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Book #2 in the WISE Enquiries Agency series

When Henry, a Welsh Duke, decides to be married, there are a myriad of traditions that he is expected to uphold. One such tradition involves Morris Dancers leading the happy couple through town from the church back to the family’s estate. After one of the dancers vanishes, the WISE Enquiry Agency is hired to look into the matter.

I really enjoyed the team of women doing the investigating in this story. Their distinct personalities work well together, as each has her own strengths to bring to the group. That and the Welsh countryside as the setting made this a very enjoyable read for me.

Visit <a href="">my blog</a> for a guest post from Cathy Ace explaining just what Morris Dancing is!

<i>I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy.</i>

Merissa (11765 KP) rated A Double Sacrifice in Books

Dec 17, 2018 (Updated May 31, 2023)  
A Double Sacrifice
A Double Sacrifice
Jaxx Steele | 2016 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a novella that tells the story of an African tribe, their origins and traditions, and how that affects the first pair of fraternal twins born to the ruling line. It was always assumed that it would be the princess who would mate and live with the water god. However, this time, it is not the princess who is receiving the dreams, but her brother.

This story is based over a couple of weeks, but you still manage to be given all the information needed in a good way. There is no info dump here. Well written and with no editing or grammatical errors that I found, this was a short but steamy read that came to a satisfying conclusion. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 22, 2016
With a couple of weeks to go before Christmas, Maggie should be focusing on getting into the Christmas spirit. However, she’s just learned that a businessman is trying to take over her family’s bed and breakfast built on their family’s plantation. When he turns up dead, naturally, they are all suspects, and Maggie begins to try to figure out what really happened. With a list of suspects that only grows, can Maggie find the killer?

We are getting quite a nice community in this series, and I was glad to revisit Maggie and her friends and family. The characters only grow stronger here and some relationships take surprising turns. The mystery is strong and kept me guessing until the end, and sub-plots compliment the mystery and enhance the characters. Throw in some Louisiana recipes and Christmas traditions and you’ve got a holiday winner.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Charlotte (184 KP) rated Hiraeth in Books

May 7, 2021  
Morgan Sheppard | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Morgan Sheppard has once again created a place in which I'd love to exist.

    Hiraeth has everything I need in the genre......dragons, books, gorgeous landscapes and a love interest 😉

I love that this is a 'clean' read, no uncomfortable descriptions of sex or violence. Well written as always, with history and legends woven all the way through......the kind that inspires your imagination.

For the second time I've been left wanting to work in or own my own book shop.....maybe one day.
    The description of Wales, its beauty, traditions and lovely people really makes me want to go there and experience the country for myself.

Character wise, there's just the right amount of character depth, not so much that you drown in it but not so little that you can't imagine their personalities.
    Hiraeth is for anyone who has a love of dragons, the outdoors and a belief in finding a place to belong. I would highly recommend for an afternoon read with a picnic and cheeky tipple 😉.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Oct 10, 2021 (Updated Oct 10, 2021)  
Author Cynthia Leal Massey visits my blog to talk about her Texas history book WHAT LIES BENEATH: TEXAS PIONEER CEMETERIES AND GRAVEYARDS. Be sure to enter the giveaway to win an autographed copy of the book - three winners!

Texas, the second largest state, both in land mass and population, has more than 50,000 burial grounds. As the final resting places of those whose earthly journey has ended, they are also repositories of valuable cultural history. Pioneer cemeteries provide a wealth of information on the people who settled Texas during its years as a Republic (1836-1845), and after it became the 28th state in 1845.
In What Lies Beneath: Texas Pioneer Cemeteries and Graveyards, Cynthia Leal Massey exhumes the stories of these pioneers, revealing the fascinating truth behind the earliest graveyards in the Lone Star State, including some of its most ancient. This guide also provides descriptions of headstone features and symbols and demystifies the burial traditions of early Texas pioneers and settlers.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Devil Aspect in Books

Jan 27, 2019  
The Devil Aspect
The Devil Aspect
Craig Russell | 2019 | Crime, History & Politics, Thriller
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hmmm ... this is a difficult one for me to review because I loved the story, the characters, the setting, the time and the writing style but thought it a little drawn out and it dragged on a little too much for me BUT please do not let me put you off, I appear to be in the minority as this has had a lot of praise and 5 star reviews and it will definitely be perfect for people who want to have a lot of information to enable them to become totally immersed in a story; clearly the author has done a lot of research into the location, time period, culture, traditions and history and it certainly transported me there but I felt a little bogged down by it all at times which did detract from my overall experience.

Overall, although not a book that I find myself gushing about, it was mostly enjoyable and one which I definitely feel would transfer well onto the big screen.

Thank you to Little, Brown Book Group UK, via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review.

Michael Korda recommended Tunes of Glory (1960) in Movies (curated)

Tunes of Glory (1960)
Tunes of Glory (1960)
1960 | International, Classics, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"A fierce elegy to Britain’s past glories, this is a film to see again and again, if only because of Alec Guinness’s bold and vivid portrait of a rapidly tarnishing military hero. I am attached to it because I spent some of my two years’ service in the Royal Air Force at the Joint Services School for Linguists in Bodmin, Cornwall, not only with Navy and Royal Marines types but with soldiers from the endless list of British Army regiments, each with its fiercely prized individual identity, history, peculiarities of uniform, and traditions. No soldiers were more clanny or inbred than those of the fabled Scottish (kilted) Highland regiments, like the Black Watch, the Argyll & Sutherlands, or the Cameronians. The regiment in Tunes of Glory is like one of those, a small, enclosed world, and in it the rivalry between the brash and heroic young colonel and his replacement leads to a sad and messy tragedy. It is one of those brilliant “little” films that almost reaches greatness, and it remains, along with The Hill and Zulu, one of the iconic films about the British Army."

The Astonishing Color of After
The Astonishing Color of After
Emily X.R. Pan | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Evocative descriptions (1 more)
Good characters
Just WOW. The Astonishing Color of After is about a teenage girl, an artist, dealing with her mother's depression and ensuing suicide. Part of what makes the book so fascinating is Leigh's constant description of colors. She uses color as shorthand for emotions - her grandmother might have a vermilion expression on her face, or she might be feeling very orange while staring at her mother's coffin at the funeral. Between colors-as-feelings and her insomnia-induced hallucinations (or magic - the book is deliberately, I think, noncommittal on whether some things only happen in her head or not) the entire book feels a little surrealistic. But grief and mourning DO feel surrealistic. The book is amazingly evocative and emotional and I absolutely adore it. This, along with City of Brass and Children of Blood and Bone, are definitely on my Best of 2018 list.

As an added bonus, the author is the American child of Taiwanese immigrants herself. So all the ghost traditions and folklore from Leigh's journey to Taiwan are from her ancestry as well.

This book was gorgeous. It may need a trigger warning for depression and suicide. If you can handle those themes, read it.

You can find all my reviews at
A World Full of Animal Stories: 50 favourite animal folk tales, myths and legends by Angela McAllister is a beautiful and interesting book of folktales and legends that celebrate animals and culture. These stories are brought to life as the reader travels the globe to Africa, Asia, North and South America, Europe, Australia and Oceania.

It is a book full of cultural stories, with strong messages and wonderful illustrations. Familiar stories such as The Billy Goats Gruff, The Nightingale, and The Ugly Duckling are in the book so the reader will learn where those stories came from. In the contents guide it has each of the stories listed under the continent they belong to, with the country that relates to the story in brackets next to its title, which is useful for finding a specific story or learning about a certain region.

The stories are not long, which makes it perfect for bedtime stories. One story a night will give your child something to think and talk about. This would also would be great for the classroom, particularly when learning about different cultural stories and traditions.

I received an ARC of A World Full of Animal Stories from NetGalley via Quarto Publishing Group and Frances Lincoln Childrens. 

Ian Anderson recommended Swingin' Machine by Mose Allison in Music (curated)

Swingin&#039; Machine by Mose Allison
Swingin' Machine by Mose Allison
1963 | Jazz
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Many of our generation of white, British, middle-class musicians who went to art college all knew about Mose Allison from ‘Parchman Farm’ and one or two other songs in the early Sixties that had been done by British R&B bands. So I knew a little bit about him but I suppose like many people, assumed he was a black guy. He turned out to be a Mississippi white guy with pasty legs and an obvious understanding of jazz and its traditions. He did most of his work in a piano trio with a bass player and a drummer, and he sang in this very laconic and down-home way. I wouldn’t say his songs never touched on romantic lyrics but they were often about stuff. About real life – that’s what gave him credibility and a high level of authenticity, because you knew this wasn’t a guy making it up, this was a guy who had lived the things he sang about. I, like many people of my generation, was struck by his work. The Who recorded at least one of his songs. I expect today there are a few younger musicians who will know about Mose Allison in the same way they will know about Roy Harper."
