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Merissa (11731 KP) rated Grayality in Books

Oct 4, 2022  
Carey PW | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A story full of emotions, both good and bad
GRAYALITY is a book full of emotions, both good and bad. Pate is a trans-man who likes the on-and-off again girlfriend of the local bully, and Oakley, his best friend, thinks he is straight until he meets Sadie at a drag-queen show. Their new start in a small country town just got more complicated.

There are words of wisdom in here, spoken between the two best friends, or their new friends. However, there is also a lot of country stereotypical behaviour that may or may not be exaggerated.

I loved seeing Pate and Oak go through their relationships, although I can honestly say I couldn't stand Maybelle from the beginning. Oak is the one who had to change his thinking the most and is also the one who suffered the most, I would say. Pate is the one who physically paid for being who he is.

This was a great story that I thoroughly enjoyed. It is emotional and almost tangible in what our young friends go through. A brilliant read that I highly recommend.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Us Against the World (Roseden U #1) in Books

Feb 1, 2022 (Updated Jul 3, 2023)  
Us Against the World (Roseden U #1)
Us Against the World (Roseden U #1)
Shayne Prescott | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
US AGAINST THE WORLD is the first book in the Roseden U series and we start off with Theo and Owen.

Theo is trans and has had his own problems dealing with people who don't understand what that means and is so only starting his time at Roseden for the Fall Term. Owen is a Junior and on the Lacrosse team. These two meet when Theo goes to the bookshop for his school supplies.

I loved these two. So perfect for each other. Shy and strong, both of them fully prepared to communicate so there are no stupid misunderstandings. They are fully supported by a great cast too - Harv, Brent, Misha... I'm hoping we see more of them, especially Harv as it seems he has a story to tell.

This story was perfectly paced, with no slumps, just a continuous flow that kept the story moving. The problems were well written and not blown out of proportion, which gave them the gravitas they deserved.

A brilliant start to a new series I'm looking forward to continuing. Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 1, 2022

MelanieTheresa (997 KP) rated Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist in TV

Mar 10, 2020 (Updated Mar 10, 2020)  
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist
2020 | Comedy, Musical
8.6 (5 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Surprisingly delightful!
Though I have loved musical TV shows in the past (Glee, Smash, etc.), I was very iffy about this show when I first heard about it, was still iffy as I was getting ready to record the first episode on my DVR. I've now watched 5 episodes, and I'm so glad I gave it a chance. It's completely different from everything else I'm currently watching - refreshingly so.

However, this is no lighthearted comedic musical show. No, this show hits you right in the heart with some absolutely gut-wrenching emotional numbers. They deal with some very heavy subject matter (suicide, debilitating neurological disease, depression) in a beautiful way, and I have found myself tearing up more than once in the first 5 episodes. The first time Zoey's dad sings to her? BAWLING. 😭

The beauty of this show, though, is in the switch from emotional/sad to happy/fun and back again. You know the songs. The humor is spot-on and will make you literally laugh out loud at times. The actors are all terrific, particularly Lauren Graham and Peter Gallagher - and I'll admit I don't think I knew that either one of them could sing prior to this. Jane Levy is adorable and the perfect actress for this role. Alex Newell, as Zoey's trans neighbor, Mo, is simultaneously hilarious and inspiring.

I truly hope NBC renews this show. I'm in for the long haul. 🎵

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Full Moon in Leo in Books

Dec 15, 2020 (Updated Aug 8, 2023)  
Full Moon in Leo
Full Moon in Leo
Brooklyn Ray | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
FULL MOON IN LEO is a standalone novel with the potential to become a series if the other characters speak up. In this story, we meet with Cole, a guy who's done time but for all good reasons (once you actually find out what they are), and Jesse, a trans guy who prefers they/them pronouns, who runs a charming apothecary in Jewel.

Cole has trust issues and is constantly fighting with his family. The only one he doesn't is his aunt, which is how he ends up in Jewel. There, he meets old friends and new and falls - quite literally - for Jesse. Jesse is on the spectrum and very rarely allows himself to like anyone, but Cole gets under his skin in a good way.

The apothecary setting for this novel is great, but you don't really see much more than that, just general descriptions. The pacing is good for the most part but can feel both slow and rushed in places. I would love to know more about Tara and Monica, both of whom have more than a few rough edges.

On the whole, this was an enjoyable read with a seasonal theme. If that's what you're looking for, then I can definitely recommend this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 15, 2020
Detransition, Baby
Detransition, Baby
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A meandering but insightful look into the lives of an interconnected trio

Reese and Amy nearly had it all--a loving relationship, an apartment, and safety in each other: something extremely difficult for trans women to find. But that all changes when Amy decides to detransition and become Ames. Now Reese feels lost and alone, turning to her old patterns of sleeping with men who treat her poorly. And Ames isn't particularly happy either, though he's found a sort of comfort in his relationship with his boss, Katrina. But when Katrina discovers she's pregnant--with Ames' child--Ames is forced to confront a lot of his fears about masculinity and fatherhood. He also wonders if it's a chance for family. Reese has always longed for a baby; could he, Reese, and Katrina raise this child together?

"Somewhere, somehow, Amy did the impossible. She got herself a baby."

I love that this diverse book was my 300th read for Netgalley. I love love love that there is a story about trans women being celebrated and heralded on "must read" lists. I enjoyed so much about this book. Reese and Amy are detailed and realistic characters who--to me at least--did not seem stereotypical or one-dimensional. I felt like I learned so much reading their raw, emotional, and lovely story.

The tale of Ames becoming a parent--and wanting to involve Reese--was an interesting and dynamic one for me. I could completely understand Reese's longing for motherhood and how she felt on the outside looking in. This part of the book was original and fascinating. Pieces of the story were utterly hilarious, despite some of the serious subject matter. There is a chapter where Reese attends an essential oils party with Katrina and other straight/cis women that made me laugh out loud. Peters captures her voice so perfectly. There's a vulnerability and realness to Reese that makes her a captivating character from the start.

"Reese had already diagnosed her own problem. She didn't know how to be alone. She fled from her own company, from her own solitude."

The hardest part for me about this book had nothing to do with its subject matter (if that's a problem for you, you're the problem), but the fact that it veers between the past and the present, going on tangents about Reese and Amy's past. Sometimes it seemed like it just needed a strong edit, with someone willing to strike about half of those passages. Or perhaps I just wanted to get on with the present, the impending baby, and Reese, Katrina, and Ames' story. I'm not sure. But I was nearly compelled to skim some of these long passages. It was just a lot. And then, after all that, the book just sort of ended, to me, without much resolution, and I felt a bit betrayed.

Still, do not get me wrong. This is an excellent and important story, and more such stories like this need to be told. I definitely recommend it, and I bet any forthcoming books from Peters will only get better and better. 3.5

Merissa (11731 KP) rated All Boy in Books

Jul 15, 2019  
All Boy
All Boy
Mia Kerick | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
All Boy by Mia Kerick
All Boy is about two teenagers who both have issues and pasts to deal with. Callie wanted to start anew after an experience at her school. She is not very keen on giving her trust, and also allows herself to fall back into old habits, just to make life easier. Jayden is living on a knife's edge, always afraid that someone will find out his secret.

These two were excellent characters, so rich and full of emotion. They were absolutely perfect for each other, and I loved how they balanced each other out. For Callie and Jayden, they had the best back-up team ever invented in Lauren and Willy. What a cast of characters! Of course, not every character is likeable, and there is one in particular who I took a dislike to (just as I was meant to). For me though, it was Lauren's words of wisdom that made me appreciate her more than I had done up to that point.

For all this is fiction, I am sure it only scratches the surface of what trans-men actually go through. It is a raw, heart-rending story, that will break you down, and build you up again. An eye-opener in so many ways, this is a gritty story filled with hope. I was gripped from the very beginning, and I hope for a HEA for Callie and Jayden. After all, #LoveIsLove.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Femlandia in Books

Oct 19, 2021  
Christina Dalcher | 2021 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Femlandia was an enjoyable, if rather frustrating read. The end of civilisation doesn’t come from a killer virus, zombies or climate disaster, but instead is caused by a total economic collapse. The world (particularly the USA) goes broke. Food becomes prohibitively expensive, services are shut off, people are made homeless: it’s every man/ woman for themselves. Except, as is often the case in these circumstances, it’s the women and children who suffer the most.

Miranda Reynolds is left to fend for herself and her teenage daughter when her husband literally drives himself off a cliff. She realises her only safe space is with the mother she hasn’t spoken to in a very long time, and the community that she has set up: Femlandia. It’s her last resort.

Now, if I were Miranda, I wouldn’t have prevaricated for so long - I would have turned up on Femlandia’s doorstep pretty fast. This is regardless of the fact that it’s nothing like the safe haven it has always sold itself as.

As I’ve said, this frustrated and gripped me in equal measure. There are plenty of things in this, that as a feminist, made my toes curl. But let’s face it: who wants to read a dystopian novel where everything is lovely, there are no problems, and everyone lives happily ever after? That’s like NO dystopia I’ve ever read about!

This looks at human nature in all it’s glory and ignominy. It looks at some uncomfortable subjects: abuse, control and prejudice (especially misandry and anti-trans). But do you know what? I raced through this, it gave me a lot to think about, and I think it’s well worth a read.
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture
Roxane Gay | 2018 | Gender Studies, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is an important book.
This is such an important book. Most of the contributions are from women who have experienced sexual assault, but there are contributions from men, and trans women as well. Some are terrible, life changing stories, some are stories of numerous occurrences that chip away at the writers self confidence and feelings of safety. Actually, the upshot is that a vast majority of women do not feel safe anymore.
As I began reading this, I thought that I was one of the lucky that had never experienced any of these things, but as I read on, I realised that I actually had. I think that the cat-calling, touching and looks are something that we don't so much expect as that we are just used to them. The fact that in my younger years I was very outspoken and told someone who touched me to keep their hands to themselves, or told a commenter to keep their mouths shut, probably meant that I was more lucky than effective when they backed down or apologised. And I also think that British culture was very different 20 years ago, as was I.
What saddens me, is that the people who should really read this probably won't. And if they do, they'll probably brush it off as women who exaggerate or are out to attack men, are men haters. But these are all genuine experiences. This isn't fiction. It's heart breaking, raw and something that shouldn't have any place in our modern world. I've never understood the need of some people to control, manipulate and hurt others, but I think I'm probably naive. Or hopeful, perhaps. Somehow, we need to stop this cycle of abuse and hurt, and until then, stories like this will continue.
Horror Express (1972)
Horror Express (1972)
1972 | Horror, Sci-Fi
7.3 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Christopher Lee (1 more)
Peter Cushing
The Terror Express
Horror Express- is a great movie. The horror, the terror, the gory, the acting, all great.

The plot: Alexander Saxton (Christopher Lee), a brilliant British anthropologist researching in the Russian Far East, boards the Trans-Siberian Express with his latest discovery, a frozen specimen he hopes to prove is the missing link. But en route to Europe, passengers begin to turn up dead, and terror engulfs the train as Saxton and his partner, Dr. Wells (Peter Cushing), struggle to contain a mysterious -- and increasingly murderous -- force with the power to control minds.

According to Martin, the film was made because a producer obtained a train set from Nicholas and Alexandra (1971). "He came up with the idea of writing a script just so he would be able to use this prop," said Martin. "Now at that time, Phil was in the habit of buying up loads of short stories to adapt into screenplays, and the story for Horror Express was originally based on a tale written by a little-known American scriptwriter and playwright."

Securing Lee and Cushing was a coup for Gordon, since it lent an atmosphere reminiscent of Hammer Films, many of which starred both of the actors. When Cushing arrived in Madrid to begin work on the picture, however, he was still distraught over the recent death of his wife, and announced to Gordon that he could not do the film. With Gordon desperate over the idea of losing one of his important stars, Lee stepped in and put Cushing at ease simply by talking to his old friend about some of their previous work together. Cushing changed his mind and stayed on.

Its a great movie.

Adam Ant recommended Man-Machine by Kraftwerk in Music (curated)

Man-Machine by Kraftwerk
Man-Machine by Kraftwerk
1978 | Dance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"We used to do loads of gigs in Western Europe during the punk days because nobody really wanted us in London. But we were getting invites to go to Belgium and West Germany and Berlin. We went on the Trans Europe Express to go to Berlin once and this was the perfect record to listen to doing that. The way they sing and the whole Man Machine idea – they totally pulled it off. They were so ahead of the game. And when you listen to very early Human League – 'Being Boiled' and all that – you can hear the influence it had on them. I was never really interested in that synth sound for the Ants. I was more into their graphics. I used to design handbills and A4s and there was a couple of robotic themes on that. Musically that was being catered for by the Human League, who I thought were great right at the start. It was the mystery that surrounded Kraftwerk that I was into. We were in Dusseldorf once and we went looking for the Kling Klang studio, but we couldn't find it. Apparently it was just an office anyway. I loved that phonetically pronounced European vocal. It was almost like he read it off of one of those machines that tell you how to pronounce things. But it always had a really human feel. I think people often overlook their sense of humour. When we were in Australia in '81, they were touring too. And we were stood outside our hotel and they were all there – I seem to remember they were wearing white coats and they were all going cycling together. There was a real personality behind them. Kraftwerk were trying to break away from that whole post-war vibe in Germany and Dusseldorf was quite a modern city. Visiting the places where the music came from has made the records even more precious to me because it reminds me of the time."
