means. It is more an “observational” fiction film, in the same way we call certain documentaries ‘observational’. Each character has a trajectory that is followed, but until the very end, when there is a sudden dramatic change that unravels their fragile ties, there is little conflict between them. Instead we are let to enjoy this extraordinary meditation on what is the true meaning of family and love. Each character is drawn so precisely and yet we come to understand that they are a random family, or a chosen family, or a shoplifted family. When their fabric is finally torn apart, we know that their blood families and their future families will be so much less than what they created before. The film is full of beautiful metaphors, not the least, the insistence that food be part of nearly every scene. The importance of food as nourishment and love and pleasure is shown in glorious ways, least of all a wet, sticky scene in the middle of summer where two of the characters slurp down cold noodles only to end up in a long forgotten sexual embrace."


LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Home on the Range (2004) in Movies

Mar 12, 2021 (Updated Jul 4, 2021)  
Home on the Range (2004)
Home on the Range (2004)
2004 | Animation, Family, Musical
Worthless, if this is what murdered the prospect of more hand-drawn 2D animated films from Disney then you know what... that was a fair reaction. No contest one of the most obnoxious movies they've ever put out - it's hard to believe that the most powerful entertainment juggernaut of today was putting out the equivalent of 4th party direct-to-dvd misfires as their major year releases just 15 or so years ago. I mean fuck this is somehow worse than their live action remakes... the shot at a more traditional 2D movie is noble but it's handled with zero clarity and the attempts at 3D/2.5D are dire - so the entire thing looks repugnant, *real* violently butt-ugly shit. Don Bluth was already doing this stuff colossally better half a decade before with the aesthetically glorious 𝘛𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘯 𝘈.𝘌. but you all let that bomb and this make money. Roseanne Barr's phoned in voice acting is somehow still more tolerable than Cuba Gooding Jr's objectionable Chris Rock impersonation. Lame, inauthentic "old west" tropes smeared carelessly onto an empty script full of platitudes. My least favorite kind of movie, and the food puns make me want to die.

Antonio Banderas recommended 8 1/2 (1963) in Movies (curated)

8 1/2 (1963)
8 1/2 (1963)
1963 | International, Comedy, Drama
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Why? Well, I think it’s an act of freedom, the whole entire movie, practically. They didn’t have a script. In 1962, which is the year when the movie was shot, I thought it was unbelievable that somebody would just go into an experiment like that. It’s still a very experimental movie, very emotional in a way. I like what he says about the human spirit and creation; in a way, crisis of a man confronting life, his past, his present and his future in a very formal way. I mean formal in terms of format, how the movie was told, not only in the content of the movie, which is amazing. Also in the way that he decided to just do it absolutely free, inventing new rules for telling a story and not going in a traditional way. I thought it was the masterpiece of Federico Fellini that most attracted me; I feel very proud that I know [what it’s like for] a guy like Federico Fellini, who got the balls to just jump into such believable, reflections of mirrors, you know, inside the movie."
